Now showing items 61-80 of 111

    • Hiking to the "Real" Northernmost Point. Performing Identiy on the way to Knivskjellodden 

      Berg, Bjørn-Andreas (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-16)
      Summary: Over the last decade hiking tourism has grown in Norway. This is exemplified by the increasing numbers of tourists that visits Trolltunga, Prekestolen and Kjerag. These are the most prominent examples, which appears to be part of a larger trend. Knivskjellodden has likewise, seen a rise in visitor numbers over the last decade. This aim of this thesis is to build an understanding of ...
    • “So, is that a lifestyle? I think it’s a life”: An examination of a climbing lifestyle and how it affects perceptions towards natural environment. 

      Kalwak, Marcin Jedrzej (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-15)
      In recent years, the activity of climbing, with its range of types and styles, has become popular. Up to now, it has been often associated with risk and inaccessibility. Nowadays, this association is changing. The perception of climbing is shifting towards a more accessible, and attractive sport/ activity. This thesis explores the attitude of rock climbers towards nature, specifically, environmental ...
    • Tourism in the Subarctic and the Baltic Sea regions of Europe 

      Wråkberg, Urban (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      It is argued that the cultural dimensions of the Arctic and Subarctic have much to offer contemporary tourism, both as sources of new contents in tours and as an important field in tourism research and management training. In Norway, the Euroarctic is marketed to tourists focusing on nature and wildlife. A limited set of branding elements is used: northern lights, ice hotels, dogsledding, “safaris” ...
    • High North scenarios and subnational realities: policies and practices in the Norwegian/Russian border zone 

      Haugseth, Peter (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      As the world was becoming more interdependent, with increased global awareness of the north-ernmost parts of the world, both the Norwegian and Russian governments showed more political commit-ment to and interest in new forms of region-building and development in the High North from 2006 and onwards. Today, more than ten years later, many regional changes are evident in the Norwegian-Russian border ...
    • Culture and Souvenir Shopping. How do Chinese cultural values play a role in outbound Chinese tourists' souvenir shopping? 

      Han, Peiyi (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-11-01)
      Nowadays, with the rapid economic growth in China, Chinese cultural values are changing. More and more, modern cultural values and Western values can be identified alongside Chinese traditional cultural values based on Confucianism. This applies not only to Chinese people’s way of living, but it is also strongly associated with souvenir shopping when Chinese people travel abroad. The major aim of ...
    • Silent Consequences of Security. The impact of security policies in tourism contexts. 

      Schneider, Thomas Victor (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-10-31)
      Terrorism is affecting all societies and industries. As tourism is implemented throughout the world it has become endangered by its consequences. Security policies are at the centre of the fight against such threat inducing fear from a customer perspective as well as with regards to sustainability risks for stakeholders. Moreover, the impact of policies implemented to counter terrorism on hosts and ...
    • Educational tourism mobilities. The example of exchange students' experiences in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region 

      Filina, Tatiana (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-11-01)
      This study presents findings from the interpretive study of students who completed an academic exchange program within the cooperation between Universities in the Barents region. Empirically this study aims to illuminate exchange student’s perspective in their academic mobilities practices. Through the analyses of the whole students’ experiences (before, during and after) of educational exchange. ...
    • An Investigation into How Helpers Ascribe Meanings to the Phenomenon of Work – Accommodation Exchange 

      Jiang, Yan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-10-31)
      Offering (or receiving) work in exchange for free accommodation is a service that we have in tourism industry today and it has become a worldwide phenomenon. In such exchanges, helpers come to the hosts’ home and are expected to contribute a pre-agreed amount of time per day (most often four to five hours of work a day) in exchange for lodging and food, which is provided by the hosts. This master ...
    • “There is no other arrangement, which is bigger”. A qualitative case study of event meanings for local communities in rural areas 

      Chukhanova, Alena (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-11-01)
      Events are significantly influenced by their host places. Simultaneously, events affect geographical locations as well. This dynamic can lead to both positive and negative outcomes for host places and their inhabitants. These outcomes may be especially difficult to describe when dealing with events that take place in broad geographical locations, such as is the case with the long distance sled dog ...
    • Nature Articulations in Norwegian Advertising Discourse: A Depoliticized Discourse of Climate Change 

      Kvidal-Røvik, Trine (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-06-11)
      This article deals with how nature is articulated in public discourse, and more specifically how humans’ relationship to nature is constructed via such articulations. Based on critical cultural analyses of ads presented in a Norwegian context, the article claims articulations of nature serve to a depoliticization of nature, which silence social differences and reduce environmental politics ...
    • Mellom borealisme og orientalisme. Fortellinger og forestillinger om 'de andre' i nordlysturismen 

      Mathisen, Stein Roar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The article takes as its point of departure a media narrative, relating that Northern Lights tourists from the East are not only visiting the northern areas to experience the celestial phenomenon, as their actual hope is to conceive under the Lights. According to alleged old beliefs in the East, this is supposed to give handsomer, healthier, and more intelligent children. The location of these beliefs ...
    • Tracing Shintoism in Japanese nature-based domestic tourism experiences 

      Lee, Young-Sook; Sakuno, Seiichi; Prebensen, Nina K.; Kimura, Kazuhiko (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-03-12)
      This study explores into Japanese cultural meaning of nature. The paper studies Japanese domestic tourists to a mountain trail near Tokyo. East Asian concept of nature distinctively identifies itself as a unity between nature and humanity. To gain a more defining understanding of Shintoism-inspired meaning of nature, we surveyed on the meaning of nature, experiences and benefits sought and ...
    • A study of festivals in Møre and Romsdal and their cooperation with the tourism industry in the region. 

      Sæther, Lillian Peggy (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-08)
      Festivals represents exciting experiences for us as human beings and have also become important tourist attractions. Aspects that should motivate good cooperaton between these two sectors as tourism provide festivals with audiences and festivals could increase the attractiveness for destinations in a tourism context, which could benefit both parties. In order to investigate the nature of cooperation ...
    • The Meaning of the Feminist T-Shirt: Social Media, Postmodern Aesthetics, and the Potential for Sociopolitical Change 

      Kvidal-Røvik, Trine (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-06-29)
      This article examines the potential for political or social change as part of postmodern cultural expression in consumer culture. Throughout the article, I discuss the way sociopolitical messages, circulating in contemporary culture, represent an interesting element in terms of their intertextual referencing and postmodern blurring. Postmodern aesthetic features merge commodifying, resistive, and ...
    • Communicating paradox: Uncertainty and the northern lights 

      Heimtun, Bente; Lovelock, Brent (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-08)
      While many characteristics of tourism products are well known, relatively little work has explored elements of uncertainty and risk. Little is known about how tourism operators communicate aspects of uncertainty. This qualitative study uses content analysis to explore the language used in promotional material of tour operators and destination management organisations to communicate the unpredictable ...
    • The impact of stakeholder relations on the sustainability of tourism development. An Indonesian case study 

      Geiger, Ottilie Clara Eugenia (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-10-31)
      Following the publication of the Brundtland Commission’s Our Common Future Report, the concept of sustainable tourism development became highly influential internationally. Yet, despite the concept being frequently discussed, what exactly it embodies has not been conclusively defined. What is generally agreed upon is, that in order for tourism to fulfill its positive potential, it must be meticulously ...
    • A Lighthouse in the North. Pikene på Broen and the role of contemporary art in tourism development in Kirkenes 

      Dronova, Nina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-10-31)
      Up until today, the arctic tourism industry has prioritized the development of nature-based activities. Cultural tourism has been promoted as well, but only little attention has been paid to the development of contemporary art attractions. In April 2017, a case study centered around the company Pikene på Broen was conducted in Kirkenes. It was based on a qualitative methodological approach. This ...
    • Festival volunteer management. Welcoming locals and non-locals. An autoethnographic study 

      Bektasova, Evgenia (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-10-31)
      The research at hand is a qualitative autoethnographic multi-sited research on festival volunteer management and namely – the way festival volunteer management relies on local and non-local volunteers. Research was conducted on the basis of two festivals in northern Norway – TIFF (Tromsø) and “Barents Spektakel” (Kirkenes). In order to answer research question, “How does the volunteer management ...
    • Creating a Man for the Future: A Narrative Analysis of Male In-Migrants and Their Constructions of Masculinities in a Rural Context 

      Aure, Marit; Munkejord, Mai Camilla (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-10-10)
      Most research on rural masculinity focuses on sedentary and agricultural lifestyles. Based on fieldwork and interviews with 18 male newcomers, this article explores constructions of masculinities among in-migrants engaged in several occupations and entrepreneurial activities in Finnmark, in Northern Norway. Building on the concept of hegemonic masculinities, we show how a specific combination ...
    • Food as an element in developing tourist experiences. A case study of the Finnmark region in Northern Norway 

      Kristensen, Alita Dagmar (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-01)
      The focus on food as a significant element and topic in tourism and tourists’ experiences has increased. How tourists experience food has changed together with tourists’ motivation and needs. Current findings indicate that tourists seek and expect to find local food experiences while travelling to a new destination. This thesis aims to build knowledge on how food as an element in tourism play a ...