dc.contributor.advisor | Armstrong, Claire | |
dc.contributor.author | Pham, Minh Nhat | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2025-03-11T09:10:27Z | |
dc.date.available | 2025-03-11T09:10:27Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2025-03-21 | |
dc.description.abstract | Allelopathic encroachment of <i>Empetrum nigrum</i> (crowberry) is impacting the Norwegian reindeer husbandry. This thesis first explores both the negative and positive impacts of crowberry, and then analyses the effect of its encroachment on the husbandry under climate change. The thesis consists of four papers, one qualitative study conducting systematic literature review of <i>Empetrum nigrum</i>, and three quantitative studies applying the method of bioeconomic modeling. The first paper categorizes the benefits and detriments of crowberry using three different nature assessment concepts, and finds mixed impacts on the local socioecological system, particularly eight benefits and three detriments. Focusing on the detrimental impacts of crowberry, the three quantitative papers develop various versions of the reindeer bioeconomic model, including three stocks – vegetation, crowberry, and reindeer – along with two primary adaptive measures: reindeer feeding and crowberry control. The second paper applies static optimization and concludes that controlling crowberry alongside reindeer feeding can mitigate the negative impacts of encroachment. The third paper extends the analysis to dynamic optimization, confirming the importance of controlling crowberry to maintain high quality grazing pasture and reindeer population over time. Using optimal control theory, the fourth paper explores a specific yet neglected benefit of crowberry – carbon sequestration – and demonstrates that with this beneficial value, the optimal efforts to control crowberry should be less than in scenarios without. The thesis hence underscores several policy implications. Firstly, adoption of the Nature’s Contribution to People (NCP) concept may be embraced to provide a comprehensive perspective. Secondly, the socio-ecological system of the husbandry is impacted negatively by crowberry encroachment through deteriorating grazing pastures. Thirdly, while supplementary feeding can increase reindeer numbers, it does not address the ecological issues of pasture degradation, thus should be considered only as a short-term solution. Fourthly, given governmental support, crowberry control can be considered a sustainable solution to improve pasture quality and increase reindeer population. Lastly, to effectively balance the benefits and detriments of this plant, crowberry control efforts must be carefully managed in the long-run (beyond a 10-year perspective) to achieve desired outcomes. | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | Miljøendringer medfører allelopatisk gjengroing av <i>Empetrum nigrum</i> (krekling) som påvirker den norske reindriftsnæringen. Denne avhandlingen studerer både negative og positive effekter av gjengroing av krekling på reindriften. Avhandlingen består av fire artikler, én kvalitativ studie som gjennomfører en systematisk litteraturgjennomgang av <i>Empetrum nigrum</i>, og tre kvantitative studier som anvender bioøkonomisk modellering. Den første artikkelen kategoriserer kreklings fordeler og ulemper ved hjelp av tre forskjellige naturvurderingskonsepter og finner blandede effekter på det lokale sosioøkologiske systemet, spesifikt åtte fordeler og tre ulemper. Med fokus på de negative effektene av krekling, utvikler de tre kvantitative artiklene forskjellige versjoner av den bioøkonomiske modellen, inkludert tre bestander – vegetasjon, krekling og rein – sammen med to primære tilpasningstiltak: tilleggsfôring og kontroll av krekling. Den andre artikkelen anvender statisk optimering og konkluderer med at kontroll av krekling sammen med tilleggsfôring kan mildne de negative effektene av gjengroing. Den tredje artikkelen utvider analysen til dynamisk optimering og bekrefter viktigheten av å kontrollere krekling for å opprettholde høykvalitets beiteområder for reindriften over tid. Ved bruk av optimal kontrollteori utforsker den fjerde artikkelen en spesifikk, men neglisjert, fordel forbundet med krekling – karbonsekvestrasjon – og demonstrerer at med denne fordelaktige verdien, bør de optimale tiltakene for å kontrollere krekling være mindre enn i scenarier uten. Avhandlingen understreker dermed flere forvaltningsmessige implikasjoner. For det første kan anvendelse av NCP-rammeverket omfavnes for å gi et bredere perspektiv på naturvurdering. For det andre påvirkes det sosioøkologiske systemet i reindriftsnæringen negativt av gjengroing av krekling gjennom forverring av beiteområder. For det tredje, selv om tilleggsfôring kan øke antall rein, adresserer det ikke de økologiske problemene på beiteområdet, og bør derfor kun vurderes som en kortsiktig løsning. For det fjerde, med statlig støtte, kan kontroll av krekling vurderes som en bærekraftig løsning for å forbedre beitekvaliteten og øke reinflokken. Til slutt, for å effektivt balansere fordelene og ulempene forbundet med krekling, må innsatsen for å kontrollere denne arten håndteres nøye på lang sikt (utover et 10-års perspektiv) for å oppnå ønskede resultater. | en_US |
dc.description.doctoraltype | ph.d. | en_US |
dc.description.popularabstract | Allelopathic encroachment of Empetrum nigrum (crowberry) affects the Norwegian reindeer husbandry negatively. This thesis examines its role under climate change through four studies: one qualitative literature review and three quantitative bioeconomic modeling papers. The first study categorizes crowberry's benefits (8) and detriments (3) using nature assessment concepts. Quantitative papers develop reindeer bioeconomic models with vegetation, crowberry, and reindeer stocks and explore two adaptive measures: reindeer feeding and crowberry control. Static and dynamic optimizations confirm controlling crowberry mitigates its negative effects and supports grazing and reindeer populations. The final study highlights carbon sequestration as a neglected benefit, advocating reduced control efforts where this value is recognized. Policy implications include 1) adopting Nature’s Contribution to People (NCP) for holistic assessments, 2) prioritizing long-term crowberry control to improve grazing, and 3) reindeer feeding should be considered only as a short-term solution. | en_US |
dc.description.sponsorship | I would like to acknowledge the MONEC project, funded by the Research Council of Norway (project number 302749), for providing the financial support that made my PhD position at UiT The Arctic University of Norway | en_US |
dc.identifier.isbn | 978-82-8266-276-5 | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://hdl.handle.net/10037/36656 | |
dc.language.iso | eng | en_US |
dc.publisher | UiT The Arctic University of Norway | en_US |
dc.publisher | UiT Norges arktiske universitet | en_US |
dc.relation.haspart | <p>Paper 1: Nhat, P.M., Armstrong, C.W., Tuomi, M. & Bråthen, K.A. How disservices illuminate divergence between “nature’s contribution to people” and “ecosystem services” an assessment of <i>Empetrum nigrum</i>. (Submitted manuscript).
<p>Paper 2: Nhat, P.M., Armstrong, C.W., Bråthen, K.A. & Tuomi, M. (2024). Controlling the stock or the habitat – The crisis of native invasive encroachment in the grazing land of Norwegian reindeer husbandry. <i>Journal of Environmental Management, 370</i>, 122457. Also available in Munin at <a href=https://hdl.handle.net/10037/35428>https://hdl.handle.net/10037/35428</a>.
<p>Paper 3: Nhat, P.M., Armstrong, C.W., Sims, C.B. & Bråthen, K.A. When climate change turns good plant bad A dynamic multispecies model of reindeer herding in a changing Arctic. (Submitted manuscript).
<p>Paper 4: Nhat, P.M., Lenhart, S. & Armstrong, C.W. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde How different ecosystem (dis)services perspectives alter management decisions of a native invasive encroachment. (Submitted manuscript). | en_US |
dc.rights.accessRights | openAccess | en_US |
dc.rights.holder | Copyright 2025 The Author(s) | |
dc.rights.uri | https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 | en_US |
dc.rights | Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) | en_US |
dc.subject | reindeer husbandry | en_US |
dc.subject | bioeconomic modeling | en_US |
dc.subject | empetrum nigrum | en_US |
dc.subject | ecosystem disservices | en_US |
dc.subject | supplementary feeding | en_US |
dc.subject | native invasive species | en_US |
dc.title | Bioeconomic analysis of Norwegian reindeer husbandry in the face of crowberry encroachment | en_US |
dc.type | Doctoral thesis | en_US |
dc.type | Doktorgradsavhandling | en_US |