Artikler, rapporter og annet (UB)
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Studentevalueringspraksis til det beste for studenters læring?
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-11-21)This chapter explores how student course evaluation can potentially be strengthened as a pedagogical practice and be more actively used in teaching improvement that benefits students’ learning. Moreover, we explore the role academic developers can have in student evaluation practice. The chapter builds on an interview study of twelve Norwegian academic developers and leaders of academic development ... -
Pedagogisk mappe – hva, hvorfor og hvordan?
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-11-21)A teaching portfolio is a systematic and comprehensive documentation of a teacher’s pedagogical and didactic competence. In Norwegian higher education, teachers are required to document their teaching competence for assessment purposes. This chapter defines the teaching portfolio and addresses why it is suggested as an integral part of academic teachers’ professional lives. The portfolio serves ... -
Probing the Nature of Roots through Language Contact
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)The nature of roots and their role in linguistic theory has been the topic of extensive discussion for many years. A number of decompositional theories have proposed that roots are among the basic building blocks of word formation, yet they do not agree on their specific characteristics. The present paper approaches the issue from a different angle, namely through the lens of language contact. It ... -
Exploiting the “gold of the ocean”: Can live storage solve the paradox of the purse seine fishery for Atlantic bluefin tuna in Norway?
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-11-13)The Norwegian quota for Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABT) (Thunnus thynnus) is not completely caught every year. This is paradoxical because Norway is a leading fishing nation. The fishery is currently executed by rod-and-reel and purse seine, with ~ 80 % of the quota being allocated to the latter. Purse seine is therefore the main determinant for the overall success of the fishery and vessels aim to ... -
The impact of professional development training on faculty’s integration of universal design for learning in daily teaching practices
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-11-25)Even though Inclusive Education (IE) is required both legally and socially, it is often not implemented in the day-to-day teaching practice of faculty in higher education (HE) institutions. Professional development (PD) training is considered an important means to address this discrepancy, however, its impact on the long-term implementation of IE is unclear. This exploratory study is the first of ... -
Can anthropomorphic interpretation cues motivate tourists to have civilized behavioral intentions? The roles of meaningful experience and narrative
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-10)Guiding tourists in displaying civilized behavior is pivotal in destination management. This research tries to understand what forms of interpretation can effectively promote tourists' desirable behaviors. Grounded in social information processing theory, it introduces the tool of anthropomorphic interpretation cues and investigates its' efficacy in shaping tourists’ civilized behavioral intentions ... -
Nudge pro-environmental contagion: Residents to tourists
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-09)Drawing on social contagion theory, nudge theory and norm activation theory, this study investigates how residents' pro-environmental behaviour may influence tourists' behaviour, thus, collaboratively achieving a tourist destination's sustainability. Findings from a field experiment and three scenario experiments confirm that tourists have a stronger intention to behave pro-environmentally in those ... -
Time Optimization of Warehouse Operations Through Industry 4.0 Technology Implementation: Case Study from a Spare Parts Warehouse in the Oil and Gas Industry
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-02-09)This work is a case study approach to optimizing warehouse operations for the oil and gas industry. As companies in the energy industry seek to decrease costs, optimize industrial processes, and achieve higher degrees of sustainability to cut emissions, new automation tools are considered for utilization. The oil and gas industry is under scrutiny from governments, citizens, and activist organizations ... -
Warehousing in the Context of Digital Supply Chain in the Oil and Gas Industry: Using Grounded Theory to Create Groundwork
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-02-25)The oil and gas industry is a complex industry with many stakeholders, risks, and monetary values involved. The supply chain of oil and gas companies is an aspect of oil and gas companies that has developed without major optimization measures along the way – it has simply had activities and concepts added as they have come along. One such activity in the supply chain in need of optimization is ... -
Space Weather and Space Climate - A timeline
(Book; Bok, 2024-10)At the beginning of the 20th century, it was admitted that our atmosphere could not extend beyond a few tens of kilometres. Shortly after the midst of that same century, it was understood that the Earth is surrounded by a complex and rich plasma environment, conditioned by solar activity, extending over several tens of thousands of kilometres. Today, we know that our planet’s boundaries extend far ... -
En spesialisering innen stamming og løpsk tale - trengs det?
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024)European Stuttering Specialization (ESS) er en spesialisering som tilbys logopeder som er spesielt interessert i stamming og løpsk tale, og som ønsker i hovedsak å ha dette fagområdet som sitt logopediske nedslagsfelt. Navnet ble nylig endret fra European Clinical Specialization in Fluency (ECSF) til ESS. Vår intensjon med å skrive denne artikkelen, er å gjøre denne spesialiseringen kjent for enda ... -
Lundearkivet. Informasjon om privatarkivet etter Knut Lunde, med utdrag fra brev. 2. utgave
(Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2024)<p>Arbeidet med Lundearkivet er et langdistanseløp som krever kompetanse utover det Universitetsbiblioteket (UB) selv har. Samarbeid med Knut Lundes etterkommere, dialog med forskere og veiledning fra Arkiv Troms, Statsarkivet i Tromsø, Samisk Arkiv og ikke minst konsulent Haarek Helberg, har fått arbeidet i gode spor. Avgjørende for resultatet er dyktige og engasjerte prosjektledere: Henning Hansen ... -
Prakademisk og tilpasset læringsdesign for Executive-utdanning
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-16)For å nå målgruppen voksne studenter med arbeidserfaring som også er i fulltidsarbeid, er det nødvendig at videreutdanningsstudier bygger på et læringsopplegg som både er faglig solid og oppdatert. I våre studieemner legger vi vekt på praksisnærhet, der studentene kan integrere egne erfaringer og praksis i læringsprosessen – en tilnærming vi kaller prakademisk. Videreutdanningsstudier innen ... -
A survey of interventions to actively conserve the frozen North
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-25)The frozen elements of the high North are thawing as the region warms much faster than the global mean. The dangers of sea level rise due to melting glacier ice, increased concentrations of greenhouse gases from thawing permafrost, and alterations in the key high latitude physical systems spurred many authors, and more recently international agencies and supra-state actors, to investigate “emergency ... -
Institutional publishing in the ERA: Complete country reports
(Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2024)This report is a supplement to The European landscape of institutional publishing - A synopsis of results from the DIAMAS survey, DOI: It contains reports on all countries surveyed as part of the DIAMAS IPSP landscape report (Institutional Publishing in the ERA: results from the DIAMAS survey. D2.3 Final IPSP landscape Report, 2023).<p> <p>The country ... -
Institutional Publishing in the ERA: results from the DIAMAS survey. D2.3 Final IPSP landscape Report
(Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2024)This report describes the landscape of institutional publishing in Europe, based on a process of collecting information from the organisations active in institutional publishing in the ERA. It is not a research report and is primarily intended to serve as a resource for the ensuing work packages in the DIAMAS project. This Landscape Report should therefore not be considered as an end product. ... -
Institutional publishing in the ERA: Full country reports. A supplement to the D2.3 Final IPSP landscape Report
(Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2024)This report is a supplement to the DIAMAS IPSP landscape report: Institutional publishing in the ERA: results from the DIAMAS survey, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10022184. Both reports draw on the 685 valid responses to the DIAMAS survey conducted between March and May 2023. This represents data from 43 countries in the ERA. -
Pigghåtoktet 2023 — Et samarbeidstokt mellom Havforskningsinstituttet og Måløy Videregående Skole, med opplæringsfartøyet MS Skulebas
(Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2024-11-01)Pigghå er en datafattig og rødlistet art som historisk har gitt grunnlag for et stort fiskeri med årlige landinger på mer enn 40 000 tonn i mer enn 40 år. Etter langvarig overfiske og etterfølgende bestandssammenbrudd har det nå i en del år vært tegn til vekst i bestanden. I 2020, Måløy videregående skole, som eier en atuolinebåt, tok kontakt med Havforskningsinstituttet og presenterte et ønske om ... -
Large-Scale Item-Level Analysis of the Figural Matrices Test in the Norwegian Armed Forces: Examining Measurement Precision and Sex Bias
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-08-29)Figural matrices tests are common in intelligence research and have been used to draw conclusions regarding secular changes in intelligence. However, their measurement properties have seldom been evaluated with large samples that include both sexes. Using data from the Norwegian Armed Forces, we study the measurement properties of a test used for selection in military recruitment. Item-level ... -
Warehousing in the Context of Digital Supply Chain in the Oil and Gas Industry: Towards Conceptualization and Groundwork
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-02-25)The oil and gas industry is a complex industry with many stakeholders, risks, and monetary values involved. The supply chain of oil and gas companies is an aspect of oil and gas companies that has developed without major optimization measures along the way – it has simply had activities and concepts added as they have come along. One such activity in the supply chain in need of optimization is ...