Now showing items 84-103 of 572

    • Dannelse i en digital nettalder 

      Thorvaldsen, Steinar (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2010)
      Dette kapitlet tar for seg nye utfordringer vi står overfor gjennom de digitale nettverk med global rekkevidde. Digitale nett skaper muligheter, men åpner også for betydelig risiko, sårbarhet og problemer. Internett og internasjonaliseringen gjør det nødvendig å tenke nytt om dannelse. Hva er nettvett og digital dømmekraft? Hvilken viten behøves for å kunne orientere seg i kunnskapssamfunnet? ...
    • Dannelse i nord. Pedagogisk-filosofiske refleksjoner om sted, kunnskap, danning og skole 

      Solberg, Mariann (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)
      Vi må anta at det å høre hjemme et sted, har en betydning for opplevelsen av å være til. Hvilken forskjell kan det gjøre at det er i nord man er hjemme? Hva vil det si å dannes til menneske i nord?
    • Darwin’s Perplexing Paradox : Intelligent Design in Nature 

      Thorvaldsen, Steinar; Øhrstrøm, Peter (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Today, many would assume that Charles Darwin absolutely rejected any claim of intelligent design in nature.However, review of his initial writings reveals that Darwin accepted some aspects of this view. His conceptualization of design was founded on both the cosmological and the teleological ideas from classical natural theology. When Darwin discovered the dynamic process of natural selection, ...
    • Datalogging BYOD 

      Höper, Jan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2015)
      Elevenes egne smarttelefoner og nettbrett kan brukes til å måle puls, registrere temperaturendringer ved en solformørkelse og masse annet.
    • Decoding the Digital Gap in Teacher Education: Three Perspectives across the Globe 

      Thorvaldsen, Steinar; Madsen, Siri Sollied (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021-03-08)
      Educational use of technology is regularly assessed, and results often show a gap between educational policies and what is actually practiced. This chapter will help clarify how teacher educators experience the changing educational contexts due to the digital revolution, how their meaning-making shifts, and how outside forces influence those processes. The results are based on comparative ...
    • Decoding the Digital Gap in Teacher Education: Three Perspectives across the Globe 

      Thorvaldsen, Steinar; Madsen, Siri Sollied (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021-03-08)
      Educational use of technology is regularly assessed, and results often show a gap between educational policies and what is actually practiced. This chapter will help clarify how teacher educators experience the changing educational contexts due to the digital revolution, how their meaning-making shifts, and how outside forces influence those processes. The results are based on comparative international ...
    • Democratic Participation in Early Childhood Education and Care - Serving the Best Interests of the Child 

      Eriksen, Evelyn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-06-27)
      The meaning of democratic participation in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) remains vague and difficult to implement. Thus, the aim of this paper is to contribute to this gap of knowledge by shed light on the meaning of democratic participation in relation to the best interests of the child, by analysing General Comment No. 14 (2013). The research uses theories on democracy in ECEC ...
    • Den nasjonale kirkens misjonsarbeid blant samene i Norge. Kulturell sivilisering eller evangelisk omvendelse? 

      Larsen, Rolf Inge (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Misjon blant samer i Norge har foregått i flere hundre år. Mye av denne historien er kjent og behørig drøftet.2 Artikkelen er ikke en fullstendig fremstilling av samemisjonsarbeidet i Norge, men har til hensikt å vise ulike tilnærminger i kirkens arbeid blant samene. Artikkelens undertittel fungerer som et forskerspørsmål å drøfte formålet for det nasjonalkirkelige samemisjonsarbeidet i Norge ...
    • Desentralisert lærerutdanning i nord : fra nødløsning til fullverdig alternativ 

      Brekke, Mary; Germeten, Sidsel; Jensen, Øyvind Bråstad; Jenssen, Øyvind; Sjøvoll, Jarle (Book; Bok, 2007)
      De gode resultatene av en sterkere vektlegging på en praksisorientert lærerutdanning representerer et betydelig utviklingspotensial for lærerutdanning generelt. Den desentraliserte utdanninga opplevdes som – og var – relevant og meningsfull for alle aktører. I NOKUT’s vurdering av den stasjonære allmennlærerutdanninga i 2006 gir studentene uttrykk for at praksisopplæringa forbereder dem for dårlig ...
    • A Design-Oriented Analysis of Multimodality in English as a Foreign Language 

      Jakobsen, Ingrid K.; Tønnessen, Elise Seip (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-09-28)
      This empirical article investigates multimodality in English as a foreign language, both as seen in the use of multimodal texts as artefacts and pedagogical texts for learning, and through an analysis of the multimodal learning designs. We present observations from a year 10 classroom in Norway that worked with the novel <i>The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian</i> (Alexie, 2007). We explore ...
    • Designing and Reflecting on Process Quality: A Case Study of Encounters and Clashes among First-year Students in Teacher Education 

      Ekeland, Torun Granstrøm (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-07-29)
      Quality assurance is a major topic in discussions of higher education. General quality indicators for learning processes emerge as a part of the concept to emphasise dimensions that predicts students’ learning outcomes. How can teaching designed as inquiry-based learning (IBL) improve process quality? By exploring how the curriculum is applied in an unfolding teaching and learning process for ...
    • «Det er et kjemperart system» – spesialpedagogikk, tilpasset opplæring og nyutdannede læreres kompetanse 

      Antonsen, Yngve; Maxwell, Gregor; Bjørndal, Kristin Emilie W; Jakhelln, Rachel Elise (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-13)
      De nye femårige grunnskolelærerutdanningene i Norge skal utdanne lærere med økt fag- og forskningskunnskap. Disse lærerne skal kunne tilpasse opplæringen til den enkelte elev og integrere spesialundervisning i grunnskolen. Studiens forskningsspørsmål er: Hvordan erfarer nyutdannede grunnskolelærere at den formelle lærerkompetansen fra en integrert femårig grunnskolelærerutdanning samsvarer med deres ...
    • Developing a group coaching practice targeting school leaders: an action research project with a critical friend 

      Abrahamsen, Lena (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-12)
      There are various forms of coaching in the field of education that promote professional development. This article reports on an action research project exploring school leadership coaching, demonstrating how a group coaching practice is developed when involving groups of coaches and leadership groups. The coaches, organized into two coaching teams, develop their coaching practice through reflective ...
    • Devised theatre methodology to promote creativity in school 

      Munk, Camilla Steine; Antonsen, Yngve; Andreassen, Svein-Erik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-11)
      This study examines the use of a devised theatre methodology to develop more creativity in the professional learning community and among students. Data from focus groups in an action research project in an upper secondary school in Norway have been thema tically analysed. Using the practice architecture theory, we identi fied three different practices: ‘creative practice’, ‘collective creative ...
    • Diagnose som verktøy for mestring 

      Jakobsen, Yvonne; Olsen, Mirjam Harkestad (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023)
      I denne artikkelen utforsker vi spørsmålet: Hvordan opplever kvinner med sen ADHD-diagnose at diagnose kan bidra til å forstå seg selv og tilrettelegge for valg som fremmer god helse? I studien er det benyttet en flermetodisk tilnærming med digitalt spørreskjema, semistrukturerte intervjuer og fokusgruppeintervju. Tema har blant annet vært betydningen av diagnose. Sentrale funn er at diagnose oppleves ...
    • Dialogkonferansen - arena for kollektiv utvikling i skolen 

      Lund, Torbjørn (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020-12-23)
      The purpose of this chapter is to examine dialogue conference as a space for collective school improvement. The article employs the theory of action research in general and the methodology of dialogue conferences in particular as lenses to explore and discuss challenges in using dialogue conferences as tools for school improvement. Two examples from different action research studies using dialogue ...
    • Dialogue about “learning” across the Northern Norway-Russia border: An analysis of textbooks in kindergarten teacher education 

      Merzliakova, Elena; Gradovski, Mikhail; Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-16)
      This paper is the first in a series of three studies that explore the pedagogy used in the Norwegian and Russian early childhood settings by examining texts that are part of the syllabus in two early childhood teacher education programs that participated in our project with student international exchanges. The study explores how Mikhail Bakhtin’s notion of dialogue relates to the concept of ‘learning’ ...
    • Digital Natives and Educational Traditions. What Changes When Exchanging Textbook Content with Internet Search? 

      Rønningsbakk, Lisbet (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      Use of technology challenge traditional concepts of learning in school. But what is actually changing? The paper shows result from a study that finds that the shift from textbook to internet content implicates significant changes. Textbooks present qualified content that is well adapted to the cognitive development of students of certain ages. Using internet content gives no such guarantees. The ...
    • Digital tools and meaning making in mathematics 

      Manshadi, Saeed (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2016-11-07)
      This presentation is based upon a school-initiated project: with open doors to the world - A pilot on the use of technology in education at school. The project is interdisciplinary and involves 1. – 4. grade at an elementary school in Northern Norway. Researchers from the Arctic University of Norway have collaborated closely with the participating teachers in the school. The research group represents ...
    • Digital Tools for Structure in a Mainstream Class 

      Olsen, Mirjam Harkestad (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-08-11)
      The subject of the article is how digital structure and predictability affects the learning environment. This is key knowledge as regards both class management and learning. An intervention research design was employed. The intervention aimed to test digital aids in a mainstream class: a digital day planner board and a Time timer wristwatch with a countdown function. These aids are usually ...