Now showing items 841-860 of 1276

    • Analysis of evolving oil spills in full-polarimetric and hybrid-polarity SAR 

      Espeseth, Martine Mostervik; Skrunes, Stine; Jones, Cathleen Elaine; Brekke, Camilla; Holt, Benjamin; Doulgeris, Anthony Paul (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-04-25)
      Oil spill detection using a time series of images acquired off Norway in June 2015 with the uninhabited aerial vehicle synthetic aperture radar is examined. The relative performance of a set of features derived from quad-polarization versus hybrid-polarity (HP) modes in detection of various types of slicks as they evolve on a high wind driven sea surface is evaluated. It is shown that the HP mode ...
    • Angle Dependent Reflectance and Performance of Solar Cells and Absorbers 

      Jordheim, Øystein (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-14)
      In this thesis, the reflectance was measured for angles from 10 deg to 80 deg for different n-type silicon based solar cells and for solar absorbers. The measurements were done with unpolarized, p polarized and s polarized light. The reflectance results show that both the solar cells and solar absorbers perform well under small variation from perpendicular angle well but as the angle of incidence ...
    • Uncertainty Modeling and Interpretability in Convolutional Neural Networks for Polyp Segmentation. 

      Wickstrøm, Kristoffer Knutsen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-14)
      Colorectal cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide, with prevention commonly done through regular colonoscopy screenings. During a colonoscopy, physicians manually inspect the colon of a patient using a camera in search for polyps, which are known to be possible precursors to colorectal cancer. Seeing that a colonoscopy is a manual procedure, it can be susceptible to ...
    • Temperature and thermal emission of cosmic dust around the Sun, Vega and Fomalhaut 

      Myrvang, Margaretha (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-14)
      Many stars are known to have dust disks, which are created through collisions between planetesimals, comparable to comets and asteroids in our solar system. Cosmic dust around a star absorbs electromagnetic radiation and re-radiates at a longer wavelength, determined by its temperature. The thermal emission of the dust can be observed. In certain systems, including the solar system, some of the dust ...
    • Baneberegninger for støv rundt Sola, Vega og Fomalhaut 

      Stamm, Johann Immanuel (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-14)
      Observasjoner av Vega og Fomalhaut tyder på at de har støvbelter rundt seg. Avstanden fra stjerna er rundt 0,2 astronomiske enheter (AE) og størrelsen til støvpartiklene varierer fra noen nanometer til noen mikrometer. Slikt støv fins også i solsystemet. Denne oppgaven handler om å beregne banen til slike støvpartikler etter danning. Det antas at støvet påvirkes av tre krefter: gravitasjon, ...
    • Forest Health Monitoring by Detection of Biotic Agents in Satellite Images 

      Hansen, Stine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      Since 1999, the Pine Wood Nematode (PWN) has spread, infected and damaged growing areas of pine forest in Portugal. The pest is subject to strict quarantine measures, that require forest owners to register, fell and dispose of infected trees. As remote sensing from satellites provides repetitive and consistent data sets with high temporal resolution and large spatial coverage, a surveillance based ...
    • On the Feasibility of Using Twitter Data to Assess the Global Circulation Patterns of Influenza Viruses 

      Holmstrand, Inga Setså (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      Having the flu is something that everyone is familiar with, and the influenza season hits every year. The intensity and timing vary from year to year driven by climatic conditions and antigenic evolution, through mechanisms that are only partially understood. Most research agree that the virus originates in East and South-East (E-SE) Asia and spread throughout the world through human movement. In ...
    • Constraining Transient Climate Response Using the Historical Temperature Record 

      Tranås, Olaf Lehn (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions alter the planet's energy balance and cause heating of the surface and oceans. Estimates of the implications of continued emissions are necessary to assess the severity of the situation. The transient climate response (TCR) is a measure of the climate's response to a continued increase in CO2 concentration, and indicates how much the temperature will increase ...
    • Survey and simulation of space debris using EISCAT UHF 

      Røynestad, Elisabeth Kristina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      This thesis starts with a review of the evolution of space debris, what is consists of, how it is made, how it is detected and tracked, and why it is such an important topic. Some of the worst collisions have contributed to causing 49% of the total space debris. If the launch rate continues, the "Kessler Syndrome" might become a reality destroying our future outlook for space communication and ...
    • SAR imaging and detection of partially coherent targets 

      Lindberg, Stein-Kato (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-23)
      A synthetic aperture radar (SAR) achieves a high azimuth resolution by illuminating targets with multiple pulses and using the Doppler history to synthesize a large antenna. When combining the pulses, it is normally assumed that the targets are stationary, and that their reflectivity is independent of time. The topic of this thesis is the processing of SAR images where the the targets have a ...
    • Optical nanoscopy of tissue sections 

      Villegas Hernandez, Luis Enrique (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-28)
      The study of organ tissues, namely, histology, is essential for clinical medicine, as it allows the identification of a wide range of diseases. Traditionally, two major techniques, optical and electron microscopy, have been used for morphological observation of tissue sections. Optical microscopy (OM) allows for fast-acquisition high-throughput imaging, at the expense of diffraction-limited resolution ...
    • The Cretaceous development of the Nordkapp Basin based on seismic interpretation 

      Matveev, Aleksei (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-31)
      This thesis is focused on studying the development of the Nordkapp Basin during the Cretaceous Period. The basin is fault-controlled and is strongly influenced by salt tectonics. The basin is divided into two parts, which differs both in the average width and direction of their elongation. Moreover, the salt structures in the northeast and southwest parts of the basin also follow the trends in width ...
    • Estimering av egenskaper til naturlige klasser i radarbilder med en blandingsmodell 

      Moe, Åse Mari (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-31)
      I løpet av de siste årene har isdekket i polhavet gått fra å være flerårsis til å bli en sesongbasert istype. Hvordan isen utvikler seg på sommeren vil avhenge av smeltevannandelen, blant annet på grunn av at smeltevannet har mindre albedo enn isen. For å estimere andelen smeltevann er det i denne oppgaven utviklet flere metoder som kan brukes på satellittbilder. Disse metodene bruker en statistisk ...
    • Comparing sea ice areas identified within quad-polarimetry high-resolution SAR satellite scenes with the same areas in dual-polarimetry medium resolution SAR scenes 

      Hvidsten, Magnus (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      This thesis compares polarimetric features from quad-polarimetric (quad-pol) SAR (synthetic aperture radar) data and emulated dual-polarimetric (dual-pol) SAR data to investigate the information captured over sea ice areas located in the Barents Sea. The polarimetric features of entropy (H) and mean alpha, and the H/mean alpha-plot is compared, as well as the cross-polarizarion ratio and the damping ...
    • The Future of Solar Energy in Marine Applications 

      Dahlen, Sigurd (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      The objective of this master's thesis is to investigate the current and future technical and economic feasibility of PV systems for marine applications. Two scenarios will be studied; a land-based PV power station to supply an in-land ferry in Norway and a PV system installed on a wind farm support vessel as a supplementary power source. The two scenarios are use cases that support the two research ...
    • A Sensitivity Study of L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Measurements to the Internal Variations and Evolving Nature of Oil Slicks 

      Karisari, Vebjørn (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      This thesis focuses on the use of multi-polarization synthetic aperture radar (SAR) for characterization of marine oil spills. In particular, the potential of detecting internal zones within oil slicks in SAR scenes are investigated by a direct within-slick segmentation scheme, along with a sensitivity study of SAR measurements to the evolving nature of oil slicks. A simple, k-means clustering ...
    • Classification of Marine Oil Spills and Look-alikes in Sentinel-1 TOPSAR and Radarsat-2 ScanSAR Images 

      Wilhelmsen, Magnus (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      The main focus of this thesis is to investigate the potential for discrimination between marine oil spills and look-alikes in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery, using log-cumulants and other parameters describing the characteristics of a dark feature. Look-alikes denotes other phenomena known to cause similar SAR signatures as mineral oil. It is vital for the companies managing oil detection ...
    • Analyzing Behavioral Biometrics of Handwriting Using Myo Gesture Control Armband 

      Tveit, Brynjulv (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-05)
      Through the last few decades, computer technology has gradually merged into our everyday lives. Computers and sensors are embedded in an increasing amount of household items, enabling us to monitor and remotely control our connected devices from apps on our smartphones. The technology interfaces are also evolving along with new technologies. Among the up and coming digital interfaces are wearable ...
    • An evaluation of the reanalyses ERA-Interim and ERA5 in the Arctic using N-ICE2015 data 

      Fredriksen, Liv-Ellen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-15)
      The Arctic climate has changed considerably in the last few decades. Hence, a large fraction of the current studies of the Arctic climate relies on global atmospheric reanalyses, due to the shortage of meteorological observations in the Arctic. However, global climate models have shown to struggle with simulating the current conditions in the Arctic region. Thus, the objective of this thesis is to ...
    • Seasonal energy storage for district heating applications, including simulation and analysis of Borehole Thermal Energy Storage systems 

      Bakken, Nils Joakim Døvre (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-18)
      The objective of this thesis is to analyse different energy storage technologies for seasonal energy storage in combination with district heating. Tromsø receives district heating (Kvitebjørn Varme). Their new heating central at Skattøra burn waste from industry and households in Tromsø and this heat is used to heat water. A part of this excess heat is lost to air during summer because of a lower ...