Artikler, rapporter og annet (datateknologi og beregningsorienterte ingeniørfag): Nye registreringer
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A note on the best constants in some hardy inequalities
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015)Abstract. The sharp constants in Hardy type inequalities are known only in a few cases. In this paper we discuss some situations when such sharp constants are known, but also some new sharp constants are derived both in one-dimensional and multi-dimensional cases. -
Rearrangements and jensen type inequalities related to convexity, superquadracity, strong convexity and 1-quasiconvexity
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-09)In this paper we derive and discuss some new theorems related to all rearrangements of a given set in Rn , denoted (x) and use the results to prove some new Jensen type inequalities for convex, superquadratic, strongly convex and 1 -quasiconvex functions. -
Weighted fractional Hardy operators and their commutators on generalized Morrey spaces over quasi-metric measure spaces
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-11-22)We study commutators of weighted fractional Hardy-type operators within the frameworks of local generalized Morrey spaces over quasi-metric measure spaces for a certain class of “radial” weights. Quasi-metric measure spaces may include, in particular, sets of fractional dimentsions. We prove theorems on the boundedness of commutators with CMO coefficients of these operators. Given a domain ... -
Some New Fourier and Jackson–Nikol’skii Type Inequalities in Unbounded Orthonormal Systems
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-09-16)We consider the generalized Lorentz space L_ψ,q defined via a continuous and concave function ψ and the Fourier series of a function with respect to an unbounded orthonormal system. Some new Fourier and Jackson-Nikol’skii type inequalities in this frame are stated, proved and discussed. In particular, the derived results generalize and unify several well-known results but also some new applications ... -
On Weighted Fourier InequalitieS –– Some New Scales of Equivalent Conditions
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06)For Lebesgue spaces on R<sup>n</sup>, we study two-weight p → q-inequalities for Fourier transform. Some sufficient conditions on weights for such inequalities are known for special ranges of parameters p and q. In the same ranges of parameters we show, that in every case each of those conditions can be replaced by infinitely many conditions, even by continuous scales of conditions. We also ... -
Topological Singularities in Periodic Media: Ginzburg–Landau and Core-Radius Approaches
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-20)We describe the emergence of topological singularities in periodic media within the Ginzburg–Landau model and the core-radius approach. The energy functionals of both models are denoted by Eε,δ, where ε represent the coherence length (in the Ginzburg–Landau model) or the core-radius size (in the core-radius approach) and δ denotes the periodicity scale. We carry out the -convergence analysis ... -
Homogenization of biomechanical models of plant tissues with randomly distributed cells
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-15)In this paper homogenization of a mathematical model for biomechanics of a plant tissue with randomly distributed cells is considered. Mechanical properties of a plant tissue are modelled by a strongly coupled system of reaction-diffusion-convection equations for chemical processes in plant cells and cell walls, the equations of poroelasticity for elastic deformations of plant cell walls and middle ... -
On the boundedness of subsequences of Vilenkin-Fejér means on the martingale Hardy spaces
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-03)In this paper we characterize subsequences of Fejér means with respect to Vilenkin systems, which are bounded from the Hardy space <i>H<sub>p</sub></i> to the Lebesgue space <i>L<sub>p</sub></i>, for all 0 < p < 1/2. The result is in a sense sharp. -
Existence and Uniqueness of Some Cauchy Type Problems in Fractional q-Difference Calculus
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2020)In this paper we derive a sufficient condition for the existence of a unique solution of a Cauchy type q-fractional problem (involving the fractional q-derivative of Riemann-Liouville type) for some nonlinear differential equations. The key technique is to first prove that this Cauchy type q-fractional problem is equivalent to a corresponding Volterra q-integral equation. Moreover, we define the ... -
Utilizing Local Flexibility Resources to Mitigate Grid Challenges at Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-12)Charging of electric vehicles (EVs) on a large scale can cause problems for the grid. Utilizing local flexibility resources, such as smart charging, stationary battery, vehicle-to-grid applications, and local generation can be an efficient way to contain the grid challenges and mitigate the need for grid reinforcement. Focusing on the INSPIRIA charging station located in Norway, this paper investigates ... -
Flexibility-Enhancing Charging Station to Support the Integration of Electric Vehicles
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-01)This paper discusses the Inspiria charging station facility in Norway, which enables various charging point operators to offer different charging systems for different purposes and needs. The charging station can be considered a specific case of a shared economy, as users share the same infrastructure and much of the same space. By utilizing new technology and the differences in charging needs in ... -
Investigating the Polar Code’s function-based requirements for life-saving appliances and arrangements, and the performance of survival equipment in cold climate conditions – test of SOLAS approved desalting apparatus at low temperatures
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-21)As the sea ice extent steadily decreases, the Arctic region is simultaneously experiencing extensive growth in commercial shipping activities, in areas which previously were considered inaccessible for most ships during large periods of the year, increasing the probability of accidents or incidents occurring. <i>The International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (The Polar Code)</i> states ... -
Flexibility-Enhancing Charging Station to Support the Integration of Electric Vehicles
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-01)This paper discusses the Inspiria charging station facility in Norway, which enables various charging point operators to offer different charging systems for different purposes and needs. The charging station can be considered a specific case of a shared economy, as users share the same infrastructure and much of the same space. By utilizing new technology and the differences in charging needs in ... -
A New Development of the Classical Single Ladder Problem via Converting the Ladder to a Staircase
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-08)Our purpose is to shed some new light on problems arising from a study of the classical Single Ladder Problem (SLP). The basic idea is to convert the SLP to a corresponding Single Staircase Problem. The main result (Theorem 1) shows that this idea works fine and new results can be obtained by just calculating rational solutions of an algebraic equation. Some examples of such concrete calculations ... -
Investigating the affordances of a flipped mathematics classroom from an activity theoretical perspective
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-20)Flipped Classroom as a pedagogical framework has gained popularity at secondary and tertiary levels of mathematics education, but there is a lack of research based on a solid theoretical foundation. This article considers the flipped mathematics classroom from the perspective of affordances and cultural–historical activity theory. The empirical background is based on semi-structured interview data ... -
Using Deep Learning Methods to Monitor Non-Observable States in a Building
(Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2020-02-06)This paper presents results from ongoing research with a goal to use a combination of time series from non-intrusive ambient sensors and deep recurrent neural networks to predict room usage at a university campus. Training data was created by collecting measurements from ambient sensors measuring room CO2, humidity, temperature, light, motion and sound, while the ground-truth counts was created ... -
Exploring Realistic Mathematics Education in a Flipped Classroom Context at the Tertiary Level
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-02-01)Flipped classroom (FC) pedagogical frameworks have recently gained considerable popularity, especially at secondary school levels. However, there are rich opportunities to explore FC at tertiary levels, but progress on the area requires instructors’ attention to well-designed tasks for students’ collaborative learning. Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) provides a foundation for the development ... -
User-Friendly MES Interfaces: Recommendations for an AI-Based Chatbot Assistance in Industry 4.0 Shop Floors
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-04)The purpose of this paper is to study an Industry 4.0 scenario of ‘technical assistance’ and use manufacturing execution systems (MES) to address the need for easy information extraction on the shop floor. We identify specific requirements for a user-friendly MES interface to develop (and test) an approach for technical assistance and introduce a chatbot with a prediction system as an interface layer ... -
Asymptotics of fundamental solutions for time fractional equations with convolution kernels
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-11)The paper deals with the large time asymptotic of the fundamental solution for a time fractional evolution equation with a convolution type operator. In this equation we use a Caputo time derivative of order α ∈ (0, 1), and assume that the convolution kernel of the spatial operator is symmetric, integrable and shows a super-exponential decay at infinity. Under these assumptions we describe the ... -
Altering perceptions, visualizing sub-ground metal objects
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-06)Smart phones and sensor technology represent a key part of everyday life and are being used in areas such as safety, training, healthcare and others. Utilizing an array of internal sensors and a metal detector requires an evaluation of the precision of the measurements and performance reviews. Metal detectors are versatile, with uses in healthcare as well as recreational, but a common issue often ...