Viser treff 1-20 av 583

    • A multi-stage multi-criteria dynamic decision-making framework for fishing route planning and optimization 

      Zhu, Tiantian; Naseri, Masoud; Dhar, Sushmit (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      Fishing is a main activity in the Barents Sea. Improving fishing vessel trip planning is a feasible way to improve fishing efficiency, profitability, sustainability and at the same time reducing accidental risk from hazardous weather conditions and reducing environmental impact by reducing fuel consumption. Today, fishing trip planning and route optimization is all up to skippers`s experiences. ...
    • Development of an Environmental Impact Methodology for Arctic Ship- ping: Exploring FMEA and STPA applications considering a Dynamic (varying) Baseline 

      Stirpe, Giacomo; Gudmestad, Ove Tobias (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-09-19)
      Arctic shipping poses environmental risks due to the region's fragile ecosystems and rapid climate changes. Effective risk assessment tools are needed to ensure sustainable expansion and to carry out environmental impact assessments. This paper explores applications of Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Systems-Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) coupled with the consequences of a “Dynamic ...
    • Life Test and Modelling for Carbon Film Fixed Resistor under Escalated Voltage Stress 

      Yuan, Fuqing; Lu, Jinmei (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-09-23)
      The endurance of the electronic component under an overstress situation is important for the reliability and safety of electronic systems. Failure, and even catastrophic disaster, can occur when voltage overstress last a certain period. This article investigates the thermal and electrical change in resistors under overstressed voltage. The carbon film fixed resistor is taken as an example. Through ...
    • Parameter estimation for the weibull general log-linear model in accelerated life testing 

      Yuan, Fuqing; Lu, Jinmei (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025)
      Uncertainty is commonly present in accelerated life test (ALT) data. The combination of a general log-linear model with a statistical distribution model—using the Weibull distribution in this paper—allows for addressing both multiple operational factors and uncertainty within a single model. This paper interprets the Weibull General Log-Linear (WGLL) model from the ALT perspective. Two parameter ...
    • A Novel Device for Accurate Measurement of Spray Frequency and Duration using Capacitive Liquid Sensors in Marine Icing Estimation 

      Dhar, Sushmit; Naseri, Masoud; Zhu, Tiantian; Edvardsen, Kåre (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-16)
      Spray duration and frequency are essential parameters to consider when estimating ice accretion on marine structures. The existing expressions for these parameters are derived from limited data, given the challenges in field measurement and the absence of suitable techniques. This paper introduces a novel device utilizing capacitive sensors to accurately measure spray duration and frequency. The ...
    • Influence of sea ice on ship routes and speed along the Arctic Northeast Passage 

      Shu, Yaqing; Cui, Hailong; Song, Lan; Gan, Langxiong; Xu, Sheng; Wu, Jie; Zheng, Chunmiao (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-08-05)
      The accelerated melting of sea ice and the growing influx of ships in the Arctic pose significant challenges to navigational safety and the resilient development of the Arctic routes. This study aims to explore the influence of sea ice on ship routes and speed by analyzing the spatiotemporal correlation of Sea Ice Concentration (SIC), Sea Ice Thickness (SIT), Sea Ice Volume (SIV), and Automatic ...
    • Resiliente Lokalsamfunn i Troms. Betydningen av sosial kapital i håndtering av kriser 

      Øien, Anne (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-12-16)
      This thesis explores the role of social capital in enhancing resilience within small communities in Northern Norway, focusing on the municipalities of Bardu and Karlsøy. Employing a mixed-methods approach with a qualitative emphasis, the study examines how bonding, bridging, and linking social capital contribute to community resilience during different phases of crises: preparation, response, and ...
    • Samfunnsutfordringer som følge av manglende intervensjon: en kritisk analyse av «Responsibility to Protect» (R2P) i Myanmar 

      Moltzau, Rita (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-12-16)
      Denne oppgaven ser på samfunnsutfordringer som følge av manglende intervensjon. Det undersøkes hvordan doktrinen «Responsibility to Protect» (R2P) har sviktet i å beskytte rohingya-minoriteten i Myanmar. I 2017 ble over 700 000 rohingyar drevet på flukt fra sitt eget land og hjem, etter en mangeårig systematisk eksklusjonspolitikk fra myndighetene i Myanmar. Det som har skjedd, og fortsatt skjer, ...
    • Role of Onshore Operation Centre and Operator in Remote Controlled Autonomous Vessels Operation 

      Adnan, Muhammad; Wang, Yufei; Perera, Lokukaluge Prasad Channa (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      The need for more skilled human resources and higher operational costs in conventional shipping will create the need for autonomous shipping. To make autonomous shipping a reality, the shipping industry will require building supportive infrastructure and facilities to ensure the safe operations of future autonomous vessels. To provide necessary support functions in autonomous vessel operations is ...
    • Site specific avalanche warning for settlements in Northern Norway: Twenty years of the Northern Norway Avalanche Surveillance Program 

      Jaedicke, Christian; Sandersen, Frode; Elvevold, Arnulf; Fjukstad, Bård; Bakkehøi, Steinar; Hestnes, Erik; Sjøli, Anette; Elvestad, Per; Karlsen, Karin; Haugen, Gjermund Mamen; Grønaas Størseth, Hilde; Sørensen, Jan Hugo; Vigstad, Hege; Solvang, Helene; Weenås Vevik, Kim; Schjelderup, Ronny; Lie, Leikny Bakke; Gauer, Peter; Gisnås, Kjersti Gleditsch; Skuset, Sunniva; Gilbert, Graham; Hancock, Holt John; Kleiven, Anders; Morken, Elise (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-09)
      Northern Norway experienced an intensely snow rich winter in 1997 when settled snow heights reached a record 240 cm at the weather station in Tromsø on April 29th. Numerous avalanches, settlement evacuations, and two fatalities in a destroyed house in the settlement of Breivikeidet left the public exhausted at the end of the winter. The chaotic response to avalanche events during the season demonstrated ...
    • Evidence in the Air - Exploring the Implementation and Experiences with Evidence-Based Training in Scandinavia 

      Madsen, Henrik Tams (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-11-01)
      This thesis investigates the adoption of Evidence-Based Training (EBT) across the Scandinavian aviation sector, focusing on the voluntary implementation under European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) regulations. It examines the perceptions and experiences of Scandinavian aviation operators with EBT, highlighting the factors that influence their decisions to adopt or reject the innovative training ...
    • Measuring societal safety: An analysis of societal safety-related composite indices and their alignment with the Norwegian understanding of societal safety 

      Dahl, Joakim Broks (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-11-23)
      The global society is shaped by the continous emerge of new technologies and increased globalization which makes the world more interconnected. This affects the ways in which risks can impact, and alters the global state of societal safety. The effects of climate induced events and conflicts can have impacts sporadically, and one must therefore adapt to the new risk pathways. By analyzing societal ...
    • A sustainable way to prevent oral diseases caused by heavy metals with phytoremediation 

      Nouri Qarahassanlou, Ali; Pouresmaieli, Mahdi; Salehi, Sana (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-01-19)
      Sustainability, food security, and human health. This study builds on previous research [1] and explores the role of phytoremediation, a plant-based, eco-friendly strategy in mitigating heavy metal pollution to achieve Sus tainable Development Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being) while addressing its lesser-known implications for oral and dental health. Through an analysis of seven key metals ...
    • Marine activities in deep water and harsh weather conditions 

      Gudmestad, Ove Tobias (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2024-11)
      Objective of presentation:<uli> <li>Of particular concern is the difference between short-term activities, which can be conducted within a good weather forecast period, and activities that take longer time, or may be regarded as a permanent activity. </li> <li>First, a discussion of short-term marine activities will be given, emphasizing aspects specifically related to deep water, such as the ...
    • Marine and Maritime Inventions and Innovations 

      Gudmestad, Ove Tobias (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2024-11-27)
      Content: <ol> <li>Marine and maritime inventions and innovations</li> <li>An invention</li> <li>From invention to a product</li> <li>From an innovation to a product</li> <li>Specific considerations</li> <li>Examples</li> <li>Questions</li> </ol>
    • Undervisningsmateriale i Kaldt Klima Teknologi for Maritim Næring. En statusrapport vedrørende utarbeidelse av nytt kursmateriell 

      Gudmestad, Ove Tobias (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2024-11-28)
      Behov for prosjektet:<p> <p>❑ Behov for å modernisere undervisningsopplegget for maritim næring i nord. <p> <p>❑ Vi foreslo at en serie med kurs gjøres tilgjengelig for våre studenter og for næringsaktører. <p> <p>❑ Kursoppleggene vil også kunne deles med andre som driver undervisning for maritim næring.
    • Static and dynamic stability of a polar ship in the arctic region with ice accumulation 

      Qi, Jiangzhang; Wei, Chai; Sinsabvarodom, Chana; Cui, Meng; Dou, Xiaoliang; Zhu, Tiantian; Ji, Shunying (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-01-04)
      The harsh and complex marine environment of the Arctic region poses significant challenges for polar ships, particularly in cases where ice accumulates on ship surfaces, which can severely influence vessel stability. This study presents a comprehensive analysis of both static and dynamic stability for a polar ship subjected to ice accumulation, a topic of critical scientific importance and engineering ...
    • The professional profile of the remote operator. 

      Plawenn-Salvini, Clemens; Gudmestad, Ove Tobias (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2024-11)
      The need for experienced nautical officers is imminent, the possibilities to work ashore which requires their expertise are plentiful. Now, a new maritime profession is emerging, the remote operator. Again, we require mariners to take that role, resulting in a further increase in the personnel shortage. It is time we consider an alternative to sate the need for qualified persons in the remote operation ...
    • Beyond the storm season: The polyrhythms of coastal hazardscapes on the Kū aotunu Peninsula 

      Staupe, Reidar; van Zandvoort, Kerstie; Bremer, Scott Ronald (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-17)
      In this paper, we develop an account of engaged practice of coastal conservation groups with seasonalities on the Coromandel Peninsula in New Zealand, focusing particularly on the polyrhythmicity of change in its coastal hazardscape. While the hazardousness of a place has often been considered in static terms, we wish here to draw attention to its complex temporalities and highly seasonal nature. ...
    • Marine Operations in the Norwegian Sea and the Ice-Free Part of the Barents Sea with Emphasis on Polar Low Pressures 

      Gudmestad, Ove Tobias (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-11-18)
      The Arctic Seas are attractive for shipping, fisheries, and other marine activities due to the abundant resources of the Arctic. The shrinking ice cover allows for the opening of activities in increasingly larger areas of the Arctic. This paper evaluates the possibility of executing all-year complex marine activities, here termed “marine operations”, in the Norwegian Sea and the icefree part of ...