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'Søkelys på samfunnsmedisinen' : evaluering av kommunal samfunnsmedisinsk legetjeneste, offentlig legearbeid og de forebyggende oppgaver i fastlegeordningen
(Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2005)Universitetet i Tromsø ved Institutt for Samfunnsmedisin har gjennom tre spørreskjemabaserte tverrsnittsundersøkelser studert kommunal samfunnsmedisinsk legetjeneste i forhold til arbeidsinnhold og arbeidsforhold før og etter Fastlegereformen, og hvilke faktorer som har påvirket utviklingen. Prosjektet inkluderer også intervjuer før og etter introduksjonen av reformen av kommunale administratorer, ... -
Det skapende mellomrommet i møtet mellom pasient og lege
(Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2004) -
The South Asian cataract management study : a prospective clinical study of traditional intracapsular cataract surgery with and without implantation of anterior chamber intraocular lens
(Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2000) -
Echocardiographic screening in a general population : normal distribution of echocardiographic measurements and their relation to cardiovascular risk factors and disease : The Tromsø Study
(Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2000) -
'One more cup of coffee for the road' : Tore Eiliv Lund 70 år : festskrift
(Others; Andre, 2017) -
Helseundersøkelsen i Arkhangelsk 2000
(Others; Andre, 2003)Institutt for samfunnsmedisin ved Universitetet i Tromsø har siden slutten av 1980-tallet hatt samarbeide med klinikere og forskere fra Universitetet i Arkhangelsk. Dette samarbeidet har resultert i utveksling av helsepersonell og studenter, flere utviklings- og forskningsprosjekter har blitt igangsatt og avsluttet, og en rekke felles møter og konferanser om situasjonen for folkehelsen i Russland ... -
ILSA 2017 in Tromsø : proceedings from the 42nd annual conference of the International Lung Sound Association
(Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2017)The usefulness of lung auscultation is changing. It depends on how well practitioners understand the generation of sounds. It also depends on their knowledge on how lung sounds are associated with lung and heart diseases, as well as with other factors such as ageing and smoking habits. In clinical practice, practitioners need to give sufficient attention to lung auscultation, and they should use ... -
Mellom hypoteser og tilfeldigheter
(Others; Andre, 2017)Dette er en personlig, objektiv beskrivelse av grunnlaget for Kvinner og Kreft, utviklingen over tid og samspillet mellom ideer, engasjement og tilfeldigheter. Over ca femti år er det meste forandret fra forskning drevet av nysgjerrighet til forskning som konkurranse. Det springende spørsmål er hva som gir best utbytte i fremtiden? Prosjekter har ofte en meget lang tidshorisont. Politiske og ... -
Asthma and allergy in children : an epidemiological study of asthma and allergy in schoolchildren living in Northern Norway and Russia with respect to prevalence trends 1985-1995-2000, geographic differences in prevalence and biomarkers
(Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2006)The thesis has focused on asthma, AR and AD in children in a limited geographical region over a limited period of time and has studied the prevalence trends, geographical differences in prevalence and the biomarker s-ECP. These are the main findings in the five papers published: <ul id = «mylist»> <li> The prevalence of asthma and allergy in north Norwegian primary schoolchildren increased ... -
Human exposure to perfluorinated compounds : concentrations, dietary impact and molecular signatures
(Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2010) -
Why don't we take a look at the patient? : an anthropological analysis of how doctors become doctors
(Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2012)The present thesis is a study of how doctors learn to make clinical decisions; decisions about diagnosis and therapy of the individual patient in the context of the clinic. It is based on ethnographic fieldwork and anthropological analysis carried out in 2006-2009. The key informants are nine doctors who go through internship and the empirical field is the wards and clinics of regional hospitals, ... -
Maternal concentrations, predictors and change in profiles of organochlorines, toxic and essential elements during pregnancy and postpartum : the Vietnamese mother-and-child study and the Northern Norwegian mother-and-child study
(Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2011)Persistent toxic substances like organochlorines (OCs) and certain toxic metals have been or are extensively used, and can be globally distributed by long-range transport. The fetus and growing child are exposed via the placenta and breast milk and are vulnerable to their negative health effects. Concentrations measured in maternal blood or breast milk are thus potential indicators of risk for ... -
Fragile bones in patients with stroke? : bone mineral density in acute stroke patients and changes during one year of follow up
(Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2001)This thesis highlights several clinically important questions related to bone loss the first year following stroke and with regard to bone mass at stroke onset:<br> Lack of mobility and weight bearing early after stroke is an important factor for the greater bone loss in the proximal femur on the paretic side. Relearning to walk within the first two month after stroke, even with support of another ... -
Sex steroids, bone loss and non-vertebral fractures in women and men : the Tromsø study
(Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2007)When this thesis was planned in 2000-2001 it was well known that bone loss accelerates after menopause, and is prevented by using hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Case reports of young men with estrogen receptor dysfunction or aromatase deficiency showed that estrogen was important for normal growth and maturation of the male skeleton. However, there were few prospective studies examining the ... -
The stenotic carotid artery plaque : prevalence, risk factors and relations to clinical disease : the Tromsø study
(Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2001)Stroke is the second leading cause of death in the world and is responsible for a high percentage of major disability, requiring substantial resources spent on care and rehabilitation. Atherosclerosis due to lipid accumulation in the vessel wall with formation of stenotic atheromatous plaques in the carotid bifurcation and/or the internal carotid artery is an important cause of stroke. In ... -
Environmental factors, metabolic profile, hormones and breast and endometrial cancer risk
(Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2004)Breast cancer is the leading cancer among women in the Western world. In Norway, 2,503 cases of female breast cancer were diagnosed in 2000, which corresponds to an age-adjusted incidence rate of 72.1 per 100,000 women per year (1). The risk of breast cancer increases with age from puberty, doubling about every 10 years until the menopause, when the rate of increase slows dramatically and a ... -
Intervensjonsstudien i Finnmark : evaluering av lokalsamfunnsbasert hjerte- og kar forebygging i kystkommunene Båtsfjord og Nordkapp
(Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2004)Due to high cardiovascular mortality in Finnmark, Norway’s northernmost county, the aim of the Finnmark Intervention Study was to improve health and reduce cardiovascular risk factors in the intervention communities. Those with the poorer health condition should experience the main improvements. The intervention projects should be based upon empowerment and participation.<br> The study bad a ... -
Vitamin D security in Northern Norway in relation to marine food traditions
(Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2004) -
Risk factors for fractures in Tromsø : the Tromsø study
(Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2005)<p>A fracture is a break or crack in a bone. Fractures are common and anyone can fracture a bone. They occur when the bone can not withstand the physical force excerpted on it. There are several types or classifications of fracture; simple, stress, comminuted, impact, compound, complete and incomplete. Depending on the type and location of a fracture, the treatment varies from immobilization ...