Viser treff 181-200 av 291

    • Modern State as a Source of Legitimized Violence; Dilemma of Sovereignty and Violence 

      Yaghoubzadeh, Hamed (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-05-15)
      Elimination of violence and establishment of sustainable peace have been among the longest-standing human ambitions. Violence with its paradoxical picture, however, has been an inseparable part of human history. Regarding different aspects and forms of violence, it could be defined as something to do with a change in the “normal” state of affairs. According to mentioned definition of violence, a ...
    • "Now the Work Begins": Gender Equality in Sámi Politics 

      Pedersen, Linn-Marie Lillehaug (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-05-15)
      This study examines gender equality in Sámi politics after 2005, the year the Sámi Parliament achieved balanced gender representation. The project seeks to answer the question: Within the context of Sámi politics, how is gender equality represented and addressed? To answer this question, the study is based on official documents by the Sámi Parliament and the women’s organization Sámi NissonForum, ...
    • Counter-radicalisation Policies: Are the Policies of the EU, Norway and the Basque Country effective? 

      Domínguez Cainzos, Mikel (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-06-01)
      This study examines the effectiveness of 11 counter-radicalisation policies presented by the European Union, Norway, and the Autonomous Region of the Basque Country in Spain. In order to do so, two tasks are carried out, where the first is to analyse the overlapping between the measures proposed in the policy documents and the contributing factors of the radicalisation phenomenon. The second task ...
    • Neoliberalism and Public Sector Reform: Explaining Private Military Contracting in the United States 

      Hickey, Neala (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-06-05)
      Private Military Security Companies (PMSCs) have become an increasing presence in U.S contingency operations over the last twenty years. There have been more contracted personnel than U.S military participating in the operations in Afghanistan which signifies the growth of a dependency upon the private sector to wage war. Various international and domestic factors have led to the proliferation of ...
    • Responsibility under International Law for Human Rights Violations Committed by the Personnel of United Nations Peace Support Operations: Sexual Exploitation and Abuses of Children and Women. 

      Doust Mohammadi, Sepideh (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-06-01)
      A considerable amount of cases of sexual exploitation and abuse of children and women committed by the personnel of United Nations peace support operations have been brought to the attention of the public, especially in recent years. As multiple actors are involved in United Nations peace support operations, i.a. the United Nations itself and Troop Contributing States, the question of attribution ...
    • Nepotism, beyond good or bad. Exploring recruitment policies in international aid organizations in Kyrgyzstan. 

      Baldanova, Aldara (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-05-14)
      While nepotism has been a pervasive social phenomenon in every culture, prevailing in family businesses - the topic has majorly been a taboo for academic research. It has been labeled as a discriminative practice in modern bureaucratic organizations. The development and international aid worldwide represent a large framework of bureaucracies and planning. Local cultures often represent a challenge ...
    • Understanding Islamization and veiling in Post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan 

      Myrzabekova, Asel (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-05-15)
      This study explores the motivations and rationale of the educated Kyrgyz women who start wearing hijabs upon reaching maturity. In addition, the study examines attitudes, views, and perspectives of different groups of the Kyrgyz population in Bishkek, the capital of the country. In doing so, it presents, analyzes and explores the Islamization process in Kyrgyzstan from different angles. The theoretical ...

      Asiimwe, Santo (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-08-26)
      This thesis addresses how women in the war ravaged Kitgum District of northern Uganda forge a livelihood for themselves and those they care for in an environment where livelihood systems were ruptured by violent conflict and assets for constructing a livelihood are unevenly owned and accessible by men and women. Also through this study, I aim to bring women’s concerns in the post-war Kitgum to the ...
    • Conflicted Peace: A Theoretical View of Peace Studies, Situated in Academia, Normativity and Political Correctness 

      Bachmann, Anne Marit (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-06-10)
      Many current peace researchers claim that Peace Studies has fallen ill (some even say as an academic field it is dead). This thesis goes through the development of Peace Studies as a field. Further, it considers the different views on what it is and what it should be, in relation to other forms of internationally focused studies. From this it highlights some of the conflicting views and value-bases, ...
    • The portrayal of the Russian Revolution of 1917 in the Norwegian labor movement: a study of the editorials of the Social-Demokraten, 1915—1923. 

      Atayan, Anzhela (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-05-30)
      The thesis is devoted to the portrayal of the Russian Revolution of 1917 in the Norwegian labor movement in the period 1915—1923. The main source of the analysis is the editorials of the newspaper Social-Demokraten. The newspaper was the print organ of the Norwegian Labor Party and had three editors in the studied period, namely Jacob Vidnes, Olav Scheflo, and Martin Tranmæl. The author analyzes the ...
    • Voices of Torture Survivors in Nepal 

      Giri, Krishna (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-06-02)
      The dissertation attempts to tap into the experiences of torture survivors of Nepal. The objective of the research is to shed light on: who were tortured, how and why; what are the consequences of torture on them, and what are their coping strategies and expectations for reconciliation. To meet these objectives, the study relied upon the interviews of ten Nepalese torture survivors; and six related ...
    • Hot tensions in a cold region: territory and peace in the European Arctic 

      Adikov, Alexey (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-05-15)
      This thesis focuses on relations between territorial issues and peace in the European Arctic. The objective of this research is to examine region‘s political decision makers‘ views and reflections on state of peace in the European Arctic and how it is influenced by territorial disputes. It utilizes a conceptual framework based on theory of zones of peace. The results of qualitative research indicate ...
    • 'Witch' hunt in contemporary Tanzania : exploring cultural and structural factors leading to violence against women in a Sukuma village 

      Røkke, Mette (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2004)
      The presented work investigates root causes behind contemporary ‘witch’ hunt in Tanzania and is based on a four months research in the region Shinyanga in Tanzania. For many years elderly women in Tanzania’s north-western region have been victims of brutal collective violence, accused of being ‘witches’. While some manage to flee, others are killed in their home villages. The perpetrator is the ...
    • The Kabarett of the Kynics. Satirical Peace Activism in an Era of Enlightened False Consciousness? 

      Beyer, Christian (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-02-24)
      »›We‹, the ›enlightened‹ peace students; the ›informed public‹ might even have a good feeling to be involved in do-good NGOs and other help-the-world groups that shout out loud: Kill Kony 2012! Free Syria! Free Africa! Free Kuwait! Free Tibet! Free Libya! -- Free Pizza! But it is us who do fulfil the most cynic notion of a contemporary cynic. In both its contextual and contentual orientation, ›The ...
    • Regional Change. How will the rise of China and India shape Afghanistan’s stabilization process? 

      Weltzien, Åsmund; Torjesen, Stina; Stankovic, Tatjana (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2010)
      The brief examines how regional developments in Central/South Asia may affect the stabilization process in Afghanistan. Given that regional security dynamics played an important role in aggravating the conflict in Afghanistan in the 1990s, the report juxtaposes the situation in the 1990s with the present state of affairs. The brief argues that the regional dynamics in 2010 are very different ...
    • Towards a theory of ex-combatant reintegration 

      Torjesen, Stina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This paper encourages the development of a theoretical framework for the study of the reintegration of ex-combatants after war. It takes the first steps towards this by proposing a new definition of reintegration, where the processes ex-combatants experience, rather than the programmatic support offered by international and national agencies, take centre stage. The article links the study of ...
    • Invisible Survivors: NGO-workers Reflections on Male and Female Survivors of Sexual Violence in Gulu, Northern Uganda 

      Häll, Sara Linnéa Margaretha (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-11-15)
      The objective of this thesis is to map out the NGO-practitioners reflections on male and female survivors of sexual gender based violence (SGBV), in violent “peace” post conflict Gulu, Northern Uganda. To better understand how the NGO-practitioners make sense of sexual violence, perceive its survivors and how they address the survivors’ needs. The empirical data is analysed through a gender lens, ...
    • Gender-based violence versus Human Security: Cases from South Sudan 

      Bergli, Tine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-09-02)
      This thesis is based on the concept of gender-based violence (GBV), violence that mostly targets women due to socially constructed perceptions about their gender. The context that has been chosen is South Sudan and the analysis has been carried out on the background of a document study of the Transitional Constitution and the customary court system in South Sudan. GBV is a highly prevalent threat ...
    • Political Opinion and National Identity: Dilemma of the Sahrawi Ethnic Unity after 38 Years of Diaspora 

      Heya, Yuka (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-08-15)
      Western Sahara has been called “the last colony” of Africa. The territory was colonized by Spain in 1884. During the pan-Maghreb liberation period in the 1950s, the local population, Sahrawi people also joined the resistance against colonial powers. However, when Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Mauritania obtained own independence as nation-state, the “Maghrebian dream” ended. Western Sahara has not ...
    • Am I Norwegian Yet? Government and Grassroots Approaches to Integration: The Introduction Act and the Tea Time Campaign 

      Amundsen, Kristoffer Fjærestad (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-06-01)
      This thesis examines different approaches and methods used for the integration of immigrants in Norway. The study compares two different cases. The first is the government‟s main tool of integration, the introduction program for newly arriving refugees. The second is an initiative from a civil society non-governmental organization, The Norwegian Center against Racism, call the Tea Time campaign. The ...