Mastergradsoppgaver i elektroteknologi: Nye registreringer
Viser treff 81-86 av 86
Optimal routing and charging procedures for electric buses
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-04-06)The goal of the project is to use Ant Colony Optimization techniques with Genetic Algorithm to design and analyse routes and recharging schedules for electric buses. One system so-called “en route” charging was analysed where the bus applies a kind of pantograph at bus stops to recharge the bus batteries. This implies more frequent, but short recharging intervals. The program offers diff t variants ... -
Motion capturing machine learning. Bluetooth motion sensors
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-04-06)Good and efficient care for our elderly is a major concern in our ever aging popu- lation. The elderly’s greatest fear is falling to the ground, not being able to get up or get help. Use of Bluetooth motion sensors and appropriate agents can help alert for in the event of a person falling. In this master thesis an experimental sensor rig has been created together with an android application which ... -
Efficient customizable tools for big data processing. Incoherent scatter radar big data as a case study
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-04-06)This project is my master diploma project of the department of Computer Science at Norks Arktisk Universitet (UiT) in 2016. Every day, the satellites send to the ground stations huge amount of data for processing. Incoherent Scatter Radar (ISR) is a very interesting technology in the space science and it also sends a large amount of data in plasma line data back to the earth. Currently, the space ... -
Design av dekksmontert knekk-kran
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-11-01)Oppgavens hensikt var å designe en kran som skulle være klar til produksjon når prosjektet ferdigstilles. Under prosjekteringen skulle alle aspekter av krandesignet undersøkes. Kranen skulle arktifiseres, dette vil si gjøres klar for en arktiskmaritim vinter. Alle komponenter ble designet med en minimum sikkerhetsfaktor på 1.33, dog har de aller fleste komponentene en høyere sikkerhetsfaktor. Den ... -
Effect of placement of PMUs on state estimation in a power system
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-11-07)State estimation is one of the most important processes in modelling and monitoring of a power system. Iterative and less accurate conventional means of estimation are now being replaced by fast and direct state vector measurements provided by PMUs. However, the high cost of PMUs forces engineers to choose wisely where the measurement units should be placed. The given project observes different ... -
Duct fanned shielding design for quadrotors
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-11-01)The master thesis work involved the design implementation of a duct fanned shielding for Quadrotors. This included the investigation of various settings for duct shielding and to identify the best possible option to safe guard propellers of the quadrotor. In addition, the work focused on improving the aerodynamic efficiency, reducing the mass of flight and the use of quadrotors in the arctic ...