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  • Evaluating Performances of LSTM, SVM, GPR, and RF for Drought Prediction in Norway: A Wavelet Decomposition Approach on Regional Forecasting 

    Oruc, Sertac; Hinis, Mehmet Ali; Tugrul, Turker (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-02)
    A serious natural disaster that poses a threat to people and their living spaces is drought, which is difficult to notice at first and can quickly spread to wide areas through subtle progression. Numerous methods are being explored to identify, prevent, and mitigate drought, and distinct metrics have been developed. In order to contribute to the research on measures to be taken against drought, the ...
  • Slow-TV as a format for Indigenous media production: The Case of Giđđajohtin 

    Skogerbø, Eli; Bhroin, Niamh Ni (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    Giđđajohtin, a live, minute-by-minute Slow-TV production was broadcast by NRK, the Norwegian public service broadcaster, from 24 April to 3 May 2017. In this article we analyse Giđđajohtin as an Indigenous Media production and explore the NRKs decision to produce the programme. We also highlight how the Slow-TV format was used to enable storytelling from an Indigenous perspective. Our study is based ...
  • Who governs our stories? The collected material of the Norwegian truth and reconciliation commission 

    Broderstad, Else Grete; Josefsen, Eva (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-11-13)
    Mii bidjat fuomášumi movt čohkkejuvvon muitalusat ja vásáhusat stivrejuvvojit Norgga Duohtavuohta -ja soabahankommišuvnna (Truth and Reconciliation Commission, TRC) bealis. Dat leat sirdojuvvon nationála arkiivvaide. Nu movt Norgga Stuoradiggi lea cealkán, de galget jearahallamat boahtteáiggis geavahuvvot dutkamušaide. Duohtavuohta- ja soabahankommišuvnna mandáhta bokte galggai kommišuvdna ráhkadit ...
  • Beyond Traditional Metrics: Exploring the Potential of Hybrid Algorithms for Drought Characterization and Prediction in the Tromso Region, Norway 

    Oruc, Sertac; Tugrul, Turker; Hinis, Mehmet Ali (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-09-03)
    Meteorological drought, defined as a decrease in the average amount of precipitation, is among the most insidious natural disasters. Not knowing when a drought will occur (its onset) makes it difficult to predict and monitor it. Scientists face significant challenges in accurately predicting and monitoring global droughts, despite using various machine learning techniques and drought indices ...
  • Vision at high latitudes: High sensitivity without specific boreal adaptations in photoreception in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L.) 

    Tyler, Nicholas J. C.; Fosbury, Robert A. E.; Hazlerigg, David Grey; Hogg, Christopher (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-18)
    1. The light climate at high latitudes, in particular the extended twilight of winter and the reduced diel variation in light level in midsummer and midwinter, potentially constrains visual function and the synchronisation of temporal organisation in polar species.<p> <p>2. In this paper, we describe the temporal pattern and variation in the spectral composition and brightness of skylight ...
  • Microanatomy of incremental growth lines in dental tissues in reindeer Rangifer tarandus 

    Boyde, Alan; Tyler, Nicholas J. C. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-09-05)
    Counting growth layers in dentine and/or secondary cementum is widely used for age determination in wild mammals but the underlying seasonal changes in the structure and degree of mineralisation of dental tissue have not been well characterised. We embedded first (m1) and second (m2) mandibular permanent molar teeth from a 12-year-old female Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) in ...
  • An Experiential Learning Opportunity in Norway: Computation for Bioengineering and Mechanical Engineering Students 

    Clarin, Julia; Vargas, Ana I.; Jennings, Turner; Salinas, Samuel D.; Amini, Reza; Tjiptowidjojo, Yustianto; Yelle, Benjamin; Jacobsen, Mojgan Y.; Eide, Trine; Udberg-Helle, Cecilie; Olsen, Torjer Andreas; Crossen, Jonathan; Prot, Victorien Emile; Skallerud, Bjørn Helge; Amini, Rouzbeh (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-07)
    The global learning initiative at Northeastern University is focused on fostering intercultural communication skills. The Dialogue of Civilization (DOC) program serves as a mechanism to achieve such a goal by offering faculty-led international experiences. In this paper, we have presented a detailed account of a DOC program that took place in Norway. The primary objective of the program was to teach ...
  • Through our stories we resist: Decolonial perspectives on south Saami history, indigeneity and rights 

    Fjellheim, Eva Maria (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020-05-06)
    Māori educator and scholar Linda Tuhiwai Smith (2012, p. 1) reminds us that «the term ‘research’ is inextricably linked to European imperialism and colonialism.» She argues that for centuries, Indigenous Peoples’ histories, knowledges, and practices have been written and presented through the eyes and voice of the colonizers. At the same time, she encourages indigenous scholars to be protagonists ...
  • Wind Energy on Trial in Saepmie: Epistemic Controversies and Strategic Ignorance in Norway’s Green Energy Transition 

    Fjellheim, Eva Maria Bircher (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-29)
    Climate change policies and the green energy transition have renewed colonial structures and injustices for Indigenous peoples in land-use conflicts, but not without resistance. This article explores epistemic controversies in a legal struggle concerning impacts from wind energy infrastructure on Southern Saami reindeer herding and culture in Norway. The article draws on courtroom ethnography ...
  • Weak coupling between energetic status and the timing of reproduction in an Arctic ungulate 

    Tyler, Nicholas J. C.; Post, E.; Hazlerigg, David Grey (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-16)
    Bioenergetic constraints are the ultimate determinant of the timing of reproduction, and seasonal breeding is consequently a widely observed trait. Consistent with this, attention has focused on plasticity in reproductive phenology conceptualized as a response to concomitant advances in the phenology of the environmental energy supply caused by climate change. Few studies, however, have directly ...
  • Violent experiences, violent practices: caring and silence in anthropology 

    Gross, Lena (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
    "Take care. This will be good data", I heard from a senior scholar after writing them about several violent and dangerous incidents that occurred during my PhD-fieldwork. At the time, I did not question it. Neither the words "take care" without further advice following how to do that, nor the statement that these incidents are good data. Are they, thougt? Does the ethnographer`s close experience of ...
  • The Arctic: last frontier for energy and mineral exploitation? 

    Gross, Lena; Dale, Ragnhild Freng (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
    Historically, the Arctic has been imagined as the last frontier to conquer, tightly connected to ideas of manhood, adventure, and survival of the fittest. In the last decades, the Arctic has caught new interest as a resource frontier for tourism, trade, energy, and minerals. Climate change has both opened new waterways in the Arctic Ocean and altered living conditions drastically for Arctic communities. ...
  • Indigenous agency through normative contestation: defining the scope of free, prior and informed consent in the Russian North 

    Peeters, Marina Goloviznina (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)
    This chapter explores how obshchiny, the most numerous grassroots Indigenous peoples’ organizations in contemporary Russia, deal with the challenge of exercising their right to free, prior and informed consent (FPIC). The study nuances our understanding of the agency of obshchiny, drawing much-needed attention to their practices of making a difference in the governance of extractive activities at ...
  • “Not a Major or Complicated Task”: Activating Dugnad under COVID-19 and the Imagination of Equality in the Norwegian Welfare State 

    Gross, Lena (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-28)
    In Norway, the institution of the welfare state and trust in the government defined the country’s approach to tackling the pandemic. In particular, the government’s strategy to activate the cultural concept of dugnad (voluntary, reciprocal communal work), which relies on an equal standing of all participants, plays into the national imaginary of an egalitarian and just society. However, like in other ...
  • The Norwegian TRC: Truth, Reconciliation, and Public Engagement 

    Broderstad, Else Grete; Josefsen, Eva (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-19)
    In 2018, the Norwegian Parliament appointed the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate the Norwegianisation policy and injustice against the Sámi and Kven/Norwegian Finns. We focus on the commission’s public engagement, and emphasise Sámi and Kven/Norwegian Finns’ perceptions and expectations in relation to these efforts. The mandate’s goal is to establish a common understanding of the ...
  • Å gjøre kjønn og etnisitet feil. Om læstadianisme, samer og skeivhet i Nord-Troms 

    Olsen, Torjer Andreas (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022)
    «Kjærlighet. Rakkhaus. Ráhkisvuohta.» Disse tre orda står på forsida til nettstedet I juni 2020 skulle en pridefestival etter planen bli arrangert i Nord-Troms for første gang. Dette blei gjort umulig av koronaviruset. De tre orda er det samme ordet på tre språk. For Nord-Troms er et flerspråklig og flerkulturelt område. Kjærlighet heter rakkhaus på kvensk og ráhkisvuohta på nordsamisk.
  • Dekolonisering som perspektiv på rasisme. Et samisk eksempel 

    Olsen, Torjer Andreas (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022)
    Rasisme og andregjøring retta mot urfolk er et vedvarende problem. Det handler om ekskludering og inkludering, om trakassering og andregjøring, og noen ganger om dehumanisering. I dette kapitlet skriver jeg om hvordan urfolk i ulike sammenhenger er eller er blitt til de fremmede, til de som ikke hører til et sted. Mitt hovedargument er at rasisme er en grunnleggende del av koloniale relasjoner der ...
  • Comprehending the mandate and interactions of land tenure reform in Finnmark, Norway 

    Broderstad, Else Grete; Josefsen, Eva (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
    The land management arrangement – the Finnmark Estate (FeFo) established in Finnmark County - the northernmost county of Norway, is built on indigenous right claims, which implies that particular values, norms and principles are constitutive for and underpin FeFo as an institution. Still, the involved actors - FeFo and the two appointing bodies of the FeFo board - the Sami Parliament and the Finnmark ...
  • Refusal – opening otherwise forms of research 

    Gross, Lena; Mashreghi, Sepandarmaz; Söderman, Emma (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-14)
    An increasing interest towards researching other forms of knowledges is taking place, expanding the boundaries of knowledge to include forms that have been historically marginalised, negated, and neglected by the Western academy. Parallel to this, we have identified a rising critique of how voices marginalized by colonial modes of academic knowledge production are included, through a single-sided ...

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