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dc.contributor.advisorGodtliebsen, Fred
dc.contributor.authorThon, Kevin Otto
dc.description.abstractThis thesis presents methods for multiscale statistical inference on random fields on a regular two-dimensional lattice. There are two distinct concepts of scale that are used in the thesis. The first one is connected to the computer vision community's understanding of scale-space as a family of smooths of a digital image, with fine structure being revealed at low levels of smoothing and the coarser structures standing out at high levels. The second way scale enters is through use of the two-dimensional wavelet transform, and the different scales can be though of as providing information on the energy content in different frequency bands. All the methods that are developed herein are in the form of statistical hypothesis tests. Paper I uses a Bayesian framework, and statistically significant gradient and curvature is determined through thresholding their posterior probabilities. The last two papers use standard frequentist methods, in Paper II for determining if a random field is isotropic, meaning that the second order statistical properties are independent of direction. Paper III addresses the problem of determining if two samples from a random field are realizations from the same underlying random field. The methods are demonstrated in practical examples, for Paper I on dermascopic images of skin lesions where it is used to detect hairs and dots/globules, potentially important components of a system for evaluating the risk of melanoma. In Paper II the test for isotropy is applied to paper density images of handsheets, useful for determining the quality of the paper. Finally, the methodology from Paper III is applied on small projections of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature map from the Planck mission, and offers an alternative test for the overall isotropy of the CMB.en
dc.description.popularabstractStatistisk analyse handler ofte om trekke slutninger om en prosess, og valg må gjøres om parametre som beskriver den, deriblant skala. En analyse av f. eks temperaturvariasjoner kan gi forskjellige utfall om man ser på daglige kontra årlige skalaer. Istendenfor å fokusere på én skala, gjøres en flerskalaanalyse over et vidt spekter. Avhandlingen beskriver tre flerskalateknikker for statistisk beslutningstakning. Den første artikkelen utvikler en metode for å finne signifikante strukturer i støyfulle bilder, hvor ens kunnskap om den underliggende prosessen bygges inn i modellen. Metoden demonstreres på problemstillinger fra medisinsk bildebehandling. Den andre artikkelen utvikler en test for å avgjøre om et bilde er isotropisk, dvs. om andreordens statistikken i bildet er uavhengig av retning. Et eksempel forbundet med papirproduksjon demonstrerer metodens anvendelighet. Den siste artikkelen utvikler en test for hvorvidt to bilder er fra samme gaussiske felt, og demonstreres på målinger av den kosmiske bakgrunnstrålingen.en
dc.description.sponsorshipNasjonalt senter for samhandling og telemedisin (NST). Norges Forskningsråd (NFR), gjennom Tromsø Telemedicine Laboratory (TTL), et senter for forskningsdrevet innovasjon.en
dc.descriptionThe papers of this thesis are not available in Munin: <br/>1. Thon, K., Rue, H., Skrøvseth, S. O. and Godtliebsen, F.: 'Bayesian multiscale analysis of images modeled as Gaussian Markov random fields', Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (2012), vol. 56:49-61. Available at <a href=></a> <br/>2. Thon, K., Geilhufe, M. and Percival, D. B.: 'A multiscale wavelet-based test for isotropy of random fields on a regular lattice', (manuscript) <br/>3. Thon, K., Percival, D. B., Geilhufe, M. and Skrøvseth, S. O.: 'A scale-based test for equality of Gaussian random fields with application to the cosmic microwave background radiation' (manuscript)en
dc.identifier.isbn978-82-8236-117-0 (pdf)
dc.publisherUniversitetet i Tromsøen
dc.publisherUniversity of Tromsøen
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2013 The Author(s)
dc.subjectVDP::Mathematics and natural science: 400::Mathematics: 410::Statistics: 412en
dc.subjectVDP::Matematikk og Naturvitenskap: 400::Matematikk: 410::Statistikk: 412en
dc.titleMultiscale Methods for Statistical Inference on Regular Lattice Dataen
dc.typeDoctoral thesisen

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