Regionalt kunnskapssenter for barn og unge, Nord - psykisk helse og barnevern (RKBU Nord): Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 278
School children’s mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-05)Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the daily routines of children, with social distancing and quarantine leading to reduced social interactions and potential increased conflicts within families. These factors can increase the risk for anxiety and depression while reducing overall quality of life. <p><p>Methods: Our study included 1843 school children aged 8 to 12 from 56 ... -
Parental Satisfaction With Child Welfare Services in Norway
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-04-08)This study aims to examine parents' satisfaction with Norwegian child welfare services (CWS) and factors associated with parents' satisfaction. Different factors were included in the analysis, such as characteristics of the contact with CWS, and service aspects, as evaluated by parents (accessibility, information quality, workers' skills and user participation). Data were collected from 412 parents ... -
“Vulnerability” and Its Unintended Consequences
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-05-11)“Vulnerability” is now a widely used term in different settings—from politics and academia to everyday life. In response, a growing body of research has emerged critiquing and challenging the use of the concept in the social sciences. In this paper, we explore the use of the term vulnerability in research on children in out-of-home care and discuss the possible negative consequences of this—for the ... -
Mapping the well-being of Norwegian mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-04-16)The COVID-19 pandemic had negative effects on many people's well-being and quality of life. In the present work, we focused on Norwegian mothers with elementary school children, and investigated whether their well-being, stress, and worries (and the relationships between them) changed across the early months of the pandemic. We collected data at two time points in 2020. In June 2020, 231 mothers ... -
A Global Meta-Analysis of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Before and During COVID-19
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)Objective: This meta-analysis compared negative emotions (NEs) as depression, anxiety, and stress, from before the pandemic to during the pandemic. <p> <p>Method: A total of 59 studies (19 before, 37 during-pandemic, and 3 that included both) using the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) were included. A random effects model estimated the means of NEs before and during the pandemic. ... -
“I See What You Feel”: An Exploratory Study to Investigate the Understanding of Robot Emotions in Deaf Children
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-09)Research in the field of human–robot interactions (HRIs) has advanced significantly in recent years. Social humanoid robots have undergone severe testing and have been implemented in a variety of settings, for example, in educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and senior care centers. Humanoid robots have also been assessed across different population groups. However, research on various ... -
Politiavhør av mistenkte barn under 15 år
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-13)Mistenkte barn avhøres etter de samme reglene som voksne, og det foreligger ingen krav til særlig kompetanse hos avhører. Det er per i dag ikke utviklet et tilpasset system for mistenkte barn under kriminell lavalder i politiavhør. Disse faktorer kan lede til en risiko for at barnas rettssikkerhet potensielt settes i fare. Med utgangspunkt i gjeldende rett drøftes hvorvidt det gjelder særregler ved ... -
The J shaped association of age at menarche and cardiovascular events: systematic review and meta-analysis
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2024)This study aimed to evaluate the association between age at menarche and cardiovascular (CV) events through a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. A comprehensive literature search covering studies published from January 1, 2000, to October 31, 2023, was conducted in PubMed, MEDLINE, Embase, and Scopus. Twenty-nine observational studies involving 4,931,160 adult women aged ... -
Perspective: Dimensions of Environment and Health in Arctic Communities
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-12)In the Arctic, environment and health are linked in myriad ways. A key emphasis has been on numerous long-lived contaminants in traditional foods, particularly marine mammals, and their well-documented impacts on human, animal and environmental health (“One health approach”). More recent concerns for Indigenous communities focus on the (side) effects of the switch to a modern, processed diet, which ... -
Exploring Adolescents’ Attitudes Toward Mental Health Apps: Concurrent Mixed Methods Study
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-15)Background: Adolescence is a critical time in which many psychological disorders develop. Mental health promotion is important, especially during this period. In recent years, an increasing number of mobile apps geared toward mental health promotion and preventing mental illness have been developed specifically for adolescents, with the goal of strengthening their mental health and well-being.< ... -
Samtykke fra mindreårige. Implikasjoner rundt barns samtykke til informasjonsdeling i tverretatlig samarbeid.
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-19)For å sikre helhetlig oppfølging av utsatte barn og unge er samarbeid på tvers av tjenester et uttalt mål i offentlig sektor, og det følger også av lov. En samordnet innsats fordrer informasjonsdeling mellom tjenester, hvilket medfører utfordringer knyttet til blant annet taushetsplikt, samtykke og personvern. I enkeltsaker kan det være krevende å avgjøre hvorvidt en mindreårig er samtykkekompetent. ... -
Beyond physical ability—predicting women’s football performance from psychological factors
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-28)Introduction: Even though there is a clear agreement among researchers that psychological factors are a vital part of a football player’s performance, the topic has not been investigated thoroughly. The present study aimed to examine the predictive value of psychological factors on female football players’ match performance.<p> <p>Methods: A sample of 156 players from the top two leagues in Norway ... -
Challenges for researchers when getting access to children and young people and their consent in research. A scoping review
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-04)This article aims to support researchers in addressing the challenges when seeking access to CYP and their consent to participate in research. Despite the growing consensus about the need to involve children and young people in research, there is a lack of literature on how to increase their participation in welfare research. Researchers have reported that seeking contact with children and young ... -
SIBS Søskenprosjektet
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-17)Denne artikkelen oppsummerer kunnskapen om effekten av søskenintervensjonen SIBS til barn med kroniske helsetilstander. Intervensjonen baserer seg på familiesystemisk teori med elementer fra resiliensteori, familiekommunikasjon, forståelse av sykdom og helsekunnskap samt kognitiv atferdsterapi. Intervensjonen er et manualbasert gruppetiltak der søsken og en forelder deltar over fem økter. Tre av de ... -
Factors Associated with Peer Victimization Among Brazilian Low-Income Adolescents
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-16)Exposure to peer aggression and bullying victimization are both expressions of peer victimization but distinct constructs among adolescents. This study examined the potential associations between peer victimization and individual/family/peer factors and assessed whether the factors associated with peer aggression differed from those related to bullying victimization. This cross-sectional study, ... -
Kunnskapsoppsummering og klassifisering av tiltaket: TFCO - Treatement Foster Care Oregon (1. utg.)
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-13)Bakgrunn: Treatment Foster Care Oregon (TFCO) er en behandlingsmetode for ungdommer med alvorlige atferdsvansker og deres familier. Overordnet er målene å oppnå gode behandlingsresultater på ungdommens vansker, og at ungdommene skal kunne bo hjemme hos foreldrene. TFCO er en multisystemisk, koordinert behandlingsform, der man arbeider med flere relevante arenaer for ungdommen parallelt, som for ... -
The impact of case characteristics on child welfare service investigations in Norway
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-05)This article explores the extent of activities in child welfare investigations. Several studies have reported that families can experience an investigation as both stressful and intrusive (Harris 2012; Tembo and Studsrød 2019). The extent of the investigation and its relation to reported concerns is important to better understand the investigation phase. The aim of this study was to examine which ... -
Depressive symptoms and anger and aggression in Russian adolescents
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-16)Research among adolescents exploring the association between depressive symptoms and aggression has produced inconsistent findings. This study investigated the prevalence of clinically significant (current major depressive episode) and subthreshold depressive symptoms in a general population sample of adolescents from Northern Russia and explored their association with aggression and anger, while ... -
NAVs brukermøter med flyktninger og unge voksne
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)Flyktninger og unge voksne er to ulike og sammensatte grupper, som til tross for ulikheter innad og på tvers har fellestrekk i sin livssituasjon. Et hovedfunn i dette arbeidet er at flyktninger og unge voksne til tross for ulikheter har noen av de samme utfordringene knyttet til utenforskap som gir ekstra utfordringer i møte med arbeidslivet. I dette kapitlet tar vi utgangspunkt i at det å være i ... -
Introduction and rationale: An overview of refugee education Europe
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)According to the UNHCR’s report Global Trends - Forced Displacement in 2018 (UNHCR, 2019) on changes in UNHCR’s population of concern related to ongoing crises, the number of refugees under UNHCR’s care is almost double that of 2012, with two thirds coming from just 5 countries. Furthermore it is stated that the total global refugee population under UNHCR’s mandate is now at the highest level ever ...