Viser treff 141-160 av 1840

    • Diagnostic Blood Biomarkers for Acute Pulmonary Embolism: A Systematic Review 

      Wikan, Vårin Eiriksdatter; Tøndel, Birgitte Gladsø; Morelli, Vania Maris; Brodin, Ellen Elisabeth; Brækkan, Sigrid Kufaas; Hansen, John Bjarne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-06)
      (1) Background: The current diagnostic algorithm for acute pulmonary embolism (PE) is associated with the overuse of CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA). An additional highly specific blood test could potentially lower the proportion of patients with suspected PE that require CTPA. The aim was to summarize the literature on the diagnostic performance of biomarkers of patients admitted to an emergency ...
    • Ambulatory blood pressure as risk factor for long-term kidney function decline in the general population: a distributional regression approach 

      Eriksen, Bjørn Odvar; Fasiolo, Matteo; Mathisen, Ulla Dorte; Jenssen, Trond; Stefansson, Vidar Tor Nyborg; Melsom, Toralf (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-31)
      The results of randomized controlled trials are unclear about the long-term efect of blood pressure (BP) on kidney function assessed as the glomerular fltration rate (GFR) in persons without chronic kidney disease or diabetes. The limited duration of follow-up and use of imprecise methods for assessing BP and GFR are important reasons why this issue has not been settled. Since a long-term randomized ...
    • [Report from] Joint EIFAAC/ICES/GFCM Workinggroup on eels (WGEEL) 

      Pohlmann, Jan-Dag; Amilhat, Elsa; Armstrong, Fearghail; Bajinskis, Jânis; Bašić, Tea; Beaulaton, Laurent; Bernotas, Claude Belpaire Priit; Boulenger, Clarisse; Brämick, Uwe; Briand, Cédric; Camara, Karin; Chebel, Fateh; Ciccotti, Eleonora; Deriouiche, Emna; Díaz, Estibaliz; Didrikas, Tomas; Domingos, Isabel; Dorow, Malte; Drouineau, Hilaire; Durif, Caroline; El Ganainy, Azza; Evans, Derek; Freese, Marko; Gollock, Jason Godfrey Matthew; Hanel, Reinhold; Helminen, Jani; Holiland, Per; Pedersen, Michael Ingemann; Janiak, Katarzyna; Kolangs, Janis; Leone, Chiara; Lozys, Linas; Marohn, Lasse; Martinez, Inigo Zubiavrre; O'Leary, Ciara; Partal, Nurbanu; Poole, Russell; Rosell, Robert; Sapounidis, Argyrios; Säterberg, Torbjörn; Sundin, Josefin; Svagzdys, Arvydas; Taylor, Ayesha; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Toujani, Rachid; Van Wichelen, Jeroen; van der Hammen, Tessa; van Gemert, Rob; Vesala, Sami; Wootton, Jack; Ozdilek, Sukran Yalcin (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2022)
    • Circulating markers of extracellular matrix remodelling in severe COVID-19 patients 

      Murphy, Sarah Louise Mikalsen; Halvorsen, Bente; Holter, Jan Cato; Huse, Camilla; Tveita, Anders; Trøseid, Marius; Hoel, Hedda; Kildal, Anders Benjamin; Holten, Aleksander Rygh; Lerum, Tøri Vigeland; Skjønsberg, Ole Henning; Michelsen, Annika Elisabet; Aaløkken, Trond Mogens; Tonby, Kristian; Lind, Andreas; Dudman, Susanne Gjeruldsen; Granerud, Beathe Kiland; Heggelund, Lars; Bøe, Simen; Dyrholt-Riise, Anne Ma; Aukrust, Pål; Barratt-Due, Andreas; Ueland, Thor; Dahl, Tuva Børresdatter (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-17)
      Background Abnormal remodelling of the extracellular matrix (ECM) has generally been linked to pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis and may also play a role in the pathogenesis of severe COVID-19. To further elucidate the role of ECM remodelling and excessive fibrogenesis in severe COVID-19, we examined circulating levels of mediators involved in various aspects of these processes in COVID-19 ...
    • Prevalence of mental distress and factors associated with symptoms of major depression among people living with HIV in Norway 

      Skogen, Vegard; Langseth, Ranveig; Rohde, Gudrun Elin; Rysstad, Ole; Sørlie, Tore; Lie, Birgit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-01)
      For people living with HIV (PLHIV) who can access lifesaving treatment, HIV has become a chronic lifelong condition; however, PLHIV have more mental and somatic comorbidities than their HIV-negative peers. In this cross-sectional study, we assessed the prevalence of mental distress and identified factors associated with major depression among 244 well-treated PLHIV residing in Norway. Participants ...
    • Prevalence of malnutrition among older adults in a population-based study - The HUNT Study 

      Kolberg, Marit; Paur, Ingvild; Sun, Yi-Qian; Gjøra, Linda; Skjellegrind, Håvard Kjesbu; Thingstad, Anne Pernille Mæhle; Strand, Bjørn Heine; Selbæk, Geir; Natland Fagerhaug, Tone; Thoresen, Lene (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-19)
      Background Malnutrition is common in older adults and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality rates. Aim The aim of the study is to describe the prevalence of malnutrition based on low BMI, involuntary weight loss, and reduced food intake, in a Norwegian population of community-dwelling older adults and older adults living in nursing homes. Methods This population-based study ...
    • Validation of forearm fracture diagnoses in administrative patient registers 

      Omsland, Tone Kristin; Solberg, Lene Bergendal; Bjørnerem, Åshild Marit; Borgen, Tove Tveitan; Andreasen, Camilla; Wisløff, Torbjørn; Hagen, Gunhild; Basso, Trude; Gjertsen, Jan-Erik; Apalset, Ellen Margrete; Figved, Wender; Stutzer, Jens-Meinhard; Nissen, Frida Igland; Hansen, Ann Kristin; Joakimsen, Ragnar Martin; Figari, Elisa; Peel, Geoffrey; Rashid, Ali A.; Khoshkhabari, Jashar; Eriksen, Erik Fink; Nordsletten, Lars; Frihagen, Frede; Dahl, Cecilie (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-24)
      Summary The validity of forearm fracture diagnoses recorded in fve Norwegian hospitals was investigated using image reports and medical records as gold standard. A relatively high completeness and correctness of the diagnoses was found. Algorithms used to defne forearm fractures in administrative data should depend on study purpose.<p> <p>Purpose In Norway, forearm fractures are routinely recorded ...
    • Surgery in Degenerative Spondylolisthesis: Does fusion improve outcome in subgroups? A secondary analysis from a randomized trial (NORDSTEN trial) 

      Hellum, Christian; Rekeland, Frode Gurvin; Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova; Solberg, Tore; Hermansen, Erland; Storheim, Kjersti; Brox, Jens Ivar; Furunes, Håvard; Franssen, Eric; Weber, Clemens; Brisby, Helena; Grundnes, Oliver; Robert Hector Algaard, Knut; Bøker, Tordis; Banitalebi, Hasan; Indrekvam, Kari; Austevoll, Ivar Magne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-22)
      BACKGROUND CONTEXT: Patients with spinal stenosis and degenerative spondylolisthesis are treated surgically with decompression alone or decompression with fusion. However, there is debate regarding which subgroups of patients may benefit from additional fusion. PURPOSE: To investigate possible treatment effect modifiers and prognostic variables among patients operated for spinal stenosis and ...
    • Bør vi spise mer fisk – eller mindre? 

      Bolann, Bjørn; Huber, Sandra; Averina, Maria; Eggesbø, Merete Åse; Hokstad, Ingrid; Brox, Jan; Ørebech, Peter Th; Monsen, Anne-Lise Bjørke (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-22)
    • Novel long-coding RNAs of relevance for ulcerative colitis pathogenesis 

      Ray, Mithlesh Kumar; Fenton, Christopher Graham; Paulssen, Ruth H (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2022)
      <p>Introduction - LncRNAs have become a growing field of research. They are involved in diverse biological processes including expression regulation, and chromatin modification. Many lncRNAs have been characterized as involved in the occurrence and development of various human diseases, including cancer. A growing body of evidence implies a role for lncRNAs in UC by modulating the intestinal barrier, ...
    • Analysis of methylation data with imputation with blocks (MethylBlocks) 

      Meng, Wei; Ray, Mithlesh Kumar; Fenton, Christopher Graham; Anderssen, Endre; Paulssen, Ruth H (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2022)
      <p><i>Background -</i> Analysis of methylation data is dependent on two inputs. The total number of reads at any given cytosine site (coverage), and how many of those cytosines are methylated (methylation). Both the large number of sites and low coverage can cause problems in the analysis of methylation data. Likewise finding DMR is computationally and statistically challenging. Here we present a ...
    • Beskrivelse og kvalitetsvurdering av retningslinjer for tonsillektomi ved tilbakevendende tonsillitt: forenklet metodevurdering - kartlegging 

      Flatby, Annette Vogt; Holtet Evensen, Line; Hafstad, Elisabet Vivianne (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2021)
      Vi utførte en forenklet metodevurdering med kartlegging av retningslinjer med kriterier for tonsillektomi (fjerning av mandler) ved tilbakevendende tonsillitt (sår hals). Denne typen kunnskapsoppsummering kartlegger og beskriver narrativt eksisterende forskningsgrunnlag på et bestemt temaområde. Det finnes ikke nasjonale retningslinjer i Norge for hvilke pasienter som skal tilbys tonsillektomi og ...
    • Mortality and alcohol-related morbidity in patients with delirium tremens, alcohol withdrawal state or alcohol dependence in Norway: A register-based prospective cohort study 

      Bramness, Jørgen Gustav; Heiberg, Ina Heidi; Høye, Anne; Rossow, Ingeborg Margrete (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-19)
      Background and Aims: Little is known about long-term consequences of delirium tremens (DT). This study aimed to compare all-cause and cause-specific mortality and alcohol-related morbidity between patients with: (i) DT, (ii) alcohol withdrawal state (AWS) and (iii) alcohol dependence (AD). Design: A national longitudinal health registry study with linked data from the Norwegian Patient Registry ...
    • Cryoneurolysis for cervicogenic headache - A double blinded randomized controlled study 

      Kvarstein, Gunnvald; Högström, Henrik; Allen, Sara Maria; Rosland, Jan Henrik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-09-13)
      Background and aims - Cervicogenic headache (CEH) is a debilitating condition and analgesics have limited effect. Percutaneous cryoneurolysis is thus still in use although the clinical evidence is lacking. We present a randomized, controlled study to assess the clinical efficacy of cryoneurolysis compared with a corticosteroid combined with a local anaesthetic. <p> <p>Methods - In a university-based ...
    • Pain tolerance after stroke: The Tromsø study 

      Melum, Tonje Anita; Årnes, Anders; Stigum, Hein; Stubhaug, Audun; Steingrímsdóttir, Ólöf Anna; Mathiesen, Ellisiv B.; Nielsen, Christopher Sivert (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-05-11)
      Background: Stroke lesions might alter pain processing and modulation by affecting the widely distributed network of brain regions involved. We aimed to compare pain tolerance in stroke survivors and stroke-free persons in the general population, with and without chronic pain.<p> <p>Methods: We included all participants of the sixth and seventh wave of the population-based Tromsø Study who had ...
    • Penicillin for enhver pris? 

      Thaulow, Christian Magnus; Klingenberg, Claus (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-26)
      Barn i trassalderen og bitre penicillinblandinger fire ganger i døgnet er en vanskelig kombinasjon. Smalspektret antibiotika er gullstandarden, men må balanseres opp mot barnets ubehag og etterlevelse av behandlingen.
    • Survival after cancer-related venous thrombosis: the Scandinavian Thrombosis and Cancer Study 

      Crobach, Monique J.T.; Anijs, Rayna J.S.; Brækkan, Sigrid Kufaas; Severinsen, Marianne T.; Hammerstrøm, Jens; Skille, Hanne; Kristensen, Søren R.; Paulsen, Benedikte; Tjønneland, Anne; Versteeg, Henri H.; Overvad, Kim; Hansen, John Bjarne; Næss, Inger Anne; Cannegieter, Suzanne C. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-28)
      Patients with cancer have an increased risk of developing venous thromboembolism (VTE), and this combination is reported to result in poorer survival compared with cancer alone. This study aimed to investigate the impact of VTE on the survival of patients with cancer in a general population. The Scandinavian Thrombosis and Cancer (STAC) cohort, a population-based cohort including 144 952 participants ...
    • Surgical Complications in Postchemotherapy Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection for Nonseminoma Germ Cell Tumour: A Population-based Study from the Swedish Norwegian Testicular Cancer Group 

      Gerdtsson, Axel; Håkansson, Ulf; Törnblom, Magnus; Jancke, George; Negaard, Helene Francisca Stigter; Glimelius, Ingrid; Halvorsen, Dag; Karlsdottir, Åsa; Haugnes, Hege Sagstuen; Andreassen, Kristine Engen; Larsen, Signe Melsen; Holmberg, Göran; Wahlqvist, Rolf; Tandstad, Torgrim; Cohn-Cedermark, Gabriella; Ståhl, Olof; Kjellmann, Anders (Preprint; Manuskript, 2020-09-08)
      Background - Reports on perioperative complications after postchemotherapy retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (PC-RPLND) for nonseminoma germ cell tumour (NSGCT) are from experienced single centres, with a lack of population-based studies.<p> <p>Objective - To assess the complications of bilateral and unilateral PC-RPLND.<p> <p>Design, setting, and participants - A prospective, population-based, ...
    • Autophagy and endocytosis – interconnections and interdependencies 

      Birgisdottir, Åsa birna; Johansen, Terje (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-22)
      Autophagy and endocytosis are membrane-vesicle-based cellular pathways for degradation and recycling of intracellular and extracellular components, respectively. These pathways have a common endpoint at the lysosome, where their cargo is degraded. In addition, the two pathways intersect at different stages during vesicle formation, fusion and trafficking, and share parts of the molecular machinery. ...
    • Expression and function of Leukotriene B4 receptors in human articular chondrocytes 

      Hansen, Ann Kristin; Indrevik, Jill-Tove; Figenschau, Yngve Anton; Martinez, Inigo Zubiavrre; Sveinbjørnsson, Baldur (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2013)
      Leukotriene B4 (LTB4) is linked to osteoarthritis (OA) development however the expression of LTB4 receptors in cartilage cells and the physiological effects of LTB4 on cartilage tissue remain unknown. In this study we find that human articular chondrocytes express LTB4 receptors and that these receptors are functional, however, LTB4 does not seem to affect importantly some primary chondrocyte functions.