Now showing items 1-20 of 159

    • Intersectional identities and spaces: Queer T’boli and Maranao narratives 

      Linao, Patricia Aida (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-13)
      This thesis contributes to our understanding of queer lived experiences by exploring identity constraints influence on the creation and maintenance of safe and brave spaces of queer Indigenous Filipinos. The study investigates their complex relationship with ambivalence towards and their survivance with the spaces they create within themselves, their familial, Indigenous community, cultural and ...
    • Singing the Song of Conservation; Influence of Biosecurity on the Indigenous Ngāi Tahu Land within the Mt Aspiring Region 

      Milovan, Andrea (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
      This thesis is braiding the disciplines of Indigenous Studies, Social Sciences, and Environmental Studies by investigating the extent to which the currently implemented biosecurity measures interact with Indigenous peoples’ fundamental rights to self determination and rights to traditional lands. That is done in the context of Ngāi Tahu Tino rangatiratanga within Tititea area (Mt Aspiring ...
    • ‘ Ughą jesedǔdla k’e’ - We work together : The impact of modern treaty First Nations in the Yukon working together on the implementation of the Final and Self-government Agreements 

      Badenhorst, Lisa (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-12)
      This master’s thesis examines how modern treaty First Nations in the Yukon (MTFNYs) currently collaborate, and the potential impact of MTFNYs collaborating more on the implementation of the Final and Self-government agreements. It explores how MTFNYs, and non-Indigenous governments (Canada and Yukon) describe the implementation of the agreements; the benefits and obstacles to collaboration according ...
    • “Saying You Will Help Is Not Enough” : Exploring Capacity-building Efforts Among San Community-Based Organizations in Botswana 

      Reinhard, Markus Alexander (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-14)
      The Indigenous San in Botswana, frequently encounter development projects aiming to alleviate socio-economic disparities, often through a conservation-focused framework called Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM). However, this framework imposes Western notions of conservation and governance, thereby neglecting the Indigenous knowledge system of the San and their traditional conservation ...
    • Impact Assessments and Sámi Self-determination in the Násávárre case: a right or a privilege? 

      Toft, Jens (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-11)
      In 2004 the Chinese company Elkem proposed the construction of a quartz quarry on Násávárre in Rana Municipality, Norway. Their proposition entails severe implications for Norwegian and Swedish Sámi reindeer herding communities, who use the area of the mountain throughout the year. The conflicting interests required an evaluation of said implications. Commissioned by Elkem, Sweco Norway AS conducted ...
    • Decolonising Indigenous-state democratic dialogue. An analysis of the Sámi consultation process on the Norwegian Education Act 

      Slaviero, Anna (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-13)
      This thesis examines the consultation process between the Sámediggi and the Norwegian government regarding the Education Act approved in 2023, adopting the Sámediggi’s perspective. Consultations are a central mechanism in international law for Indigenous peoples to influence decision-making processes and outcomes on matters that may affect their interests and cultures. However, there is a gap between ...
    • State Protection and Promotion of the Sami and Frisian Languages in the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages Reports: A comparative study of Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden 

      Wijnia, Danique (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-10-31)
      This thesis discusses the protection and promotion of Indigenous and minority languages by analyzing the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (ECRML). The study is comparative in nature and focuses on the Sami languages, in Norway and Sweden, and the Frisian languages, in Germany and the Netherlands. The ECRML and its explanatory report are analyzed as well as the latest ...
    • Biocultural Storytelling Pedagogy in Indigenous Nagaland: The Relational Worlds of Easterine Kire’s Novels 

      Geerling, Anna Ziya (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-11-01)
      In the quest for glocal solutions to glocal ecological breakdown, in which sustainability and biodiversity conservation have become powerful concepts at an international level, the causes of the ecological crises must be understood by their socio-economic ontological roots. Today, international fora increasingly recognise the contribution of Indigenous Peoples in safeguarding biodiversity, and attempt ...
    • North Sámi language revitalization: Shifting from passive language carrier to active language user. A case study of individuals who have successfully become new speakers of Sámi in the Márka Sámi areas 

      Marakat, Lea O. Nilsen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-13)
      Language is for many a significant part of one’s identity, culture and livelihood. The strict assimilation-policy that the Norwegian state conducted against the Sámi people for over a hundred years led to a severe loss of the Sámi language in many areas. This thesis is about indigenous language revitalization in a Sámi area that suffered a great language loss because of the policy. By analyzing the ...
    • The Institutional Process of Repatriation of Indigenous Heritage: The Case of the Sami Drum Freavnantjahke gievrie 

      Opitz, Swantje (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-15)
      This paper addresses the repatriation debate about the South Sami Freavnantjahke gievrie that was taken from its owner, the Sami Bendix Andersen Frennings Fjeld, in 1723 by the missionary Thomas von Westen. After the confiscation, the drum came to the Danish royal family and was gifted in 1757 to the noble family Saxony-Hildburghausen in what is now Thuringia, Germany. Today the gievrie is in ...
    • Agents of change: the Sámi Pathfinders, transforming majority-education within the cultural interface 

      Walsh-Knarvik, Kimble (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-12)
      This thesis fills an academic gap about the Sámi Pathfinders, centring their stories. I examine the role of the Sámi Ofelaččat/Samiske veivisere or Sámi Pathfinders and their contribution to Indigenous education. Indigenous education is framed as part of the paradigm of Indigenous self-determination. The Sámi Pathfinders is an educational initiative whereby Norwegian pupils learn about historical ...
    • The leadership impact of Karamojong teachers on the enrolment and retention of learners in Moroto municipality government primary schools, Uganda 

      Ssejjemba, Bukirwa Loy (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-14)
      Despite the efforts of the government of Uganda to train school leaders in the Karamoja region, the enrolment and completion rate of Karamojong pupils in Moroto municipality primary schools remains low. Previous research attributes this to historical and environmental factors that promote Karamojong parents’ failure to attach value to formal education. This study analyses the leadership impact of ...
    • From ideas to final mandate An analysis of the process of formulating the Norwegian TRC mandate and the idea 

      Habbestad, Amalie Drage (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-15)
      Abstract Truth and Reconciliation Commissions (TRC) have increasingly become a tool for non-transitional stable democratic states to deal with injustice committed in the past, however often with lingering consequences. This was the case when in 2018 a TRC was established by the Norwegian Parliament to investigate the Norwegianization policy and injustice against the Sámi and Kven/Norwegian Finnish ...
    • Indigenous Climate Justice - Insights from Sápmi: An Analysis of Public Presentations and Policy Documents from Sámi Sources 

      Pellennec, Laila (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-14)
      Abstract This thesis examines the concept of indigenous climate justice in a Sámi political context. The green transition taking place in Europe and globally requires resources such as minerals and land. Research shows that these green transition projects place a burden on different indigenous groups around the world, and their voices and concerns are seldomly addressed by those making climate ...
    • Land use management in an indigenous rights context: Reindeer herding and tourism. The case of Jämtlandstriangeln 

      Karestrand, Amanda (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      This thesis studies a case of indigenous and non-indigenous relations in Jämtland, Sweden. The studied area is subject to multiple interests in land-use, and this study focuses on the relation between indigenous Sámi reindeer herding and outdoor tourism. The area has a long history of both mountain tourism and reindeer herding, but in recent years tourism has increased to new levels and the Sámi ...
    • The Concept of Sacred in Sápmi - An Inquiry 

      Cunningham, Chloë Rain (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      This thesis explores the concept of sacred in Sápmi, tracing the trails of its existence through the historical past into more contemporary ideologies affecting recent events. This inquiry attempts to describe the essence of Sámi self-consciousness through their unique tradition of interconnectedness, by asking if the concept of sacred has value and place in the struggles of the Sámi of today, to ...
    • Tracing Virtual Sápmi: Communicating Sámi Narratives in the Age of the Meme 

      Lahey-McCoy, Faith (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-06-14)
      Online social realities now more integrated into the daily lives of global human populations than has ever been witnessed before leads us to question how this shift might be impacting existing local realities. One phenomenon which characterizes today’s online interactions is the creation and sharing of internet memes, or images from pop culture often layered with text to convey ideas and perspectives ...
    • A hundred years of assimilation: Context of Kurdish people in the field education 

      Karataş, Mazlum (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-31)
      This research aims to question how the Kurdish people is affected by the assimilation policies starting from the 1923 until today. It aims to explain how the education system serves the assimilation policies and how and for what reasons the Kurdish language and culture are being destroyed. The thesis provides reasons why Kurdish language and literature do not develop. In order to explain these ...
    • The Impact Of Covid-19 Pandemic on Education for Indigenous People In Uganda A Case Study of Karamojong Community 

      Brenda, Babirye (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-31)
      The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak from 2019 has impacted education systems of many countries around the world. Efforts to contain COVID-19 have led to the closure of schools in more than 100 countries worldwide. This situation has also left over one billion learners out of school. For marginalized communities such as indigenous people, the situation has been worse. This study investigated the ...
    • The Impact of ILO 169 on State Commitments and Policies in Nepal 

      Poudyal Ghimire, Susma (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-31)
      Nepal adopted ILO Convention No. 169 in 2007, and its principles have been applied in national legislation and policies to enhance the acknowledgment of indigenous peoples' rights in practice. The research highlights the changes in Nepal's acknowledgment and protection of indigenous peoples' rights after the country ratified of ILO 169. Thus, it will investigate the Nepalese government's adoption ...