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dc.contributor.advisorJaakola, Laura
dc.contributor.authorSteindal, Anne Linn Hykkerud
dc.description.abstractBrassica is a genus of plants that includes vegetables that are widely used for human consumption and contain high levels of health-promoting compounds. These vegetables are grown in large parts of the world, and the environmental conditions where they are cultivated can affect several quality attributes. The research presented in this thesis examined how variation in growth conditions with latitudinal location can in uence both the content of specific health-promoting compounds and sensory attributes. Two cultivars of the species Brassica oleracea, broccoli and kale, were studied under controlled and semi-field conditions. Interest was focused on the variation in day lengths and temperatures associated with different latitudinal conditions, and also light quality and cold acclimation in relation to latitudinal changes. In broccoli, it was found that levels of glucosinolates, vitamin C, and avonols were sensitive to both temperature and day length. Furthermore, the content of aliphatic glucosinolates and avonols was highest at high temperatures (21/15 C) and short days (12 h), although in some experiments the levels of aliphatic glucosinolates were highest at lower growth temperatures. Far-red light seemed to reduce the content of glucosinolates and avonols. For vitamin C, the assessments showed that levels were insensitive to the field conditions and higher at low temperatures. A number of differences in sensory attributes were also observed. For example, several of the sensory attributes did not vary between study locations in Norway (Troms and Grimstad) but did differ from those noted in the southernmost summer location (Berlin). The content of glucosinolates in kale was affected less by pre-acclimation growth conditions and more extensively by cold acclimation temperatures. Thus the results provided by the work underlying this thesis indicate that the quality of Brassica vegetables is affected by the latitudinal location of cultivation, and this finding can help optimize quality of the plant and increase the awareness of differences related to this aspect.en
dc.description.popularabstractBrokkoli og grønnkål, ble studert under felt og kontrollerte forhold for å undersøke hvordan vekstvilkår ved ulike breddegrader kan påvirkes både innholdet av spesifikke helsefremmende forbindelser og sensoriske egenskaper. Fokusert var på variasjon i daglengder og temperaturer, og også lyskvalitet og akklimatisering til frost, i forhold til breddegrad endringer. I brokkoli, ble det funnet at nivået av glukosinolater, vitamin C, og flavonoler var følsomme for både temperatur -og daglengde. Videre var innholdet av glukosinolater og flavonols høyest ved høye temperaturer, og generelt høyest ved kortere daglengder. For vitamin C, viste kontrollerte forsøk et høyere innhold ved lave temperaturer. En rekke forskjeller i sensoriske egenskaper ble også observert. For eksempel, varierte ikke flere av de sensoriske egenskaper mellom steder i Norge (Tromsø og Grimstad), men skillet seg fra den den sørligste sommer lokalitet (Berlin). Dermed indikerer resultatene gitt av arbeidet bak denne avhandlingen at kvaliteten på Brassica grønnsaker påvirkes av breddegradsplasseringen av dyrkingsstedet, og funnene kan bidra til å optimalisere kvaliteten på plantene og øke bevisstheten om forskjellene knyttet til dette aspektet.en
dc.description.sponsorshipNorges forskningsråd Projektnr. 185017/I10en
dc.descriptionThe papers of this thesis are not available in Munin: <br/>1. A. L. H. Steindal, J. Mølmann, G. B. Bengtsson and T. J. Johansen: 'Influence of day length and temperature on the content of health-related compounds in broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica)', Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2013), vol. 61(45):10779–10786. Available at <a href=></a> <br/>2. A. L. H. Steindal, T. J. Johansen, G. B. Bengtsson, S. F. Hagen and J. Mølmann: 'Effects of supplement LED light qualities and temperature on health-related compounds in broccoli florets', (manuscript) <br/>3. J. Mølmann, A. L. H. Steindal, R. Selj asen, G. Bengtsson, J. Skaret, P. Lea, and T. J. Johansen: 'Effects of day length and temperature on sensory and nutritional quality of broccoli florets', (manuscript) <br/>4. R. Seljåsen, A. L. H. Steindal, J. B. Mølmann, G. B. Bengtsson, M. Schreiner, P. Velasco, P. Lea, J. Skaret, S. F. Hagen, M. E. Cartea and T. J. Johansen: 'Sensory quality and health-related compounds of broccoli (Brassica sp.) grown at diff erent latitudes with standardized soil and fertilization conditions', (manuscript) <br/>5. A. L. H. Steindal, R. Rødven, E. Hansen and J. Mø lmann: 'Effects of photoperiod, temperature and cold acclimation period on the content of glucosinolates, sugars, and fatty acids in curly kale', (manuscript)en
dc.publisherUiT Norges arktiske universiteten
dc.publisherUiT The Arctic University of Norwayen
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2014 The Author(s)
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)en_US
dc.subjectVDP::Matematikk og Naturvitenskap: 400::Zoologiske og botaniske fag: 480::Plantefysiologi: 492en
dc.subjectVDP::Mathematics and natural science: 400::Zoology and botany: 480::Plant physiology: 492en
dc.subjectVDP::Landbruks- og Fiskerifag: 900::Landbruksfag: 910en
dc.subjectVDP::Agriculture and fishery disciplines: 900::Agriculture disciplines: 910en
dc.titleEffects of latitudinal climate conditions on quality attributes in Brassica oleraceaen
dc.typeDoctoral thesisen

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