Recent additions

  • Site specific avalanche warning for settlements in Northern Norway: Twenty years of the Northern Norway Avalanche Surveillance Program 

    Jaedicke, Christian; Sandersen, Frode; Elvevold, Arnulf; Fjukstad, Bård; Bakkehøi, Steinar; Hestnes, Erik; Sjøli, Anette; Elvestad, Per; Karlsen, Karin; Haugen, Gjermund Mamen; Grønaas Størseth, Hilde; Sørensen, Jan Hugo; Vigstad, Hege; Solvang, Helene; Weenås Vevik, Kim; Schjelderup, Ronny; Lie, Leikny Bakke; Gauer, Peter; Gisnås, Kjersti Gleditsch; Skuset, Sunniva; Gilbert, Graham; Hancock, Holt John; Kleiven, Anders; Morken, Elise (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-09)
    Northern Norway experienced an intensely snow rich winter in 1997 when settled snow heights reached a record 240 cm at the weather station in Tromsø on April 29th. Numerous avalanches, settlement evacuations, and two fatalities in a destroyed house in the settlement of Breivikeidet left the public exhausted at the end of the winter. The chaotic response to avalanche events during the season demonstrated ...
  • Evidence in the Air - Exploring the Implementation and Experiences with Evidence-Based Training in Scandinavia 

    Madsen, Henrik Tams (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-11-01)
    This thesis investigates the adoption of Evidence-Based Training (EBT) across the Scandinavian aviation sector, focusing on the voluntary implementation under European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) regulations. It examines the perceptions and experiences of Scandinavian aviation operators with EBT, highlighting the factors that influence their decisions to adopt or reject the innovative training ...
  • Measuring societal safety: An analysis of societal safety-related composite indices and their alignment with the Norwegian understanding of societal safety 

    Dahl, Joakim Broks (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-11-23)
    The global society is shaped by the continous emerge of new technologies and increased globalization which makes the world more interconnected. This affects the ways in which risks can impact, and alters the global state of societal safety. The effects of climate induced events and conflicts can have impacts sporadically, and one must therefore adapt to the new risk pathways. By analyzing societal ...
  • A sustainable way to prevent oral diseases caused by heavy metals with phytoremediation 

    Nouri Qarahassanlou, Ali; Pouresmaieli, Mahdi; Salehi, Sana (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-01-19)
    Sustainability, food security, and human health. This study builds on previous research [1] and explores the role of phytoremediation, a plant-based, eco-friendly strategy in mitigating heavy metal pollution to achieve Sus tainable Development Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being) while addressing its lesser-known implications for oral and dental health. Through an analysis of seven key metals ...
  • Marine activities in deep water and harsh weather conditions 

    Gudmestad, Ove Tobias (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2024-11)
    Objective of presentation:<uli> <li>Of particular concern is the difference between short-term activities, which can be conducted within a good weather forecast period, and activities that take longer time, or may be regarded as a permanent activity. </li> <li>First, a discussion of short-term marine activities will be given, emphasizing aspects specifically related to deep water, such as the ...
  • Marine and Maritime Inventions and Innovations 

    Gudmestad, Ove Tobias (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2024-11-27)
    Content: <ol> <li>Marine and maritime inventions and innovations</li> <li>An invention</li> <li>From invention to a product</li> <li>From an innovation to a product</li> <li>Specific considerations</li> <li>Examples</li> <li>Questions</li> </ol>
  • Undervisningsmateriale i Kaldt Klima Teknologi for Maritim Næring. En statusrapport vedrørende utarbeidelse av nytt kursmateriell 

    Gudmestad, Ove Tobias (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2024-11-28)
    Behov for prosjektet:<p> <p>❑ Behov for å modernisere undervisningsopplegget for maritim næring i nord. <p> <p>❑ Vi foreslo at en serie med kurs gjøres tilgjengelig for våre studenter og for næringsaktører. <p> <p>❑ Kursoppleggene vil også kunne deles med andre som driver undervisning for maritim næring.
  • Static and dynamic stability of a polar ship in the arctic region with ice accumulation 

    Qi, Jiangzhang; Wei, Chai; Sinsabvarodom, Chana; Cui, Meng; Dou, Xiaoliang; Zhu, Tiantian; Ji, Shunying (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-01-04)
    The harsh and complex marine environment of the Arctic region poses significant challenges for polar ships, particularly in cases where ice accumulates on ship surfaces, which can severely influence vessel stability. This study presents a comprehensive analysis of both static and dynamic stability for a polar ship subjected to ice accumulation, a topic of critical scientific importance and engineering ...
  • The professional profile of the remote operator. 

    Plawenn-Salvini, Clemens; Gudmestad, Ove Tobias (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2024-11)
    The need for experienced nautical officers is imminent, the possibilities to work ashore which requires their expertise are plentiful. Now, a new maritime profession is emerging, the remote operator. Again, we require mariners to take that role, resulting in a further increase in the personnel shortage. It is time we consider an alternative to sate the need for qualified persons in the remote operation ...
  • Beyond the storm season: The polyrhythms of coastal hazardscapes on the Kū aotunu Peninsula 

    Staupe, Reidar; van Zandvoort, Kerstie; Bremer, Scott Ronald (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-17)
    In this paper, we develop an account of engaged practice of coastal conservation groups with seasonalities on the Coromandel Peninsula in New Zealand, focusing particularly on the polyrhythmicity of change in its coastal hazardscape. While the hazardousness of a place has often been considered in static terms, we wish here to draw attention to its complex temporalities and highly seasonal nature. ...
  • Marine Operations in the Norwegian Sea and the Ice-Free Part of the Barents Sea with Emphasis on Polar Low Pressures 

    Gudmestad, Ove Tobias (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-11-18)
    The Arctic Seas are attractive for shipping, fisheries, and other marine activities due to the abundant resources of the Arctic. The shrinking ice cover allows for the opening of activities in increasingly larger areas of the Arctic. This paper evaluates the possibility of executing all-year complex marine activities, here termed “marine operations”, in the Norwegian Sea and the icefree part of ...
  • Years matter: the role of memory and place attachment in remote Nordic areas facing natural hazards 

    Kokorsch, Matthias; Kongsager, Rico; Lie, Leikny Bakke; Baron, Nina; Eriksson, Kerstin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-05)
    Remembrance, commemoration, and specific dates play an important role in many societies and cultures. They can be about positively connotated events with societal impacts, such as reunifications or the gaining of independence, but also disastrous or other devastating events on a national or international scale. In disaster risk areas, there are various ways such events are addressed. While for some ...
  • A Bayesian network model for estimating the combined risk in Northeast Passage escort operations 

    Xu, Sheng; Kim, Ekaterina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-12-02)
    Escort and convoy operations are commonly employed and highly effective strategies in the Arctic, particularly when ship navigating independently becomes challenging due to adverse ice conditions. Nonetheless, these operations are also among the riskiest, given their potential to lead to collisions between ships and icebreakers, as well as ships besetting in ice. Consequently, a robust estimation ...
  • Remote Towers påvirkning på piloters beslutningsgrunnlag 

    Johnsen, Sofie Horn (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-31)
    Fjernstyrt koordinering av lufttrafikk er implementert og driftes idag på 11 lufthavner i Norge. Organisering av norsk luftfart tilknyttet kortbanenettet og den norske geografien har gjort uttesting av fjernstyrt teknologi egnet. Formålet med studiet er å belyse tematikken i et sikkerhetsperspektiv gjennom kobling mellom teknologi og menneske. Dette studiet omhandler fjernstyrt tårntjenestes påvirkning ...
  • The challenges of the increasing institutionalization of climate security 

    Hardt, Judith N.; Jayaram, Dhanasree; Harrington, Cameron; McLaren, Duncan; Simpson, Nicholas P.; Cook, Alistair D. B.; Oliveira, Maria Cecilia; von Lucke, Franziskus; Trombetta, Julia Maria; Daoudy, Marwa; Floyd, Rita; Oramah, Chinwe P; Anthony, Mely Caballero; Estève, Adrien (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-04-25)
    A rapid and widespread institutionalization of climate security is underway, led by powerful states and international organizations. Recognition of the climate crisis by security actors as a serious threat to humanity is long overdue, but it is imperative that this institutionalization is critically scrutinized. This commentary highlights specific dangers that accompany the institutional mainstreaming ...
  • Anticipating climate risk in Norwegian municipalities 

    Lie, Leikny Bakke; Lysgaard, Vilde; Sydnes, Are Kristoffer (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-11)
    Climate change is increasingly being coupled to extreme weather and climate events, with an observed increase in intensity and occurrence of climate-related events. Norway is no exception. Though generally considered quite resilient to climate risk, with favorable conditions for adapting on a national level, studies point to regional and local differences. Applying a mixed methods approach we ...
  • Singular Value Decomposition-based Multiple Model Approach towards Developing Digital Twin Applications in Ship Performance Prediction 

    Taghavi, Mahmood; Perera, Lokukaluge Prasad Channa (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
    Representing the entire operational range of an ocean-going vessel with linear equations is often a formidable task. In this research study, a datadriven localized model is presented for ship performance prediction as a part of the digital twin development. For this purpose, different operational conditions of the vessel, i.e., data clusters, are identified using the Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) ...
  • On Statistical Features of Ice Loads on Fixed and Floating Offshore Structures 

    Sinsabvarodom, Chana; Leira, Bernt Johan; Høyland, Knut Vilhelm; Næss, Arvid; Samardžija, Ilija; Chai, Wei; Komonjinda, Siramas; Chaichana, Chatchawan; Xu, Sheng (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-08-22)
    Apart from the mechanisms of ice structure interactions under various scenarios of sea ice conditions and structural configurations, the selection of probabilistic models is crucial in order to cope with the loading uncertainty. Sea ice is the primary contributor to design loads in cold regions. In many cases, ice loads present the highest magnitude. In recent years, the probabilistic study of ice ...
  • Predicting the Performance of Ensemble Classification Using Conditional Joint Probability 

    Murtza, Iqbal; Kim, Jin-Young; Adnan, Muhammad (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-08-21)
    In many machine learning applications, there are many scenarios when performance is not satisfactory by single classifiers. In this case, an ensemble classification is constructed using several weak base learners to achieve satisfactory performance. Unluckily, the construction of the ensemble classification is empirical, i.e., to try an ensemble classification and if performance is not ...
  • Flymedisinsk sertifisering av mental skikkethet 

    Rød, Maria (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-08-19)
    Denne studien handler om den rutinemessige flymedisinske kontrollundersøkelsen av mental skikkethet hos søkere til legeattest klasse 1. Flyleger har en viktig funksjon ved å være ansvarlig for å vurdere «flygeres flymedisinske skikkethet i lys av fremtidig funksjonssvikt under flygning» (Luftfartstilsynet, 2023c, s. 3). Flylegers funksjon og rammebetingelser for å praktisere flymedisin er definert ...

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