Viser treff 181-200 av 33233

    • Byrommets transformative snølandskap 

      Botani, Zeri Emilie (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-03)
      En vinterby defineres som områder med jevnlig temperatur under 0 grader, der mesteparten av nedbør er snø og de har færre timer med sol og dagslys. Ofte er byrom, veier og gater designet og tilrettelagt for sommeren, noe som gjør det utfordrende for mennesker å bruke byen om vinteren. Dette kan medføre til at mennesker holder seg innendørs og isolerer seg, mens de venter til vinteren er over. ...
    • Folkekaia i Sørvær 

      Torsvik, Markus (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-03)
      Prosjektet ’Folkekaia’ tar for seg utbedringen av havna i Sørvær og kommer med forslag til utformingen av den nye industrikaien som planlegges her. Sørvær er et lite fiskevær langt til nord. Med sine 200 inbyggere er det store menneskelige ressurser og pådrivere, noe som gjør at Sørvær er et sted det skjer mye, og som tiltrekker seg masse mennesker på tross av sitt beskjedene inbyggertall. De ...
    • Beredskap i landskap 

      King, Sofie Randall (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-02)
      Prosjektbeskrivelse: Kirkenes, en by i Sør-Varanger, ligger i en strategisk viktig region nær grensen til Russland. Tradisjonelt har Kirkenes fungert som en bro mellom Norge og Russland, men de siste årene har dette endret seg betydelig, i lys av den pågående krigen i Ukraina. Byens rolle som grenseby er nå utfordret, og innbyggerne må navigere i et komplekst landskap preget av fraflytting, stengte ...
    • Opparbeiding av en kysthage: Et designforslag forankret i tradisjonelle økologiske verdier 

      Wold, Julie Hjelt; Hembery, Didrik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-02)
      Vi ønsker å sette et lyst på de globale utfordringene knyttet til import og eksport i matproduksjon-for eksempel: fiskeoppdrett, taretråling og overimport av soya. Dette er næringer som er svært arealkrevende, og som skaper store anstrengelser for klima, miljø og artsmangfold. Vi ønsker å lage et strategisk designforslag som bunner i, og ivaretar UNESCO verdensarvsverdier på Vega, som samtidig ...
    • Forvitring, Forandring - en fortelling om fiskevær i endring og menneskene som bor der 

      Karlsson, Frida Suzanne (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-02)
      Nyksund står som et eksempel på fraflyttede fiskevær langs norskekysten, da spesielt i nordnorsk sammenheng, men også som et individ med egne problemstillinger innenfor videre utvikling av været. Jeg ønsker å se videre på disse individuelle utfordringene været står ovenfor i et fremtidsperspektiv og hvordan dette gir utrykk gjennom stedsutvikling og i landskapet? Hvordan kan en tidligere fraflyttet ...
    • Energibyparken: En utforskning av arealnøytralitet med fokus på kraftutvikling i Hammerfest 

      Sletten, Sverre Drange (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-02)
      I Nord-Norge er spørsmålet om kraft et stort problem . Både historisk og i dag. Regionen er preget av begrenset nettkapasitet og alle ønsker tilgang på kortreiste elektroner. Når nye nett- og kraftproduksjonsanlegg håndteres gjennom konsesjonssaker istedenfor kommunale planer, kan det ofte fremstå som en “første mann til mølla” situasjon. Konsekvensen av dette, er en befolkning som ikke føler seg ...
    • Forensic DNA phenotyping - Towards reliable and accurate DNA tests for prediction of eye colour, hair colour and biogeographical ancestry 

      Salvo, Nina Mjølsnes (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2024-06-27)
      Forensic DNA phenotyping (FDP) can aid police investigations where there is no match between the crime scene DNA and a suspect or a database hit. By using FDP, we can predict appearance and biogeographical ancestry (BGA) of an unknown person. These DNA tests are currently being implemented in forensic casework in many countries. However, prior to implementation, the methods have to be evaluated and ...
    • Biogeographical Ancestry Analyses Using the ForenSeq™ DNA Signature Prep Kit and Multiple Prediction Tools 

      Salvo, Nina Mjølsnes; Olsen, Gunn-Hege; Berg, Thomas; Janssen, Kirstin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2024-04-18)
      The inference of biogeographical ancestry (BGA) can assist in police investigations of serious crime cases and help to identify missing people and victims of mass disasters. In this study, we evaluated the typing performance of 56 ancestry-informative SNPs in 177 samples using the ForenSeq™ DNA Signature Prep Kit on the MiSeq FGx system. Furthermore, we compared the prediction accuracy of the tools ...
    • Snowdrift Analysis using FlowCapt FC4 and LiDAR Data at Fv. 53 Tyin-Årdal 

      Ovesen, Mikael Jay Strand (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
      The wind is essential in distribution of snow and the degree of avalanche danger. There are a lot of uncertainties regarding quantification of wind-transported snow, which is of importance for local avalanche warning and Remote Avalanche Control Systems (RACS) - which is conducted by Skred AS along Fv. 53 (County Road 53) Tyin-Årdal. A snowdrift sensor, FlowCapt 4 (FC4), is installed along this ...
    • Characteristics and failure mechanisms of the Sieidi unstable rock slope 

      Kaltenrieder, Fabrice (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-14)
      Seidi is an unstable rock slope at the western end of the Sørfjord in Tromsø municipality, Troms County, northern Norway. It displays clear signs of rock slope deformation: an offset at the crest, multiple scarps, talus and loose material and a bulging slope. The objective of this work is to interrogate the failure mechanics in order to determine the degree of control lithology and bedrock structure ...
    • Improving Blood Glucose Prediction for People with T1DM During Physical Activity Using Machine Learning on Participant Collected Data 

      Oh, Doyoung (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-14)
      For people with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM), engaging in physical activities (PA) presents unique challenges. The aim of this thesis was to improve the prediction of blood glucose (BG) levels for individuals with T1DM during and after PA. The study began with a literature review to guide the research direction and understand existing prediction models. Then particular emphasis was placed on ...
    • Man`s Best Friend and Therapist`s Best Assistant? Exploring the Potential of Dog-Assisted Interventions in Norwegian Institutions 

      Wiik, Ida Kristina Gule (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-02)
      Humans and dogs have a long history together. The dog’s purpose has changed from being a practical tool to being a “co-therapist”. Today, animal-assisted therapy is a common phenomenon internationally. However, the evidence for animal-assisted interventions is not very recognised in Norway. The present study aimed to investigate dogs’ ability as a form of emotional support for people in therapy in ...
    • Lunch Break Environments and Their Effect on Psychological Detachment and Well-Being 

      Borge, Lars Nordby (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-02)
      With increasing attention to the importance of recovery experiences, particularly in mitigating workplace stress and promoting well-being, the present research seeks to contribute to the understanding of how environmental factors influence psychological detachment and emotional exhaustion during lunch breaks. Drawing upon theories from both environmental psychology and work and occupational psychology, ...
    • Exploring the Link between Mind Wandering and Reinforcement Learning through Behavioral Analysis and Pupillometry 

      Karayel, Ceylin Yagmur (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-02)
      Many studies have shown the negative effects of mind wandering (MW) on performance in sustained attention tasks, however, its effects on reinforcement learning (RL), a process based on reward- and loss-based learning, is an unexplored field. In the current study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between MW and RL by employing a novel RL task to observe how MW influences performance. In ...
    • Eternal Sunshine of the Positive Mind? A Qualitative Study Investigating Laypeople’s Diverse Definition of Positive Thinking 

      Primdahl, Marie Seberg (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-01)
      We often receive advice to think positively when faced with difficulties as it is believed to be helpful by increasing motivation to solve tasks or even to treat illness. Despite its prevalence, positivity as cognition has not been sufficiently defined. Thus, this thesis investigates folk theories about positive thinking through two qualitative studies; focus group interviews (n=18) and an online ...
    • The Sky is the Limit: Breaking the Glass Ceiling as an Ethnic Minority in Organizations 

      Babiker, Samy (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-01)
      People with an ethnic minority background are becoming more prevalent in Western societies, and are more represented in the workforce as a consequence. Negative stereotypes and attitudes towards ethnic minorities persist in terms of lack of skill and knowledge that leads to discrimination and negative outcomes in their career progression. These obstacles make a glass ceiling that limit the potential ...
    • Elementary Children’s Well-Being and The Effect of Siblings During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparison of Four European Countries 

      Ingen, Kornelia van (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-01)
      Late in 2019, the world changed due to the spreading of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus. As a consequence of this virus, governments decided to implement lockdowns and school closures, as a measure to reduce the spreading of the deadly virus. In the present work, we aimed to investigate the impact these lockdowns and school closures had on children’s well-being. We used a cross-country approach with ...
    • Are There Gender Differences in Children’s Understanding of Hidden Emotions? 

      Kolve, Nora (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-01)
      This study investigated whether there are gender differences in children's understanding of hidden emotions. Additionally, it explored whether there are gender differences in hidden emotion understanding in different social contexts (peer vs. family) and for different emotion categories (submissive emotions vs. disharmonious emotions). Our sample included 27 children aged four to six years and 17 ...
    • The Use of Situational Cues When Thinking About Future Action: The Relevance of Visual Imagery and Relationship With Conscientiousness 

      Bjørkhaug Johansen, Kristin (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-01)
      Previous research has found a relationship between the habitual inclusion of situational cues in thoughts about future action, self-regulation success, and the personality trait conscientiousness. The present research aimed to replicate previous correlational findings from Martiny-Huenger et al., (2022) as well as presenting a new aspect that might influence the effectiveness of situational cue-thought ...
    • Adjusting the Instruction-Based Congruency Effect to an Explicit cue Requires Practise 

      Aasen, Steffen Rygg (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-01)
      Humans display an ability to rapidly adapt behaviour to novelly instructed relations. Instructions typically bind known stimuli and responses in novel ways that must be retained for future implementation, which can induce unintentional effects on a secondary task. This effect can be adjusted based on the degree of preparation for the retained instruction. Cues can be used to explicitly signal upcoming ...