Now showing items 21-40 of 86

    • Current source inverter 

      Mohammadi, Abdul Qudoos (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-22)
      ABSTRACT The growth of the world’s population leads to increased energy needs. The use of fossil energy leads to challenges. The main reason for this is that the use of fossil fuels has a negative impact on global climate change, and the world is heading towards running out of fossil fuels in a few years. Renewable energy sources like photovoltaic and wind power plants are good solutions for those ...
    • Prestasjonsoppfølging av elektriske brytere via datahøsting og analyse av plattformdata 

      Solrød, Andreas (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-21)
      This thesis is a study of data material extracted from log files belonging to the oil and gas installation Norne. The data is put into a system, analyzed, and assessed how it can be used to drive performance monitoring of electrical switches. The thesis presents theory related to the task about ignition source, tag, maintenance and time determinations, the systems SAS and SMS on which the logs are ...
    • Seasonal storage of energy at UiT the arctic university of Norway in Narvik 

      Alfnes, Dennis (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-22)
      The thesis examines which energy production methods are suitable together with seasonal storage of energy at UiT the arctic university of Norway in Narvik. Nordkraft has provided the subject which has been examined. The location of UiT Narvik together with its areas and storage volumes have been examined for what power production methods and energy storage methods are suitable for this location. ...
    • Integrating sensors for robots operating on offshore oil and gas platforms 

      Tolue, Shabnam (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-21)
      This thesis presents a solution to integrate sensors and instruments on a robot to be used instead of operators on unmanned oil and gas offshore platforms. Operators have various tasks from inspection to maintenance in the platforms. Because of high costs of having operators in offshore platforms, there has been always an ambitious to design a fully unmanned automated platform to decrease the costs ...
    • Impact of Inverter Based Resources on System Stability in Low Inertia Power System Network 

      Zafar Raja, Hasnain (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-20)
      Inverter-based resources (IBRs), such as solar and wind power are gaining popularity because of their increasing acceptance, environmental benefits and decreasing costs. However, their integration into power systems can lead to significant impacts on system inertia and frequency stability, which are crucial for maintaining the reliability of the power grid. In traditional power systems, the synchronous ...
    • Time Series Forecasting of Reactive Power Support from Smart Converters in SDN Using Machine Learning 

      Aziz, Mujtaba (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-19)
      The climate changes in the last few years created a major need to integrate more renewable energy sources and other low-carbon technologies into the power system network. This causes to face more changes in the power system network, which are particularly visible in distribution power networks. A higher penetration of the distributed energy resources, installed at low- voltage and or medium-voltage ...
    • Modelling and analysis of long cables on the generator side of generator transformers 

      Jørgensen, Kjetil N. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-22)
      Denne oppgaven presenterer en studie om modellering og analyse av lengre kraftkabler på generatorsiden av en enhetstransformator i et generisk kraftsystem. Studien fokuserer på det teoretiske rammeverket som er nødvendig for å forstå problemet. De teoretiske delene inkluderer grunnleggende elektriske sannheter og deres effekter på hovedkomponentene i et kraftsystem. Den gjenværende teorien ...
    • Study and Analysis of Alternative Power Switches with Reverse-Voltage Blocking Capability 

      Rashid, Muhammad Zarrar (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-06-02)
      The current source inverters are becoming competitors of the voltage source inverters largely due to the reduced complexity, improved reliability and potentially improved efficiency. This paper describes the functionality of current source inverters and why they’re becoming increasingly popular. It also discusses about the benefits of SiC over other semiconductors and the use of SiC MOSFETS with ...
    • A proxy for reliable 5G (and beyond) mmWave communications. Contributions to multi-path scheduling for a reliability focused mmWave proxy 

      Tofah, Dzifa Korbla Wisdom (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-16)
      Reliable, consistent and very high data rate mobile communication will become especially important for future services such as, among other things, future emergency communication needs. MmWave technology provides the needed capacity, however, lacks the reliability due to the abrupt capacity changes any one path experiences. Intelligently making use of varying numbers of available mmWave paths, ...
    • Integration of UTM and U-Space on Norwegian continental shelf 

      Isdahl, Morten Andersen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-16)
      In this master thesis, we present an overview of the U-Space and Regulations in Europe, while also taking into consideration the progression of the integration of both parts in Norwegian airspace over the Norwegian continental shelf. This thesis is mainly separated into three parts. The first part is taking a look into the European Union's roadmap/plan for establishing an Unmanned Aircraft System ...
    • Underwater Inductive Power Transfer with Wireless Charging Applications 

      Monari, Lydiah Mitchelle (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-16)
      Underwater wireless power transfer (UWPT) has become an area of great interest due to the advancement of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and electic boats. This paper seeks to investigate the variation of the coupling coefficient and power transfer in air versus in seawater. The design is based on a class E converter as it can achieve soft-switching inherently. I made the transmitter and ...
    • Automated multi-rotor draft survey of large vessels 

      Usman, Muhammad (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-16)
      In maritime sector draft survey has a significant importance as it is used to determine many important factors used in maritime transportation. Draft is the vertical displacement from the bottom of the keel (the bottom-most element of a vessel) to the water line (the line of meeting point of hull and the water surface). It is used to measure the minimum water depth for safe navigation of vessel and ...
    • Modeling and analysis of power system oscillations using real-time simulator. 

      Sandberg, Andreas (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-16)
      In this thesis a version of the Kundur two-area model has been developed for Simulink and real time simulator software and hardware from OPAL-RT. This model should be used for testing the rotor angle oscillations load variations create. A review of the different control elements found in basic power systems has been reviewed and implemented. The main component that will be manipulated in the model ...
    • Automated Tugboat Assisted Docking of Large Vessels 

      Abdullah, Muhammad Zaeem (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-15)
      The main research aspect behind this project was the problem in docking the ship to the port with limited space and resources available, causing number of onsite accidents and loss of resources. The main objective is to increase safety on ports, reduce pollution and increase fuel efficiency, also reduce the docking time for the vessels, which can be achieved by developing an autonomous docking system ...
    • Temporary Load Shedding - Optimization of power distribution system using load shedding Techniques 

      Basit, Abdul (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-15)
      In today’s world, electrical energy is a necessity. The dependency on electricity is increasing day by day which caused the system to work under a stress state close to stability limits and disturbances. An efficient power system supplying electrical energy must be reliable, stable, secure, and reasonable to meet consumer needs. The power demand depends on several factors and weather is one of the ...
    • Technical Challenges and Solutions of a three-phase bidirectional two stage Electric Vehicle charger 

      Mughal, Babur Zaman Khan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-15)
      The sustainability of the power grid owing to the building strain of the ever-growing demand for electrical energy urges innovative and more practical solutions that enable active participation of end-users in stable and reliable management of power systems. One of the emerging projections of such a two-way exchange of electrical power between the grid and consumers is the developing field of ...
    • Coordinated Volt-Var control in multiple smart inverters in Smart Distribution Networks for Voltage Regulation. 

      Abbasi, Arslan Gul (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-15)
      The inevitable growing demand for electrical power, depleting sources of conventional power generation, and world wide concern about global warming are major factors to boost the trend of renewable integration in grids. This rising trend is causing many technical and operational challenges where one of the most prominent problem is the overvoltage caused by distributed generation units, interfaced ...
    • All electric battery service vessel - Dynamic modeling of a battery fed IPMSM propulsion plant as a tool for energy estimates and functional description for an energy management system 

      Breines, Anders (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-12)
      "Designing an all-electric battery vessel, knowledge of the dynamic performance of the electrical propulsion plant becomes crucial to produce adequate estimates of needed battery capacity. An energy management system is to control the on-board power flow and ensure energy efficient operation of the vessel. This thesis presents a solution for dynamic simulation of an all-electric battery vessel based ...
    • Optimal Volt Var control in Smart Distribution Networks 

      Shamraiz, Shamraiz (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-24)
      Both the generation and transmission power networks are facing new threats and opportunities as the number of distributed energy resources (DERs) grows. Because of the high solar PV penetration, voltage rise and voltage volatility are becoming major problems in the distribution network. Voltage regulating devices (VRDs), such as on load tap changers (OLTCs), phase voltage regulators (SVRs), and ...