Viser treff 161-180 av 210

    • Approaches to learning of linear algebra among engineering students 

      Rensaa, Ragnhild Johanne (Peer reviewed; Bok; Book; Bokkapittel; Chapter, 2017-02)
      The present paper investigates engineering students` own descriptions of what they mean by learning of linear algebra and how they know that they have learned something. I seek to extract keywords from engineering students` descriptions of learning of this discipline by drawing on grounded theory techniques and classifying the answers in conceptual and procedural approaches. By this, both detailed ...
    • Digitalization of the power business: How to make this work? 

      Svendsen, Arne Brufladt; Tollefsen, Trond; Gjengedal, Terje; Goodwin, Morten; Antonsen, Stian (Peer reviewed; Bokkapittel; Book; Bok; Chapter, 2018)
      As a result of the digitalization of the power business in Norway and Europa, a lot of new possibilities and challenges arise. In 2014 an expert committee one outlined a proposal for the future grid company structure in Norway (Reiten, 2014). In addition, new technologies are being implemented in the system. Wind power, solar power, un-regulated small hydro power production, battery storage domestic ...
    • Optical water types of the Nordic Seas and adjacent areas 

      Aas, Eyvind; Højerslev, Niels Kristian; Høkedal, Jo; Sørensen, Kai (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013-05-20)
      A new map of Jerlov's optical water types in the Nordic Seas and adjacent waters at 139 locations, as well as a table with statistical and geographical properties of the vertical attenuation coefficient of downward irradiance at 475 nm, are presented. The data analysis is based on 715 recordings at different stations, at latitudes between 54° and 82°N, and longitudes between 31°W and 49°E, obtained ...
    • Når blir skipsfarten grønn? 

      Hoff, Bjarte; Østrem, Trond (Kronikk; Chronicle, 2018-04-25)
      n av utfordringene i forbindelse med dagens skipsfart er utslipp til luft, hovedsakelig karbondioksid og nitrogenoksider. Disse utslippene er knyttet til oljefyrte forbrenningsmotorer som dominerer dagens skipsflåte. Det er overveiende sannsynlig at det er en direkte sammenheng mellom global oppvarming og utslipp av klimagasser. Utslipp til luft kan også bidra til sur nedbør og svevestøv, for å nevne ...
    • Reliable parameter identification for synchronous machines 

      Alves, Erick Fernando (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-08-16)
      This work investigates and implements algorithms for reliable parameter identification for salient pole synchronous machines that can be used for condition monitoring, on line assessment of the power grid, and adaptive control. All these applications are steps necessary to enable a smarter power grid, in which seamless integrated digital technology provides state estimation, fault detection, and ...
    • Large-scale Wind Power Integration in Northern Norway 

      Singh, Arwinder (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-08-16)
      Norway has very high flexibility in energy production since hydropower covers about 95% of yearly energy demand. It is best to have a combination of wind and hydropower and hence it applies perfectly here in Norway. The performance of the wind farm can be significantly enhanced by employing full-capacity converters. The state-of-the-art literature study has been done on Squirrel Cage Induction ...
    • Innvirkninger av distribuert produksjon i svake distribusjonsnett, lokalisert i nordområdene. Hvordan påvirker plusskunder det omkringliggende lavspente distribusjonsnettet. 

      Johannessen, Leif Inge Krogstad (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-08-16)
      I denne rapporten har virkninger av plusskunder i svake, lavspente distribusjonsnett blitt undersøkt. Gjennom en informasjonsinnsamling, ble de største utfordringer for fremtidige plusskunder identifisert. Herunder aktuelle teknologier, energiresuser, regelverk og tekniske forhold. Det ble undersøkt hvilke utfordringer et nettselskap kan forvente seg, ved introduksjon av lokal produksjon i et ...
    • Rammeverk for modellering og simulering av husholdningsapparater 

      Nilsen, Christian Bjerknes (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-08-16)
      Denne oppgaven har hatt til hensikt å utarbeide et rammeverk for modellering og simulering av husholdningsapparater i Simulink, hvor det er muligheter for sammenkobling av flere enheter basert på typiske utstyr i norske husholdninger. Tilkoblingen av modellene kan være via TN-nett, IT-nett eller andre mindre kilder i Simulink. Videre er det gjennomført en litteraturstudie av ulike typer utstyr ...
    • Estimation of upward radiances and reflectances at the surface of the sea from above-surface measurements 

      Kleiv, Øyvind; Folkestad, Are; Høkedal, Jo; Aas, Eyvind; Sørensen, Kai (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-10-02)
      During 4 field days in the years 2009–2011, 22 data sets of measurements were collected in the inner Oslofjord, Norway. The data consist of recordings of spectral nadir radiances in air and water as well as spectral downward irradiance in air. The studied wavelengths are 351, 400, 413, 443, 490, 510, 560, 620, 665, 681, 709 and 754 nm. The water-leaving radiance and the reflected radiance at the ...
    • Designing a lifting and lowering device to the storage market 

      Hoff, Even (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-15)
      "The aim of this thesis is to design a lifting and lowering device for the storage market. The design is based on a patent, held by Dropracks, which is a collaborator in the thesis. Dropracks is a company developing a lowerable roof rack for cars. This rack is protected by their patent of a lifting and lowering device. This patent gives Dropracks an immaterial protection in all industry sectors, and ...
    • A Comparison on Development of Pumped Storage Hydropower in Europe and Asia. An Analytical Case Study based on Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Projects developed in Europe and Asia in period 2010-2017 

      Mishra, Parash Mani (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-15)
      "Energy consumption in European countries is increasing in significant amount each year. EU countries are becoming more concerned towards environmental safeguarding along with energy production. Wind and solar power have increased their market in many power systems in the recent decades and the main limitation is that they are greatly time dependent and are not available all the time to cope with ...
    • Multisensor video magnification 

      Shrestha, Dinesh (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-13)
      This study was performed with the three main goals. The first of which includes the implementation of “Eulerian Video Magnification” for the normal videos to observe the subtle changes that cannot be seen through the naked eyes. The second goal was to implement interpolation on thermal infrared videos. Finally, the third goal is to combine both the videos to amplify complex variations to reveal ...
    • Underactuated Waypoint Tracking of a Fixed-Wing UAV 

      Oland, Espen; Schlanbusch, Rune; Kristiansen, Raymond (Journal article; Peer reviewed; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2013)
      In this paper a new method of performing waypoint tracking is shown for underactuated fixed-wing UAVs. The position error can be mapped onto the desired axis using a desired rotation matrix, while the velocity error can be mapped to the desired axis using a desired angular velocity. With all errors defined along one axis, the tracking problem is easily solved using only one thruster. A velocity ...
    • Underactuated Control of Quadrotors with Collision Avoidance 

      Oland, Espen; Andersen, Tom Stian; Kristiansen, Raymond (Journal article; Peer reviewed; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2013)
      In this paper a saturated controller is derived that solves the translational control problem for underactuated quadrotors. The controller is applied to multiple quadrotors during a formation reconfiguration where the quadrotors move from an initial position to a desired position. The null-space-based behavioral control method is a popular method for avoiding collisions between mobile agents, and ...
    • Real-Time Particle Tracking using a Formation of UAVs 

      Oland, Espen; Kristiansen, Raymond (Journal article; Peer reviewed; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2013)
      In this paper the problem of real-time particle tracking is studied. Using sensor measurements, a formation of UAVs autonomously find the closest point with high particle density where they enter a holding pattern. After converging to the holding pattern, one UAV will remain, while the rest will go looking for other maxima. To avoid collisions between the UAVs during the mission, a controller is ...
    • Quaternion guidance and control of quadrotor 

      Andersen, Tom Stian; Kristiansen, Raymond (Konferansebidrag; Conference object, 2017-07-27)
      This paper addresses the problem of trajectory tracking for underactuated quadrotors. A quaternion based guidance law is proposed which feeds into an attitude control system based on a PD+ control law. The desired attitude from the guidance law is defined such that the attitude control system tries to align the position error along the axis of the translational actuator. Simulation results are ...
    • Path-following in three dimensions using quaternions for a fixed-wing UAV 

      Andersen, Tom Stian; Kristiansen, Raymond (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2017-08-08)
      This paper presents a three dimensional guidance strategy for fixed-wing UAVs using quaternions. The algorithm is based on constructing two quaternions, one which makes the UAV fly towards the path and one that makes the UAV follow the path. These two quaternions are then blended together such that the path-following objective is reached. The guidance algorithm is applied to a simple kinematic model ...
    • Attitude Determination and Control System for Satellites in Elliptical Orbits - a Complete Solution 

      Oland, Espen (Konferansebidrag; Conference object, 2017-08-08)
      This paper presents a complete solution to the problem of attitude determination and control for satellites in elliptical orbits. Specifically, it shows how to create the orbital mechanics, account for perturbing gravity torques, create a nonlinear PD+ attitude controller, map the control signal to desired thrust firings, implement magnetic field and Sun vector models, and how to implement a Madgwick ...
    • Autonomous Inspection of the International Space Station 

      Oland, Espen (Konferansebidrag; Conference object, 2017-09-18)
      This paper presents a solution to autonomous inspection of the international space station using a rigid spacecraft. Specifically, the paper presents the orbital mechanics, formation dynamics as well as rotational dynamics required to control the spacecraft relative to the space station, and then presents two PD+ controllers enabling a spacecraft to track a series of waypoints while pointing a sensor ...
    • Thyristor based short circuit current injection in isolated grids 

      Hoff, Bjarte; Sharma, Pawan; Østrem, Trond (Peer reviewed; Bokkapittel; Chapter, 2017-02-16)
      This paper proposes a thyristor based short circuit current injector for providing short circuit current in isolated and weak grids, where sufficient fault current to trigger circuit breakers may not be available. This will allow the use of conventional miniature circuit breakers, which requires high fault current for instantaneous tripping. The method has been validated through experiments.