• Simulations of the collection of mesospheric dust particles with a rocket instrument 

    Pineau, Adrien; Trollvik, Henriette M.; Greaker, Herman; Olsen, Sveinung viggo; Eilertsen, Yngve; Mann, Ingrid Brigitte (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-28)
    We investigate the collection of dust particles in the mesosphere with the MESS (MEteoric Smoke Sampler) instrument that is designed to fly on a sounding rocket. We assume that the ice particles that form in the polar mesosphere between 80 and 85 km altitude in summer contain meteoric smoke particles; and these should be collected with MESS. The instrument consists of a collection device with an ...
  • Path analysis reveals combined winter climate and pollution effects on the survival of a marine top predator 

    Layton-Matthews, Kate; Erikstad, Kjell E.; Sandvik, Hanno; Ballesteros, Manuel; Hodges, Kevin; Mesquita, Michel d. S.; Reiertsen, Tone Kristin; Yoccoz, Nigel Gilles; Bustnes, Jan Ove (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-08-06)
    Marine ecosystems are experiencing growing pressure from multiple threats caused by human activities, with far-reaching consequences for marine food webs. Determining the effects of multiple stressors is complex, in part, as they can affect different aspects of biological organisation (behaviour, individual traits and demographic rates). Determining the combined effects of stressors, through different ...
  • MRSA-halsbærerskap hos to helsearbeidere 

    Evenstad, Berit; Halvorsen, Dag Seeger; Myrbakk, Torni (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2024-02-14)
    Helsearbeidere med påvist bærerskap av meticillinresistente Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) opplever ofte negative konsekvenser, slik som arbeidsrestriksjoner, langvarige sykmeldinger, repeterte saneringsforsøk, stigmatisering og psykososialt stress. Vi omtaler to studenter som etter flere mislykkede saneringsforsøk fikk utført tonsillektomi for å kvitte seg med halsbærerskap.
  • Mapping Potential Timing of Ice Algal Blooms From Satellite 

    Stroeve, J.C.; Veyssiere, G.; Nab, C.; Light, B.; Perovich, D.; Laliberté, J.; Campbell, Karley Lynn; Landy, Jack Christopher; Mallett, Robbie David Christopher; Barrett, A; Liston, G.E.; Haddon, A.; Wilkinson, J. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2024-04-17)
    As Arctic sea ice and its overlying snow cover thin, more light penetrates into the ice and upper ocean, shifting the phenology of algal growth within the bottom of sea ice, with cascading impacts on higher trophic levels of the Arctic marine ecosystem. While field data or autonomous observatories provide direct measurements of the coupled sea ice-algal system, they are limited in space and time. ...
  • Revisiting Unsinkable Ships: From Titanic to Helge Ingstad, the Long-Standing Issues and Persistent Risks of Ship Disasters 

    Johansen, Kåre; Gudmestad, Ove Tobias (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2024-03)
    The objective of this paper is to take a closer look at the theory of damage stability, i.e., origin, construction, organization and human developments, regulations, and in this context pinpoint a possible causal relationship between two specific ship losses: the losses of RMS Titanic and KNM Helge Ingstad. The paper does not discuss direct causes but rather tries to discuss possible causal links ...

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