Viser treff 21-40 av 75

    • Gender equality for a thriving, sustainable arctic 

      Oddsdóttir, Embla Eir; Ágústsson, Hjalti Ómar; Svensson, Eva-Maria; Hoogensen Gjørv, Gunhild; Kendall, Sarah Seabrook; Smieszek, Malgorzata; Prior, Tahnee; Hayfield, Erika; Williamson, Karla Jessen; Rozanova-Smith, Marya; Petrov, Andrey; Williams, Varvara Korkina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-09-29)
      On 21 May 2021, a milestone Pan-Arctic Report: Gender Equality in the Arctic was published in tandem with the Arctic Council’s Ministerial Meeting held in Reykjavík, 19–20 May 2021. This article provides a brief review of the report and its major findings across six chapters that address key themes concerning gender equality in the Arctic: Law and Governance, Security, Gender and Environment, Migration ...
    • Simulating crude oil exposure, uptake and effects in North Atlantic Calanus finmarchicus populations 

      Broch, Ole Jacob; Nepstad, Raymond; Ellingsen, Ingrid H.; Bast, Radovan; Skeie, Morten; Carroll, JoLynn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-10-08)
      A simulation model framework (SYMBIOSES) that includes a 3-dimensional ocean physics and biology model and a model for transport and fate of oil was used to investigate the potential for bioaccumulation and lethal/sublethal effects of oil components in the copepod <i>Calanus finmarchicus</i> in the Lofoten-Vesterålen archipelago of Norway. The oil model is coupled with the biology model by way of a ...
    • Simple Minimalistic Offline Plotting of CADI Data Files 

      Emanuelsen, Per Ivar; Hall, Chris; Johnsen, Magnar Gullikstad (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2020)
      A critical element in any observational program is to remotely monitor instrument health and performance. Simple real-time plots provide this type of information and in addition they contain valuable space weather information for nowcasting and acquisition of situational awareness. Several software packages exist for plotting and scaling (analysis) of ionospheric soundings [1,2] using the Canadian ...
    • Aliivibrio wodanis as a production host: development of genetic tools for expression of cold-active enzymes 

      Johansson Söderberg, Jenny; Grgic, Miriam; Hjerde, Erik; Haugen, Peik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-11-11)
      <i>Background</i>: Heterologous production of cold-adapted proteins currently represents one of the greatest bottlenecks in the ongoing bioprospecting eforts to fnd new enzymes from low-temperature environments, such as, the polar oceans that represent essentially untapped resources in this respect. In mesophilic expression hosts such as <i>Escherichia coli</i>, cold-adapted enzymes often form ...
    • The Costly and Demanding: Exploring Solution-based Othering of Non-European Immigrants in Norwegian Policy Recommendations 

      Andreasen, Søren Mosgaard (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-11-11)
      This article examines the Norwegian scholarly report titled <i>NOU 2017:2—Integration and Trust: Long-Term Consequences of High Immigration</i> (English translation; chapter 1.1) to unpack how ‘non-European immigrants’ are constructed as an economic and social challenge for the welfare state. Principles from discourse theory (DT) and the conceptual framework of othering are applied to discuss how ...
    • Ledelse av studieprogrammer - Analyser og tiltak. Rapport fra dialogkonferanse om "Ledelse av studieprogrammer" 2019 

      Tobiassen, Ann Karin; Danielsen, Ådne (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2019)
      I denne rapporten oppsummerer vi hovedlinjene fra «Dialogkonferanse om ledelse av studieprogram ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet». Rapporten skisserer konturene av et mulig konsept for å styrke kunnskap om utøvelse av studieprogramledelse. Vi har et særlig blikk på hvilke rammevilkår og virkemidler som bør omkranse ledelse på et studieprogramnivå og til innholdet i-, og formen på et ...
    • Implementering av DORA-prinsippene ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet 

      Østhus, Randi (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2019-10-16)
    • Molecular modelling, synthesis, and biological evaluations of a 3,5-disubstituted isoxazole fatty acid analogue as a PPARα-selective agonist 

      Arnesen, Henriette; Haj-Yasein, Nadia N.; Tungen, Jørn E.; Soedling, Helen; Matthews, Jason; Paulsen, Steinar M.; Nebb, Hilde I.; Sylte, Ingebrigt; Hansen, Trond Vidar; Sæther, Thomas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-07-19)
      The peroxisome proliferator activated receptors (PPARs) are important drug targets in treatment of metabolic and inflammatory disorders. Fibrates, acting as PPARα agonists, have been widely used lipid-lowering agents for decades. However, the currently available PPARα targeting agents show low subtype-specificity and consequently a search for more potent agonists have emerged. In this study, previously ...
    • "We can work it out!" Collaborating on Research Data Management Services at UiT The Arctic University of Norway 

      Østhus, Randi; Andreassen, Helene N. (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2019-08)
    • Resource rent in aquaculture 

      Flaaten, Ola; Pham, Thi Thanh Thuy (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019)
      Resource rent in aquaculture (RRA) is any payment to a farm and site owner, on land or sea, in excess of the costs needed to bring that farm into production. For analytic and policy purposes it may be useful to distinguish among different types of RRA. Three types will be discussed: rent associated with the classical economists Ricardo (1821) and Faustmann (1849), as well as oligopoly rent from ...
    • Synthesis and biological evaluations of marine oxohexadecenoic acids: PPARα/γ dual agonism and anti-diabetic target gene effects 

      Sæther, Thomas; Paulsen, Steinar M; Tungen, Jørn Eivind; Vik, Anders; Aursnes, Marius; Holen, Torgeir; Hansen, Trond Vidar; Nebb, Hilde Irene (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-06-18)
      Obesity and associated disorders such as metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes (T2D) have reached epidemic proportions. Several natural products have been reported as Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor (PPAR) agonists, functioning as lead compounds towards developing new anti-diabetic drugs due to adverse side effects of existing PPAR drugs. We recently isolated and identified (7E)-9-oxoh ...
    • Sámi reindeer governance in Norway as competing knowledge systems: a participatory study 

      Johnsen, Kathrine Ivsett; Mathiesen, Svein Disch; Eira, Inger Marie Gaup (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Using a participatory research approach, we assess the knowledge systems and political ontology of reindeer husbandry. The study was conducted by a mixed team of scientists and Sámi reindeer herders who practiced reindeer husbandry in West Finnmark, northern Norway, both prior to and during the state-led “rationalization” of Sámi reindeer husbandry since the late 1970s. The analysis is based on the ...
    • DataverseNO: En flerinstitusjonell arkivtjeneste for forskningsdata, utviklet av forskere for forskere 

      Andreassen, Helene N.; Østhus, Randi (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2018-01-30)
    • Direct-to-chip liquid cooling for reducing power consumption in a subarctic supercomputer centre 

      Ovaska, Seppo J.; Dragseth, Roy Einar; Hanssen, Svenn Agnar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Reduction of data centre power consumption is a timely challenge. Waste heat reuse is another focus area when developing energy efficient and sustainable data centres. And these two issues are interconnected through liquid cooling of server racks and/or direct-to-chip liquid cooling. Both of these solutions make it possible to transfer a significant proportion of the waste heat energy back to ...
    • Application of Computational Drug Discovery Techniques for Designing New Drugs against Zika Virus 

      Ceron-Carrasco, José P.; Coronado-Parra, Teresa; Imbernón-Tudela, Baldomero; Banegas-Luna, Antonio J.; Ghasemi, Fahimeh; Vegara- Meseguer, Josefina M.; Luque, Irene; Azam, Syed Sikander; Trædal-Henden, Steinar; Pérez-Sánchez, Horacio (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-06-28)
    • Med OECD til Nord-Norge 

      Eikeland, Sveinung (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2015-10-15)
      Organisasjon for økonomisk samarbeid og utvikling (OECD) var nyleg ei veke i Nord-Noreg som ein del av ei vurdering det gjer av muligheter for utvikling i tynt busette område i nord. Vurderinga inkluderer 14 regionar, der Nordland, Troms og Finnmark inngår. OECD skal gje råd om korleis regionane i nord i Europa kan komma godt ut i den globale økonomiske konkurransen sjølv om dei er ...
    • Vurdering av D78-kandidatene m.h.p. UNINETT-tilknytning. 

      Johnsen, Ola Marius (Others; Andre, 1977)
    • Utredning om tekstbehandling 

      Hagland, Randi; Handegård, Odd; Haugland, Wivi; Johansen, Torill; Madsen, Kjell; Johnsen, Ola Marius (Others; Andre, 1984)
      Tekstbehandlingsutvalget ved UiTøs siste innstilling.
    • Terminalkjøring mot BIBSYS via UNINETT. 

      Johnsen, Ola Marius (Others; Andre, 1984)
      Notatet beskriver kort de tekniske problemene som må løses for at terminalkjøring mot BIBSYS skal bli mulig via UNINETT. De perifere Bibsys-deltakerne vil spare store summer hvert år på å flytte terminaltrafikken over til UNINETT. Samarbeidet i BIBSYS bør derfor utvides til også å omfatte felles kommunikasjonsløsninger. Et prosjekt med sikte på å etablere en Uninett-basert terminaltjeneste bør startes ...
    • Terminalemulator for GIUT-systemet 

      Rinde, Eivind (Others; Andre, 1986)
      Rapporten beskriver terminalemulator for bruk i GIUT-systemet. Det er epesielt fokusert på avbildninger mellom TDV2215 og VT100 terminaler. Siste del av rapporten inneholder dokumentasjon på en modul implementert v.h.a. Pascal for bruk i GIUT.