Fakultet for naturvitenskap og teknologi
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Evidence in the Air - Exploring the Implementation and Experiences with Evidence-Based Training in Scandinavia
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-11-01)This thesis investigates the adoption of Evidence-Based Training (EBT) across the Scandinavian aviation sector, focusing on the voluntary implementation under European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) regulations. It examines the perceptions and experiences of Scandinavian aviation operators with EBT, highlighting the factors that influence their decisions to adopt or reject the innovative training ... -
Investigation of Multilayers in Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes
(Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2025-02-21)<p>Understanding the influence of the Sun and space on the Earth's atmosphere is of current interest, as it may be valuable in the context of global climate change research. Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes (PMSE) are phenomenona that rely on the presence of ice particles, offering insights into the mesosphere's temperature and water vapor content. This thesis aimed to investigate PMSE in the upper ... -
The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean Version 5.0
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-21)Knowledge about seafloor depth, or bathymetry, is crucial for various marine activities, including scientific research, offshore industry, safety of navigation, and ocean exploration. Mapping the central Arctic Ocean is challenging due to the presence of perennial sea ice, which limits data collection to icebreakers, submarines, and drifting ice stations. The International Bathymetric Chart of the ... -
Norwegian Sea Oceanic Basin and Prograded Margins Composite Tectono-Sedimentary Element
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-05-01)The Norwegian Sea oceanic basins and prograded margins have developed since NE Atlantic break-up in the earliest Eocene. Significant amounts of sediments were fed to the regionally subsiding and widening Norwegian Sea during the Cenozoic as a result of several phases of uplift and erosion of the bounding shelves and their hinterland. Despite an overall passive-margin evolution, the area experienced ... -
Gas-phase thorium molecules from laser ablation
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-26)Laser ablation is performed on an oxidized, roughly 35-year-old <sup>232</sup>Th foil. The produced anionic and cationic molecules are investigated utilizing precision mass measurements by a multireflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Molecules with up to three thorium atoms are identified. This includes oxides Th<sub>n</sub>O+ x containing up to 2n −1oxygenatomsandfurtherspeciesincorporating ... -
Local-Scale Advanced Ship Predictor towards Enhanced Maritime Situation Awareness
(Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2025-02-18)With the introduction of autonomous and remotely-controlled ships, close vessel encounter can be associated with higher risk of collision or near-miss scenarios. To avoid these possible incidents, a higher level of situation awareness is required to support the respective decision-making process in maritime navigation. Advanced Ship Predictors (ASPs) are thus proposed to be a solution framework to ... -
Devonian–Mississippian magmatism related to extensional collapse in Svalbard: implications for radiating dyke swarms
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-12)Background - Despite extensive studies of the Mesozoic–Cenozoic magmatic history of Svalbard, little has been done on the Paleozoic magmatism due to fewer available outcrops.<p> <p>Methods - 2D seismic reflection data were used to study magmatic intrusions in the subsurface of eastern Svalbard. Results This work presents seismic evidence for west-dipping, Middle Devonian–Mississippian sills in ... -
An Arctic analogue for the future exploration of possible biosignatures on Enceladus
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-01-23)Methane-rich emissions to the seafloor along the Arctic mid-oceanic ridge hold strong astrobiological significance, as they may represent analogues of putative hydrothermal vent environments on Enceladus. Although such environments on Enceladus would be ideal to sample in future astrobiological missions, this may not be possible due to technological and logistical limitations. As such, searching for ... -
NLPOps: A Case Study on Automation and Integration of Norwegian Medical Entity Recognition Model in Clinical Environment.
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-11-19)Integrating Machine Learning (ML) models into healthcare system, especially by Natural Language Processing (NLP), holds tremendous potential for improving hospital workflows and patient outcomes. This thesis presents the challenges and deployment of an NLP model, Automated Medical Entity Recognition (AMER), designed to extract medical entities from clinical text, within in cloud-based Machine Learning ... -
Advancing <sup>19</sup>F NMR Prediction of Metal-Fluoride Complexes in Solution: Insights from Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-03)<sup>19</sup>F NMR parameters are versatile probes for studying metal-fluoride complexes. Quantum chemical calculations of <sup>19</sup>F NMR chemical shifts enhance the accuracy and validity of the resonance signal assignments in complex spectra. However, the treatment of solvation effects in these calculations remains challenging. In this study, we establish a successful computational protocol ... -
Agent-based modeling: Insights into consumer behavior, urban dynamics, grid management, and market interactions
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-01-03)A future sustainable energy system is expected to be digital, de-central, de-carbonized, and democratized. As the transition unfolds, new and diverse actors of various sizes will emerge in different segments. Thereby, the future energy system could shift its attention to the actors’ behavior than finding an optimum based on the physical system. Agent based modeling tools can reflect decisions from ... -
Development of a Multi-angle Illumination Microscope for 3D Refractive Index Reconstruction
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-12-17)This thesis presents the design,implementation,and evaluation of a multi-angle illumination micro- scope tailored for 3D refractive index (ri) reconstruction using the Multi-Slice Beam Propagation (msbp) method. The system combines custom-built hardware, including precision-aligned optical components and motorized kinematic mirrors, with computational algorithms developed in Python toachievehi ... -
Numerical simulations of coherent blob-like filaments in magnetized plasmas
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-12-16)In a world more and more dependent on new and effective energy sources, the introduction of fusion power could prove invaluable. Magnetic confinement of plasma has proved to be difficult, and the curvature of the magnetic field lines in tokamaks give rise to charge polarization at the boundary of the fusion devices leading to cross-field transport. Experiments has shown that the dominating transport ... -
Introducing Glycemic Index to Blood Glucose Simulations and its effect on Food Recommendation Systems
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-12-02)The availability of In-Silco blood glucose simulators that accurately depict all aspects of Diabetes Mellitus patient’s daily life is crucial for the development of safe and effective new treatment technologies. Current state of the art simulators focus on modeling a meal’s effect on the glucose-insulin system solely based on the quantity of carbohydrates consumed. However not only the quantity of ... -
Giant pit craters on the modern seafloor above magma-induced hydrothermal vent complexes of Scotia Sea, offshore Antarctica
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-01-24)Massive injection of <sup>13</sup>C depleted carbon to the ocean and atmosphere coincided with major environmental upheaval multiple times in the geological record. For several events, the source of carbon has been attributed to explosive venting of gas produced when magmatic sills intruded organic-rich sediment. The concept mostly derives from studies of a few ancient sedimentary basins with numerous ... -
Sanctuary for vulnerable Arctic species at the Borealis Mud Volcano
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-01-27)Borealis is a recently discovered submerged mud volcano in the Polar North Atlantic, differing from the numerous methane seepages previously identified in the region. Here we show in situ observations from a remotely operated vehicle (ROV), capturing the release of warm (11.5 °C) Neogene sediments and methane-rich fluids from a gryphon at Borealis. The surrounding seafloor within the mud volcano ... -
Enhancing assessment of direct and indirect exposure of settlement-transportation systems to mass movements by intergraph representation learning
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-14)Amidst the intensifying extreme rainfall patterns due to climate change, global early warning systems for mass movements (e.g. landslides, avalanches) need to provide not only the coarsely aggregated danger reports, but also the necessary fine details to understand its potential implications on critical infrastructures such as transportation systems. In this study, we introduce a novel ‘intergraph’ ... -
Measuring societal safety: An analysis of societal safety-related composite indices and their alignment with the Norwegian understanding of societal safety
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-11-23)The global society is shaped by the continous emerge of new technologies and increased globalization which makes the world more interconnected. This affects the ways in which risks can impact, and alters the global state of societal safety. The effects of climate induced events and conflicts can have impacts sporadically, and one must therefore adapt to the new risk pathways. By analyzing societal ... -
Nature of the continental lithosphere beneath NW Spitsbergen: A petrological and geochemical study mantle-derived peridotite xenoliths
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-12-15)The youngest volcanic event known from Svalbard is represented by the Bockfjorden Volcanic Complex, located northwest on Spitsbergen at the passive continental margin. Mantle-derived xenoliths from Bockfjorden Volcanic Complex provide petrological insight to the mantle conditions beneath Svalbard, the northwestern extremity of the Eurasian lithospheric plate. New methods are available for pressure ... -
Rhenium-Sulfido and -Dithiolato Corroles: Reflections on Chalcophilicity
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-16)he high-temperature (∼180 °C) reaction between free-base mesotriarylcorroles and Re<sub>2</sub>(CO)<sub>10</sub>, followed by exposure to PCl3 and thiols (or elemental sulfur), affords rhenium-sulfido (ReS) corroles in 67−76% yields. The use of shorter reaction times, lower temperatures (∼130 °C), and a dithiol (e.g., ethane-1,2-dithiol) also allows the isolation of rhenium-dithiolato corroles, ...