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10 jan 2025: Wei Meng
Novel Molecular Characteristics of Ulcerative Colitis
24 jan 2025: Yue Feng
Nye registreringer
Registered Replication Report: A Large Multilab Cross-Cultural Conceptual Replication of Turri et al. (2015)
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-28)According to the justified true belief (JTB) account of knowledge, people can truly know something only if they have a belief that is both justified and true (i.e., knowledge is JTB). This account was challenged by Gettier, who argued that JTB does not explain knowledge attributions in certain situations, later called “Gettier-type cases,” wherein protagonists are justified in believing something ... -
Inherent Chirality and Stereoisomerism in Metallocorrole Sandwich Compounds
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-01-07)In this thesis, I have presented my findings on stereoisomerism in eight-coordinate metallobiscorrole sandwich compounds. Metallobiscorroles were first synthesized in our laboratory about eight years ago and, although they were fully structurally characterized with X-ray crystallography, their crowded 1H NMR spectra essentially defied assignment. My master’s thesis project began with the task to ... -
Hvordan arbeider helsepersonell i bedriftshelsetjenesten med kartlegging og oppfølging av hånd-/armvibrasjonssyndrom HAVS? En kvalitativ studie
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-02)Bakgrunn og formål: Eksponering for vibrasjoner fra håndholdte vibrerende verktøy kan gi negative helseeffekter i form av hånd-/armvibrasjonssyndrom (HAVS). HAVS kan være en arbeidsrelatert tilstand med stort forebyggingspotensial. Bedriftshelsetjenesten har et særskilt fortrinn når det gjelder å bidra til å forebygge arbeidsrelaterte tilstander. Oppgavens formål var å utforske hvordan helsepersonell ... -
Evidence for a specific distortion in perceptual body image in eating disorders: A replication and extension
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-11-22)A core feature of eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa, is an overestimation of body size. A key question is whether this overestimation arises solely from body image concerns typical in eating disorders, or if there is an additional perceptual disturbance. To address this question, we applied a two-component model of body size estimation that has been thoroughly replicated in the body image ... -
A hands-free carotid Doppler can identify spontaneous circulation without interrupting cardiopulmonary resuscitation: an animal study
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-27)Background Identifying spontaneous circulation during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is challenging. Current methods, which involve intermittent and time-consuming pulse checks, necessitate pauses in chest compressions. This issue is problematic in both in-hospital cardiac arrest and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest situations, where resources for identifying circulation during CPR may be limited. ...