Viser treff 181-200 av 572

    • Markus Fjellström Food Cultures in Sápmi: An interdisciplinary approach to the study of the heterogeneous cultural landscape of northern Fennoscandia AD 600–1900 

      Skandfer, Marianne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-09)
      Markus Fjellström has presented a substantial doctoral work in scientific archaeology, comprising six articles and an 80-page synthesis. The papers were published between 2015 and 2021. For the first time on such a large and systematic scale, these papers and thesis bring together specialists in Sámi and scientific/laborative archaeology to address the early history of the Sámi. The papers are ...
    • Grunnøvelser III 1-3-5-7 med diatoniske og kromatiske ledetoner 

      Andreassen, Tore Morten (Book; Bok, 2022)
    • Diatoniske grunnøvelser 1-3-5-7 i opp- og nedadgående bevegelse 

      Andreassen, Tore Morten (Book; Bok, 2022)
    • If I were standing in your shoes 

      Lin, Pei-Han (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-12-08)
      We utilize technology to transcend the limitations of the human condition, or to map the invisible frontier at the boundaries of our physical biology. How could the masses of data produced by our societies in this modern world be used to generate an ideal form of artwork, one which decentralizes power, decolonizes peoples, degenders the individual, and counters oppression by authority? I want to ...
    • Unyoking the Unconscious Posthuman Desires: On the Psychology of Cognitive Capitalism, Transcendental Political Systems and the Existential Technologies of the Mind 

      Jaspé, Phoebe (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-12-08)
      This thesis has no traditional narrative structure and the form stimulates a schizophrenic and bipolarity stance of the world, filled with different epiphenomenal characters and voices between fiction and reality, much like a manuscript based on my own experiences. A pre-determined and an orchestrated future is becoming more of a reality as technologies advance further, it seems that building a ...
    • En Météo du sens - On longing for an onomatopoeic eutopia dans une langue étrangère 

      Sellik, Annika (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-12-06)
      This paper discusses the matter of shared space as embodied cognition – méteo du sens in a relation to the artistry process that arises from sonic awareness and from the processes of perception, sensing and artist’s personal relation to it. On a journey on sensing and becoming aware that our body does not limit with the physical body, one must loose their body to be able to share a space, a landscape, ...
    • Artworks of Post-Revolutionary Iranian Female Photographers: Identification and Analysis 

      Armand, Asmae (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-12-08)
      The Iranian Revolution and the Imposed War (Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988) and the years that followed led to inception of various cultural and social conditions in Iran. Following the formation of new intellectual and ideological movements, the art movements underwent many transformations. Consequently, arts universities began to teach various fields of arts, and a new chapter of artistic photography was ...
    • Anything Can Be Used: Notes on the synthesis of desire and knowledge 

      Sørlid, Henrik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-11-24)
      This thesis is centred on an analysis of collage and détournement as artistic and hermeneutic methodologies in a relatively wide sense. It focuses on how the political and theoretical dimensions of détournement, as defined by Situationist theory and practice, can be seen as parallel to - and amalgamated with - specific forms of occult practice and philosophy, particularly alchemy. Arguing that ...
    • Primitive Approaches to Domestic Living 

      Hester, Anna (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-11-19)
      This text highlights our attitudes towards ways of living depending on specific materials and techniques. Exploring how my art practice in relation to the domestic, challenges the use of functional art within our own and other realities. In the hope that it will give me the answers to my own minute domestic issues.
    • Color - The Memory of Sadism 

      Son, Hakkyung (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-11-26)
      Based on the knowledge of the color theory, I have been playing a serial performance with participants of my project. The project is for proving a slight unbalance of power between a human relationship. Furthermore, this is the experience of racism regarding of skin color. From the first step to the last step, all the process is one performance interacting with the participants.
    • Multicolony tracking reveals the winter distribution of a pelagic seabird on an ocean basin scale 

      Frederiksen, Morten; Moe, Børge; Daunt, Francis; Phillips, Richard A.; Barrett, Robert; Bogdanova, Maria I; Boulinier, Thierry; Chardine, John W; Chastel, Olivier; Chivers, Lorraine S; Christensen-Dalsgaard, Signe; Clémet-Chastel, Céline; Colhoun, Kendrew; Freeman, Robin; Gaston, Anthony J; González-Solís, Jacob; Goutte, Aurélie; Grémillet, David; Guilford, Tim; Jensen, Gitte H; Krasnov, Yuri V.; Lorentsen, Svein-Håkon; Mallory, Mark L; Newell, Mark; Olsen, Bergur; Shaw, Deryk; Steen, Harald; Strøm, H.; Systad, Geir Helge; Thórarinsson, Thorkell L; Anker-Nilssen, Tycho (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2011-11-26)
      Aim An understanding of the non-breeding distribution and ecology of migratory species is necessary for successful conservation. Many seabirds spend the nonbreeding season far from land, and information on their distribution during this time is very limited. The black-legged kittiwake, Rissa tridactyla, is a widespread and numerous seabird in the North Atlantic and Pacific, but breeding ...
    • Selvverd i musikalsk samspill En kvalitativ studie av elever og læreres meninger om selvverd og samspillundervisning 

      Hansen, Jannike Sara (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-07-28)
      Denne studien har hatt som mål å undersøke hvordan elever og lærere ved musikklinjer opplever arbeid med økt selvverd i samspillfaget, og hvordan undervisningen kan legges til rette for å underbygge dette. Studiens teorigrunnlag bygger på to tradisjoner innen forskning på selvoppfatning: forventningstradisjonen og selvvurderingstradisjonen. Her vil teorier av Albert Bandura, Morris Rosenberg og ...
    • Fotografier i Emilie Demant Hatts bok Med Lapperne i Højfjeldet: Fotografiske møter, biografiske inskripsjoner og "våre" historier 

      Hansen, Hanna Horsberg (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-15)
      Artikkelen utforsker fotografier tatt av den danske kunstneren, fotografen og forfatteren Emilie Demant Hatt (1873–1958). Fotografiene ble første gang publisert i 1913 i boka Med lapperne i højfjeldet. Gjennom ulike perspektiver på bildene viser artikkelen hvordan det er mulig å se forbi den koloniale «overflaten» til bilder tatt av denne periodens reisende og etnografer, og hvordan repatriering ...
    • Grunnleggende Bassprinsipper 

      Andreassen, Tore Morten (Book; Bok, 2022)
    • Parallellforflyttning av skala, akkorder b3 & b5 

      Andreassen, Tore Morten (Book; Bok, 2022)
    • DNA Metabarcoding of Preservative Ethanol Reveals Changes in Invertebrate Community Composition Following Rotenone Treatment 

      Kjærstad, Gaute; Majaneva, Markus; Falahati-Anbaran, Mohsen; Topstad, Lasse; Finstad, Anders Gravbrøt; Arnekleiv, Jo Vegar; Ekrem, Torbjørn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-06-01)
      The botanical compound rotenone is extensively used to eradicate populations and reduce the negative impacts of freshwater invasive animals. The method is controversial as non-target organisms often are negatively affected, but these effects are highly variable among taxa and may be difficult to monitor on species-level as many invertebrates are challenging or costly to identify using morphology. ...
    • An Update and Errata for the Catalog of the Biting Midges of the World (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) 

      Borkent, Art; Dominiak, Patrycja; Díaz, Florentina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-24)
      A list of corrections as well as the addition of new taxa described since Borkent & Dominiak (2020) published a catalog of the Ceratopogonidae of the world is provided. We record a further 70 extant and 7 fossil species and 2 new fossil genera. Beyond the summary provided by Borkent & Dominiak (2020, Table 1), the family now includes 6276 extant and 303 fossil species and 23 fossil genera. The ...
    • Trestemt harmonisering - med melodi som toppnote 

      Andreassen, Tore Morten (Book; Bok, 2022)