• Exploring Code Switching as a Strategy for Euphemism: A study of Bilingual Undergraduate of Pashto and English in Degree college Wari, Dir Upper 

    Ahmad, Zeeshan (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-14)
    This research explores the motivations behind code-switching behavior, particularly focusing on its occurrence within the context of group discussions among English undergraduate students. Twenty participants, consisting of seven females and thirteen males, were observed during group discussions and subsequently interviewed individually to elucidate the reasons underlying their code-switching ...
  • Do Economics Matter in the Flight Deck? A Statistical Analysis 

    Nedrebø, Tord (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-03)
    The aviation industry operates within a dynamic framework influenced by economic factors, safety concerns, and operational considerations. It is an industry easily influenced by global events and geopolitics, making airlines straddle a fine line between profitability and financial ruin. The purpose of this paper is to explore the importance of financial factors in the decision-making processes of ...
  • Leveling up L2 English 

    Johannessen, Ole-Henrik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-04)
    Denne undersøkelsen utforsker effekten av digitale spill på tilegnelse av vokabular i engelsk som andrespråk (L2) blant norske spiller, og potensialet spill kan ha i språklæring. Studien starter med en gjennomgang av tidligere forskning som har undersøkt engelsk L2-tilegnelse gjennom digitale spill. Denne studien analyserer spørreundersøkelsen utført blant norske spillere for å vurdere hvordan de ...
  • A conviction in marine operations – a step back in aviation safety? 

    Hjemmen, Mads Waltersdorph (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-30)
    December 2023, the Norwegian court convicted the Officer On Watch on KNM Helge Ingstad after a collision with the tanker Sola TS. This study investigates how a conviction of an operator in naval industry might influence the just culture in the Norwegian aviation industry. A questionnaire was sent to 180 persons January 5th, 2024. Theories on just -and reporting culture are presented. This study will ...
  • Hvordan kan en styrke sikkerhetsbarrieren mennesket i flyoperasjoner? 

    Tolleshaug, Bjørn-Inge (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-27)
    Luftfartens historie er kort. Begynnelsen var preget av modige pionerer som trosset farer for å erobre himmelen. Etter hvert som luftfarten ble en kommersiell virksomhet, kom krav om høy sikkerhet. Etter en lang periode med prioritering av teknisk sikkerhet, er oppmerksomheten nå på sikkerhetsstyring, og på menneskets rolle i ulykker. Den moderne luftfarten er kompleks. Forskere som Reason, ...

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