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dc.contributor.authorKorzeniowska, Magdalena A.
dc.contributor.authorGarcia, Odd Erik
dc.description.abstractLong-range correlations manifested as power spectral density scaling 1/<i>f<sup>β</sup></i> for frequency f and a range of exponents <i>β</i> are investigated for a superposition of uncorrelated pulses with distributed durations τ. Closed-form expressions for the frequency power spectral density are derived for a one-sided exponential pulse function and several variants of bounded and unbounded power-law distributions of pulse durations <i>P<sub>τ</sub> (τ)</i> ∼ 1/<i>τ<sup>α</sup></i> with abrupt and smooth cutoffs. The asymptotic scaling relation <i>β</i> = 3−α is demonstrated for 1 < α < 3 in the limit of an infinitely broad distribution <i>P<sub>τ</sub> (τ)</i>. Logarithmic corrections to the frequency scaling are exposed at the boundaries of the long-range dependence regime, <i>β</i> =0 and <i>β</i> =2. Analytically demonstrated finite-size effects associated with distribution truncations are shown to reduce the frequency ranges of scale invariance by several decades. The regimes of validity of the <i>β</i> = 3−α relation are clarified.en_US
dc.identifier.citationKorzeniowska M. A., Garcia OE. Long-range correlations with finite-size effects from a superposition of uncorrelated pulses with power-law distributed durations. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2025en_US
dc.identifier.cristinIDFRIDAID 2363283
dc.publisherIOP Publishingen_US
dc.relation.journalJournal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
dc.relation.projectIDUiT Norges arktiske universitet: 2062166en_US
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2025 The Author(s)en_US
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)en_US
dc.titleLong-range correlations with finite-size effects from a superposition of uncorrelated pulses with power-law distributed durationsen_US
dc.typeJournal articleen_US
dc.typePeer revieweden_US

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