Viser treff 21-40 av 285

    • Norwegian-speaking Sami and Russian-speaking Kazakh young adults: a comparative study of identities 

      Koshmagambetova, Aikhanym (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-22)
      In the given thesis, the identities of the Norwegaian-speaking Sami and the Russian-speaking Kazakh young adults are analysed in relation to their first languages' influence on the identity formation. The research is conducted by interviewing 10 representatives of the given groups and applying thematic analysis to the data gathered. The given reserach contributes to understanding how do ethnic ...
    • Home away from home: A visual participatory project exploring what young people with refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds communicate about their everyday lives in London. 

      Doggett, Charlotte Rose (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-15)
      This thesis concerns the ways in which young people with refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds navigate new places, negotiating conflict and creating paths to peace in London. Those with the most proximate experiences of migration are often excluded from peacebuilding processes. Coloniality entangled into the praxis of peace and conflict fashions a dogma in which Global North understandings of peace ...
    • Examining Jair Bolsonaro’s socio-environmental policies in the Amazon 

      Bergersen, Eskil (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-15)
      From the start of 2019, when Jair Bolsonaro had become president of Brazil, the new administration has made significant social and political changes. Changes to government structures, institutions, indigenous rights, environmental policy, and territorial claims has intensified conflict nationally. Major changes made by the Bolsonaro administration has caused reactions from both civil society groups, ...
    • The Legal Fragmentation of Migrant Smuggling: A study on the compatibility between two legal regimes on migrant smuggling 

      Jonsson, Moa Skasberg (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-15)
      Migrant smuggling has resulted in unprecedented levels of peacetime defensive actions. This is because migrant smuggling is generally considered both the cause and consequence of grave human rights violations. Another reason can be found in the right of States to determine who their residents and future citizens are, and the threat migrant smuggling is to that right. Migrant smuggling has therefore ...

      Ofosuhene, Adjoa Korankyiwa (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-14)
      The thesis reflects on the discussions surrounding refugee participation in work. Furthermore, the thesis seeks to find out the experiences of refugee women after five years of work participation. Focusing on their personal empowerment, relationship with children, changing ideals about femininities across transnational spaces, and creation of social networks, the thesis explores how these factors ...
    • A thematic analysis of Norway's strategy of deterrence and assurance towards Russia during the war in Ukraine 

      Folgerø, Hauk (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-14)
      Norway has sought a balancing strategy towards Russia since joining NATO in 1949. Deterring measures through NATO has been followed by assuring measures to ease tensions between both Norway and Russia, and NATO and Russia. During Russian aggression, most notably the annexation of Crimea in 2014, Norway sought greater integration with NATO, and has shifted towards a greater focus on measures of ...
    • Donald Trump's Rhetoric Concerning Black Lives Matter: Constructing a Security Threat. 

      Bartel, David Israel (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-13)
      In the Summer of 2020, mass protests occurred throughout the United States in response to the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis at the hands of law enforcement. This incident sparked a lot of contradicting discourse when speaking about the BLM movement and what was happening around the nation. At the height of it all, the President of the United States warned those who were participating in the ...
    • Smerte på flukt - fortelling fra en tysk menighet i Chile etter krigen 

      Douglas, Marcela (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019)
      De fleste av de som kom til Chile, var overlevende fra andre verdenskrig og hadde opplevd forferdelige ting under krigen. Jeg har fortalt deg at min far for eksempel var en soldat i en alder av 16 og ble sendt til grensen mellom Frankrike og Belgia som amerikanerne invaderte. I sin tropp bestående av 200 soldater overlevde kun 6 personer, hvor en er min far. Dette er bare ett eksempel. Det var andre ...
    • BRICS and the West: Don’t Believe the Cold War Hype 

      Coning, Cedric Hattingh de (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2023-08-30)
      When Jim O’Neill coined the BRIC acronym in 2001, the point he was trying to convey was that the global economic system needed to incorporate the world’s largest emerging economies. His advice fell on deaf ears and in 2009, Brazil, China, India, and Russia decided to take matters into their own hands and formed the BRIC grouping. South Africa joined the group in 2010 to form the BRICS. This July, ...
    • Should the Security Council Engage with Implications of Climate Change? Let’s Look at the Scientific Evidence 

      Buhaug, Halvard; Coning, Cedric de; von Uexkull, Nina (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2023-06-08)
      Climate change is a controversial topic at the United Nations (UN) Security Council. The Council has adopted over 70 resolutions and presidential statements that address aspects of climate-related peace and security implications. However, a few members strongly oppose adding climate change to the Security Council agenda. When a thematic resolution on the security implications of climate change came ...
    • The Politics of Russian Arctic shipping: evolving security and geopolitical factors 

      Sergunin, Alexander; Hoogensen Gjørv, Gunhild (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-03)
      This study examines how soft security, including economic and environmental issues, inform the broader security and geopolitical factors of Moscow’s policy on the Northern Sea Route (NSR). The authors begin by discussing how Russia’s hard and soft security perceptions of Arctic shipping evolved in the post-Cold War era, including perceptional changes in the context of the Ukrainian crisis and ongoing ...
    • Decree 546 and Female Imprisonment in Colombia: Considering the Impact of Empty Policy on Institutional Trust 

      Castaño-Metal, Daniela (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-11-26)
      What happens to institutional trust when fundamental human rights are not respected by the laws meant to protect them? The social and political environment spurred by the Covid 19 pandemic proved difficult for policymakers and the public alike, but perhaps those with the least agency fared the worst, prisoners. This thesis theorizes the concept of loss of institutional trust as a consequence ...
    • The Dagbon chieftaincy conflict in Northern Ghana: analyzing the role of the Committee of Eminent Chiefs to the restoration of peace in Dagbon. 

      Abideen, Abdul-Rauf AZ (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-11-15)
      This study focuses on the Dagbon chieftaincy succession dispute between the Andani and the Abudu royal gates in the Northern Region of Ghana. The chieftaincy succession dispute between these two royal gates has existed since 1953. After what appeared to be unchecked rivalry even before Ghana attained political independence, the conflict festered and saw the murder of the overlord King of Dagbon Ya ...
    • An analysis of social media as an instrument of social change: a case of the EndSARS protest 

      Lawal, Shukurah Oluwatobi (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-11-14)
      The EndSARS protest movement took place in Nigeria from the 8th to the 20th of October 2020. The protest movement had clear objectives and goals, and utilized digital media, technology, and networks to coordinate and organize. Its extensive use of digital tools was not witnessed before in the history of social movements in Nigeria. Recognizing this, I conducted a media analysis of the protest to ...
    • I love freedom! - The Role of Art in Social Movements: Women's Strike Protests in Poland 2020 

      Kądrzycka, Aleksandra Karolina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-11-12)
      Thesis refers to the fields of art, social science, and politics and the role of artworks in social movements. It emphasizes the meaning and power of art in social movements. Using the concepts of structural violence, protest art, artivism, and transformative power of art as theoretical background as well as multimodal discourse analysis as methodology, it provides answers to research questions. ...
    • Youth, politics, and youth-led political violence in Nepal 

      Shrestha, Ramesh; Subedi, Dambaru (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-07-25)
      This article examines how participation and mobilization of youth in politics has led to an unintended consequence: youth‐led violence. We define youth‐led violence as a particular form of political violence that emerged from an interplay between political power, domination, and rent‐seeking behavior. To elaborate on youth‐led violence between 1990 and 2018 in Nepal, we identified and analyzed ...
    • Homesteading in the Arctic: The Logic Behind, and Prospects for, Russia’s ’Hectare in the Arctic’ Program 

      Hodgson, Kara Kathleen; Lanteigne, Marc (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Moscow launched its “Hectare in the Arctic” program in summer 2021, allowing Russian nationals to obtain a free hectare of land in the country’s northern regions. This plan is the latest attempt to address the chronic problem of outmigration and to attract new settlers to the Russian Arctic. Yet, multiple obstacles stand in the way of making the scheme a viable demographic solution. The primary ...
    • Image of Russia in Norway and vice versa: cross-pollination 

      Gabain, Victor (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2017-11-01)
      The present thesis project examines the concept of country image, namely the country image of Russia in Norway and vice versa. Modern world society is inclined to globalization and undistorted usage of information. In such conditions, majority have a common vision of the country image concept, but the structure of country image itself is unsystematized and occasionally undisclosed. Such a versatile ...
    • An Exploratory Research on the Role of Social Capital to Urban Internal Displaced Persons (IDPs). Challenges and adaptability process of Conflict-induced IDPs from the Anglophone regions of Cameroon 

      Azane, Bertila Akegeh (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-08-16)
      Understanding the role of social capital in the adaptability process of Urban IDPs, is of great importance, in targeting the specific needs and challenges of Urban IDPs. Addressing these needs and challenges can help reduce the prospects of other civil crisis, that can result because of an increase in the urban population, unequal distribution of economic and social opportunities, and high crimes ...
    • The Polarization of the French society: a study of the Yellow Vests movement 

      Valentin, Justine Victoria (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-15)
      On November 17th, 2018, French people, wearing a yellow security vest, came together in the streets of the big cities and on the roundabouts of the country towns. This movement stood out as particularly violent, on the part of the Yellow Vests, especially in Paris, and by severe repression on the part of the government. What was then called the Yellow Vests movement highlighted Social Polarization, ...