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dc.contributor.advisorHanssen, Tove Aminda
dc.contributor.authorOlsen, Siv Jorunn Storli
dc.description.abstractThe aims of this thesis were to study CR participation rate, clinically relevant anxiety and depression and employment status of patients following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), and the long-term effect of participation in a CR programme on patients’ symptoms of anxiety and depression and their employment status. Using a prospective observational design, we included data from the Norwegian Coronary Stent trial (NorStent) from baseline and 36 months. NorStent was an all-comer study with broad inclusion criteria and few exclusion criteria, conducted at all centres in Norway that perform PCI during 2008 and 2011. A total of 9013 participants were included in NorStent. Symptoms of anxiety and depression were assessed using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) in a representative sample of 775 patients at baseline. At three years follow-up, 7068 patients (82%) responded to a postal survey that included the HADS and questions on CR participation and employment status. This thesis suggests that few patients with established CHD participate in a CR programme, with certain geographical differences. A significant number of patients who have undergone PCI report symptoms of anxiety and depression, with the highest levels found in those participating in a CR programme. After three years, both the CR participants and non-participants had a higher level of anxiety, but not depression, than the general Norwegian population. A significant number of working-age CHD patients were unemployed and CR appeared to have no beneficial effect on clinically relevant symptoms of anxiety and depression or employment status three years after PCI. The present thesis suggest that the patients most in need, i.e. those who are overweight, smokers, and have the highest levels of anxiety and depression, are identified and encouraged to participate in CR programmes.en_US
dc.description.popularabstractVi fulgte pasienter som fikk utblokking på grunn av trange hjerteårer. Etter tre år fikk de spørsmål om hjerterehabiliteringsdeltagelse, graden av symptomer på angst og depresjon og yrkesstatus. Av 7068 pasienter, rapporterte 28% deltagelse på hjerterehabilitering. Deltakelsesgraden var forskjellig mellom de regionale helseforetakene i Norge. En fjerdedel og en femtedel rapporterte klinisk relevante symptomer på angst og depresjon. Av de i yrkesaktiv alder var 70% i arbeid tre år etter utblokkingen. Når vi sammenlignet resultatene mellom to like grupper av deltagere og ikke deltagere, fant vi ingen effekt av hjerterehabilitering på symptomer på angst og depresjon eller ansettelsesstatus. Resultatene tydet på at pasientene som har særlig behov identifiseres og oppfordres til å delta på hjerterehabilitering, men at flere bør få tilbudet. Mental helse og yrkesstatus er av betydning for denne pasientgruppen og bør være en del av oppfølgingen etter utblokking.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThe Research Council of Norway and other non-profit organizations founded NorStent, and the Northern Norway Regional Health Authority (Grant number SFP1233-15) founded the PhD project.en_US
dc.publisherUiT The Arctic University of Norwayen_US
dc.publisherUiT Norges arktiske universiteten_US
dc.relation.haspartPaper I: Olsen, S.J.S., Schirmer, H., Bønaa, K.H. & Hanssen, T.A. (2017). Cardiac rehabilitation after percutaneous coronary intervention: Results from a nationwide survey. <i>European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 17</i>(3), 273-279. Also available at <a href=> </a><p> <p>Paper II: Olsen, S.J.S., Schirmer, H., Wilsgaard, T., Bønaa, K.H. & Hanssen, T.A. (2018). Cardiac rehabilitation and symptoms of anxiety and depression after percutaneous coronary intervention. <i>European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 25</i>(10), 1017-1025. Also available at <a href=> </a><p> <p>Paper III: Olsen, S.J.S., Schirmer, H., Wilsgaard, T., Bønaa, K.H. & Hanssen, T.A. Employment status three years after percutaneous coronary intervention and predictors for being employed. A nationwide prospective cohort study. (Submitted manuscript). Final version in <i>European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing</i>, is available at <a href=> </a>en_US
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2020 The Author(s)
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)en_US
dc.subjectVDP::Medisinske Fag: 700::Helsefag: 800::Sykepleievitenskap: 808en_US
dc.subjectVDP::Medical disciplines: 700::Health sciences: 800::Nursing science: 808en_US
dc.titleCoronary heart disease and cardiac rehabilitation. Participation rate, predictors and effects on symptoms of anxiety and depression, and employment status of patients following percutaneous coronary intervention - A nationwide prospective cohort studyen_US
dc.typeDoctoral thesisen_US

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