Now showing items 81-100 of 159

    • The Changing Livelihood of the Karamojong People of North-Eastern Uganda and its impact on the Survival of their Traditional Gender Roles 

      Ssenkaaba, John (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-19)
      This thesis discuss the changing livelihoods of the Karamojong people of North-Eastern Uganda and how the changes impacts the survival of their traditional gender roles. For various reasons Karimajong people have been historically marginalized and subjugated which treatment is evident since the rule of colonialists and even extended to the post –independence governments of the Republic of Uganda. ...
    • “Taking our language back home” - Motivation and challenges in the South Sami area 

      Steinfjell, Risten Birje (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-11-25)
      The South Sami language was the daily language of the South Sami before Norwegianisation and assimilation made it less used among the South Sami themselves and useless in the Norwegian society. The language was then not transmitted to the next generation anymore and UNESCO listed the language as severely endangered. The topic of this thesis is the revival that has taken place in the South Sami area ...
    • Sami traditions: Márkomeannu`s contribution to the revitalization of Sami food traditions 

      Berg, Elisabeth (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-11-27)
      This thesis focuses on the Márkomeannu festival’s contribution to the revitalization of food traditions. The study was conducted on the Márkomeannu festival in Skånland in Troms County, specifically in the Markasami areas in the rural hills of Skånland. The festival was chosen because it is an important arena for expression of indigeneity and culture. Many areas within the Sami community have suffered ...
    • The silence in Sápmi - and the queer Sami breaking it 

      Løvold, Ane Hedvig Heidrunsdotter (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-01-26)
      This thesis is an investigation of the silence of queerness in Sápmi, and is empirically based on three fieldworks and eight interviews. The thesis will question the silence within a historical perspective, and explore different aspects of the silence in Sápmi today. The main focus will be on queer Sami in Norway, but will also voice queer Sami from Sweden and Finland. I will therefore include a ...
    • Beaivváš – an institution for Sámi culture management or mainstream entertainment? : The Sámi National Theatre’s role in the Sámi community of Norway 

      Kvernmo, Marie (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-10-08)
      After the Sámi awakening movement in the 1970’s which culminated in the Alta conflict in 1981, the Sámi theater Beaivváš was created to highlight the Sámi language and culture in Norway. The theater became a success and was at first one of the main spokesmen for the Sámi people in the political and cultural contexts. As Sámi rights were recognized, Beaivváš and several Sámi institutions were established ...
    • Traditional camel management as an adaptation strategy to ecological changes: the case of Karrayyuu Oromo of Ethiopia 

      Amante, Debela Goshu (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-05)
      This thesis is concerned primarily with Karrayyuu camel husbandry. Camel husbandry has flourished recently as an adaptation mechanism in response to ecological change. Karrayyuus have for centuries herded cattle, but recently, owing to ecological change, this has become unviable. Continued desertification, repeated drought and loss of land, has diminished the cattle herd size to a level that cannot ...
    • The role of affirmative action in higher education for indigenous people: the case of Yakutsk (Russia) and Tromsø (Norway) 

      Nikanorova, Liudmila (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-05-21)
      This thesis is dedicated to the issue of affirmative action in higher education for indigenous people. It includes two case studies that cover the research topic in two areas Yakutsk in Far-East Russia (The North-Eastern Federal University) and Tromsø (The Arctic University of Norway) in Northern Norway. The motivation for the study and for the choice of the cases comes from my personal experience. ...
    • MIND THE GAP Greenland: Is there a gap between educational goals of the government and the aspirations of young people in Narsaq? 

      Fridfinnsdottir, Elin Thora (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-05-23)
      Mind the gap is a thesis based on fieldwork conducted in Narsaq, Greenland in July 2013 and compares the rationale behind the government’s high priority to increase educational standards of the population with the reluctance of young people in Narsaq to answer that call. Young people in Narsaq, like the population of rest of Greenland are going through a period of great changes, both environmentally ...
    • Consequences of Monological and Dialogical Dialogue in Reciprocal Indigenous Research Relationships - Doing Research at Standing Rock Reservation 

      Francett-Hermes, Eva Michelle (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-05-26)
      This thesis has as its starting points an experience of rejection and ethical challenges met in the course of conducting research within the field of indigenous research. The attempted research took place during the Lakȟótiyapi Summer Institute of 2013 at Sitting Bull College at Standing Rock Reservation in North Dakota, U.S., and was interrupted by the local Institutional Review Board. Due to the ...
    • Trapped in the net of circumstances. Nature use practices of the Sami people of Lovozero in the changing socio-economic, administrative and environmental settings. 

      Shavrina, Olga (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-05-21)
      This thesis is a local community study, which examines the issues of nature use by the Sami people in the settlement of Lovozero – a community situated in circumpolar Russia, where nature use is mainly presented by reindeer herding, fishing, hunting, and gathering. Leaning on the extensive list of references and combining information from various information sources, this interdisciplinary research ...
    • X'atsull Heritage Village: A case study in indigenous tourism. 

      Jennings, Helen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-05-21)
      This thesis is an anthropological case study of the work of the X’atsull Heritage Village in British Columbia, Canada. The village is run by members of the Shuswap Nation and is accredited by the Aboriginal Tourism of British Columbia (AtBC). The research is based on fieldwork conducted at the site for a short period in the summer of 2013; the author was essentially a participant observer. The ...
    • Education and HIV/AIDS: A case study of educational practices of the indigenous Fantes, in the Cape Coast Municipality of Ghana 

      Asiedu, Mel Gyamira (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-05-23)
      This study addresses how Ghanaian educational systems educate the people of Cape Coast about the causes and prevention of the HIV/AIDS epidemic HIV/AIDS has been identified as one of the main challenges facing the educational sector in Ghana that deals with children from pre-school, basic, secondary and tertiary institution. Everyone in these categories, all children and students are at risk. ...
    • KNIVES OF SEBEI Women, Ritual and Power. Sabiny Perception on Female Genital Mutilation and Advocacy Programs. 

      Nalaaki, Ritah (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-05-20)
      For hundreds of years, the Sabiny have performed female circumcision as a cultural practice that initiates adolescent girls into adulthood/womanhood. However in the recent past, the community has come under sharp criticism from the Ugandan government and other concerned parties such as non-governmental organizations. The government has even gone a step further and criminalized the practice. Nevertheless, ...
    • The Sami National Day as a Prism to Tromsø Sami Identity: the Past and the Present 

      Kharina, Valentina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-09-27)
      The thesis “The Sami National Day as a Prism to Tromsø Sami Identity: the Past and the Present” researches the way Tromsø Sami identity has changed over the last 20 years. The institution of the Sami National Day is used as a shaping tool of the concept of identity. In this work I investigate the way the celebration of Sami Day has changed since the time the holiday was established in 1993 up ...
    • "A conflict between two disparate cultures." Indigenous Agency and Legal Narratives in the United States. The case of 'Lyng v. Northwest Indian Cemetery Protective Association.' 

      Evju, Kristin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-11-16)
      In 1988, the United States Supreme Court denied the Yurok, Karuk, and Tolowa tribes constitutional protection of ‘High Country,’ a sacred area in danger of being destroyed by the government. The dispute, known as Lyng v. Northwest Indian Cemetery Protective Association, became infamous for its detrimental effects on legal protection of Native American religious beliefs and practices. This thesis ...
    • Using Traditional Knowledge in Unpredictable Critical Events in Reindeer Husbandry. The case of Sámi reindeer husbandry in Western Finnmark, Norway and Nenets reindeer husbandry on Yamal peninsula, Yamal-Nenets AO, Russia 

      Eira, Rávdná Biret Márjá (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-08-09)
      This thesis investigates in what way traditional knowledge is used when unpredictable critical events occur in Sámi reindeer husbandry in Western Finnmark, Norway and Nenets reindeer husbandry on Yamal peninsula, Russia. In addition the aim was to investigate to what extent reindeer herder’s traditional knowledge is supported by the state official governance of reindeer husbandry. In Norway each ...
    • Living on the Margins of Life: A Study about Street Children in Kathmandu, Nepal 

      Pokharel, Prakash (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-21)
      This thesis entitled ‘Living on the Margins of Life: A Study about Street Children in Kathmandu, Nepal’ is based on the idea that children rights, the most basic of human rights need to be discussed and promoted, since children are the future of the community, nation and the world. Indigenous peoples and their struggle for human rights is now a significant force, as the movement moves in a new era. ...
    • “The Best of Both Worlds”. Conceptualising an Urban Sámi Identity 

      Gjerpe, Kajsa Kemi (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-22)
      Indigeneity is often expected to merely exist in rural settings. The urban context is, therefore, considered atypical and inauthentic. I will distinguish between cultural traits and emblems, arguing that the creation of emblems has been an important aspect of revitalisation of Sámi culture. In addition, I maintain that the use of emblems in daily life is important for urban Sámi, as Sámi culture ...
    • Participation of Indigenous Peoples in Mass Media: A Case Study of FM Radios in Kavrepalanchowk, Nepal 

      Sapkota, Prakash (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-06)
      This thesis entitled “Participation of Indigenous Peoples in Mass Media” is a case study of indigenous peoples’ participation in FM radios in Kavrepalanchowk district of Nepal. The study intends to highlight the participatory pattern and impact of indigenous peoples in FM radios, the most popular modern means of mass media. The research is based on the fieldwork carried out in Kavrepalanchowk ...
    • Learning Sealing: Traditional Knowledge Strengthening Awareness of Being Greenlandic Today 

      Rosendahl, Sally (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-13)
      This thesis investigates in which ways learning ‘traditional’ knowledge such as seal hunting is a strengthening factor for the awareness of being Greenlandic today. It looks at knowledge transfer between one generation and the next as well as the role of knowledge transfer in the education system. Finally, the tension or interplay between possessing traditional knowledge and living as a modern people ...