Viser treff 1-20 av 583

    • Use of directed quasi-metric distances for quantifying the information of gene families 

      Thorvaldsen, Steinar; Hössjer, Ola (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-12)
      A large hindrance to analyzing information in genetic or protein sequence data has been a lack of a mathematical framework for doing so. In this paper, we present a multinomial probability space X as a general foundation for multicategory discrete data, where categories refer to variants/alleles of biosequences. The external information that is infused in order to generate a sample of such data ...
    • Hvorfor velger elever på videregående skole programfaget psykologi? 

      Busch, Mari Veierud (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-05-07)
      Psykologi er blitt et svært populært programfag blant elever på studiespesialiserende utdanningsprogram. Det er tre hypoteser om hvorfor elever velger psykologi: (1) At det er et fag det er lett å få gode karakterer i, rigour hypothesis, (2) at elever med psykiske utfordringer velger faget som verktøy for selvterapi, therapy hypothesis, og (3) at faget velges fordi det oppfattes som et interessant ...
    • Ledelsespraksis i oppstarten av skolers arbeid for utvikling av tilpasset opplæring 

      Yttergård, Vegard; Vennebo, Kirsten Foshaug (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2024-03-22)
      Denne artikkelen rapporterer fra en studie der vi undersøker ledelsespraksiser i oppstarten av skolers arbeid for utvikling av tilpasset opplæring iverksatt på initiativ fra skoleeieren. Studien har et aksjonsforskningsdesign med fire deltakende skoler og ledergrupper. Samlet viser studien hvordan ledelsespraksiser som er preget av distribuert og samhandlende «tettpå-ledelse», kjennetegnet av ...
    • Remediating deficits? Problem representations in Norwegian policies for newly qualified teachers 

      Skytterstad, Remi; Antonsen, Yngve; Stenseth, Anna Maria Helena (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2024-07-18)
      This article analyzes how newly qualified teachers (NQTs) are conceptualized in Norwegian policy, specifically the green paper ‘NOU 2022: 13: With Further Significance’. Utilizing Carol Bacchi’s ‘What’s the Problem Represented to Be?’ approach, we dissect policy proposals and solutions to uncover and examine a tension-filled conceptualization of NQTs as both ‘valuable contributors’ and ‘being in ...
    • Transformative partnerships with university schools 

      Hatlevik, Ida Katrine Riksaasen; Eriksen, Tone Malmstedt; Hunskaar, Tove Seiness; Steele, Annfrid Rosøy; Unhjem, Astrid; Vedeler, Gørill Warvik (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      The establishment of transformative partnerships between a teacher education (TE) institution and a few selected “university schools” is widely recognized as a strategy to ensure the ongoing quality development of TE programs and to increase research-based development in schools. The University of Oslo and UiT The Arctic University of Norway were the first TE institutions in Norway to establish these ...
    • Lærerstudentenes erfaringer med trepartssamarbeid i oppstarten av arbeidet med FoU-oppgaven 

      Postholm, May Britt; Jakhelln, Rachel Elise (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-11)
      Denne artikkelen retter oppmerksomheten mot lærerstudentenes arbeid med FoU-oppgaven i sitt 3. studieår. Artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i en studie hvor kulturhistorisk aktivitetsteori (KHAT) var det teoretiske rammeverket, og hvor endringsverkstedet (change laboratory) var en sentral møteplass for lærerstudenter, lærerutdannere og praksislærere. Artikkelen svarer på følgende problemstilling: Hvordan ...
    • Research approaches in master-based teacher education preparing student teachers for professional work 

      Antonsen, Yngve; Toom, Auli; Ulvik, Marit; Drageset, Ove Gunnar; Olsen, Knut Rune; Hjardemaal, Finn Rudolf; Sæther, Kari-Anne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-07-10)
      Student teachers have been found to be critical toward the research approaches they learned from their master's-based teacher education programmes. Our aim is to discuss how certain research approaches learnt during a 5-year academic master's level teacher education, may bring student teachers close to practice and provide them with conceptual and practical tools for a thorough understanding of the ...
    • The significance of multilingual children's voices in research 

      Pesch, Anja Maria; Sundelin, Marit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-08)
      This paper discussesethical and methodological aspects of research among multilingual children regarding the inclusion of theirvoices. The starting point ofthispaper is a field of tension concerning multilingual children’s participation in research. On the one hand, children have the right to protection, while onthe other,theyhave the right to be heard and should be studied by virtue of being children. ...
    • Vil berge KDA ved fire skoler 

      Lefdal, Else Margrethe; Moe, Harald Eivind (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2024)
      Det foregår nå en kamp på Vestlandet for å sikre ungdom et praktisk og estetisk utdanningstilbud.
    • Pre-Service teachers’ Knowledge of and Beliefs About Direct and Indirect Proofs 

      Roksvold, Jan Nyquist; Sriraman, Bharath (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-20)
      Teachers have difficulty integrating proof in their mathematics instruction due to both narrow beliefs about proofs and limited understanding of proofs. Indirect proofs seem to be a particular cause for concern. In this exploratory study, we contribute to the research area by reporting on an empirical study of Norwegian pre-service teachers’ knowledge of and beliefs about direct and indirect proofs. ...
    • Reading instruction for students with intellectual disabilities who require augmentative and alternative communication: A multiple single case study with baseline, posttest, follow-up, and maintenance 

      Ulriksen, Line Britt; Bilet-Mossige, Marthe; Cogo Moreira, Hugo; Øien, Roald A; Nordahl-Hansen, Anders (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-26)
      The purpose of the current study was to examine whether seven children, aged 6–10 years, with intellectual disabilities who require augmentative and alternative communication, could acquire phonological awareness and reading skills by using a reading material that is based on research on the evidence-based reading program Accessible literacy learning. The effect of the measures has been examined ...
    • Tracing the Ontological Beliefs of Norwegian Educators Concerning Technology use in Early Childhood Education and Care 

      Undheim, Marianne; Kucirkova, Natalia; Unstad, Torstein; Dardanou, Maria (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-04-24)
      Nested in the socio-cultural theory and the related concepts of dialogue in thinking (Mercer & Littleton, 2007) and dialogic teaching in classrooms (Mercer & Howe, 2012), this study explored knowledge and technology as dynamic meaning-making processes in Norwegian early childhood education and care (ECEC) settings. Group-reflections from thirteen Norwegian early childhood educators and their ...
    • How mini–whiteboards can help teachers raise their level of communication in whole class plenary talks 

      Eidissen, Thomas Frantzen (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      This study investigates if using mini-whiteboards can change communication practices in a classroom using a before-and-after approach. Change in teaching practices was analysed using a framework described by Brendefur and Frykholm (2000). The data for this paper were collected on a lesson before the introduction of the mini-whiteboards, and a lesson three months after the introduction of the tools. ...
    • Resiliens som bidrag til gjennomføring av videregående opplæring 

      Jakobsen, Yvonne; Olsen, Mirjam Harkestad (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Artikkelen diskuterer hvordan ungdom begrunner sitt valg om å fullføre eller avslutte videregående opplæring før fullgått tid og hvordan de opplever at deres psykiske helseutfordringer påvirker deres livsmestring knyttet til utdanning. Ved hjelp av en spørreundersøkelse, individuelle forskningsintervju og fokusgruppeintervju er spørsmålene søkt besvart. Datamaterialet tydeliggjør betydningen av egne ...
    • Listening Circle - a path to better listening skills 

      Nordli, Ingrid Cathrin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      “What do you mean, listen?” Listening is an essential part of language and communication skills. It is crucial for teachers, as it is for students. However, students have demonstrated low listening comprehension and reported that learning how to listen was not part of their school curriculum.
    • Devised theatre methodology to promote creativity in school 

      Munk, Camilla Steine; Antonsen, Yngve; Andreassen, Svein-Erik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-11)
      This study examines the use of a devised theatre methodology to develop more creativity in the professional learning community and among students. Data from focus groups in an action research project in an upper secondary school in Norway have been thema tically analysed. Using the practice architecture theory, we identi fied three different practices: ‘creative practice’, ‘collective creative ...
    • The role of Skolt Saami religious texts in language development and revitalization 

      Kosner, Lukas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The focus of this article is the role of translations of religious literature into Skolt Saami in the development of the Skolt Saami written language and in the process of language revitalization. The Orthodox Church has had a strong influence on the life of Skolt Saami people, however, the interaction between language and religion and its significance is usually overlooked in the research context. ...
    • Mathematics Education Storylines and Cultures in Indigenous and Migrational Contexts 

      Simensen, Anita Movik; Huru, Hilja Lisa; Andersson, Annica; Herbel-Eisenmann, Beth Ann; Wagner, David Richard (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      In November 2022, we organised a conference where researchers, teachers, elders, doctoral students and prospective teachers from “all over the world” were invited to participate in conversations about mathematics education in Indigenous and/or migrational contexts. The conference took place in Alta, Northern Norway. In this area, Sami, Kven and Norwegian peoples live together side by side. This is ...
    • «Finsk sisu» og «norsk» hoppmentalitet. Skiløping og skiftende kvensk minoritetsforståelse i fortellingene om «finske» Per Olsen og «hopperen» Bjørn Wirkola 

      Pedersen, Helge Christian (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-20)
      Despite the importance of sport to society as a whole and to different minority groups, the role of sport in forming ethnic identities in the Nordic countries have not been thoroughly examined by academics. The historically diverse communities of orthern Norway, consisting of Kveens, Sámi and Norwegians has fostered great athletes. Skiers Per Olsen and Bjørn Wirkola from Alta are two of them who ...
    • Arbeid med sennagress - samisk tradisjonell kunnskap i naturfag 

      Kvivesen, Mona; Utsi, Tove Aagnes; Isaksen, Marianne (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      Samisk tradisjonell kunnskap er i dag etterspurt både i lærerutdanningen og i skolen. Denne studien belyser hvordan naturfagstudenter på en grunnskolelærerutdanning tilegnet seg kompetanser i samisk tradisjonell kunnskap, naturfag og bærekraftig utvikling ved å jobbe med sennagress. Studentenes opplevelser av dette arbeidet ble også undersøkt.