• Religion in Modernism Epiphany and Heresy in Henry Roth’s Call It Sleep, James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Ulysses. 

    Storø, Toril (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-11-15)
    In the early part of the last century, there were signs of new attitudes toward institutional religion in the Western world. These attitudes placed value on the subjective, individual experience over orthodoxy in the Judeo-Christian tradition. This historical shift concerning the truth gives rise to a question: How does the individual access their spiritual knowingness without the former religious ...
  • El papel de la actitud en la elección del modo verbal en español: estudio de una herramienta didáctica 

    Lia, Carina (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-10-31)
    En español, la elección del modo está ligada a la actitud del hablante y a cómo percibe o evalúa la situación, lo que representa un desafío para estudiantes de español como lengua extranjera, dado que muchas lenguas no cuentan con un sistema gramatical equivalente. Esto a menudo lleva a un acercamiento teórico al modo, basado en la memorización de reglas y estructuras gramaticales, sin una comprensión ...
  • The professional profile of the remote operator. 

    Plawenn-Salvini, Clemens; Gudmestad, Ove Tobias (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2024-11)
    The need for experienced nautical officers is imminent, the possibilities to work ashore which requires their expertise are plentiful. Now, a new maritime profession is emerging, the remote operator. Again, we require mariners to take that role, resulting in a further increase in the personnel shortage. It is time we consider an alternative to sate the need for qualified persons in the remote operation ...
  • Macroecological patterns of rodent population dynamics shaped by bioclimatic gradients 

    Soininen, Eeva M; Magnusson, Magnus; Jepsen, Jane Uhd; Eide, Nina Elisabeth; Yoccoz, Nigel Gilles; Angerbjörn, Anders; Breisjøberget, Jo Inge; Ecke, Frauke; Ehrich, Dorothee; Framstad, Erik; Henttonen, Heikki; Hörnfeldt, Birger; Killengreen, Siw Turid; Olofsson, Johan; Oksanen, Lauri; Oksanen, Tarja Maarit; Tveito, Ole Einar Ellingbø (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-27)
    Long-term studies of cyclic rodent populations have contributed fundamentally to the development of population ecology. Pioneering rodent studies have shown macroecological patterns of population dynamics in relation to latitude and have inspired similar studies in several other taxa. Nevertheless, such studies have not been able to disentangle the role of different environmental variables in shaping ...
  • I See and Hear Things Differently Now – Students’ Experiences of the ERASMUS+ Project Voices of Women 

    Meling, Lise Karin; Meland, Aud Torill; Mittner, Lilli (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-20)
    The interdisciplinary ERASMUS+ project Voices of Women (VOW) commenced in January 2022, bringing students and teachers from Norway, the Netherlands, and Germany together. One of the main objectives of VOW was to familiarize students and audiences with art songs created by women composers from 19th and 20th century Europe.<p> <p>The purpose of this article is to present results from the research ...

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