Musikkonservatoriet: Nye registreringer
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Dramafaglige estetiske læreprosesser for fremtidens klasseledere – en studie av lærerstudenters erfaringer med dramaundervisning i utdanningen
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-31)Lærerutdanningen skal forberede studentene på klasselederens mangfoldige oppgaver. Ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet har det fra 2017 vært gjennomført et utviklingsarbeid for å integrere dramafaglige estetiske læreprosesser i ulike fag gjennom den nye masteren i lærerutdanning. Ett av målene var å styrke studentenes utvikling som klasseledere. Denne studien følger det første kullet med studenter ... -
17 Fusionlinjer for gitar
(Book; Bok, 2023) -
Country på 1-2-3
(Book; Bok, 2023) -
Desimbaserte Durakkordøvelser
(Book; Bok, 2023) -
Øvelser i halvtoneskifte mellom akkorder i C og C#
(Book; Bok, 2023) -
Pentatone skalaøvelser spilt på to strenger med og uten kromatikk
(Book; Bok, 2023) -
The Medieval (Music) Book: A Multimodal Cognitive Artefact
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019)The conception and layout of the medieval book has been shown to be a reflection of the human memory and mind, and that the art of making a 'text' (whether in language, image, or sound) is itself a reflection of the medieval cognitive process. However, the medieval manuscript does not just reflect the minds that produced it, for it is also the word made of/on flesh: the parchment itself is made from ... -
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)‘Excellence’ is a word that is used in academic and political discourses both as an unquestionable (and unquestioned) goal, as well as an undefinable standard against which academics and their work are assessed. This chapter seeks to ask some of the questions – and tease apart some of the underlying assumptions – that are encased in the ubiquitous use of the term. Ultimately, it shows that ‘excellence’ ... -
3 KLASSISKE SATSTEKNIKKER for gitarister og andre interesserte
(Book; Bok, 2023) -
Decolonizing music history in Scandinavia: Reflections from the chalkface
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)“Race is not a problem here.” “Racism is rare in Scandinavia.” These are some of the comments I (Kate) have heard regarding my efforts to diversify the music history and analysis curriculum at a small conservatoire in Norway, the Academy of Music at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, in Tromsø. One thing I hear behind both of these is the implication that, as a non-Scandinavian, I do not ... -
Measuring the effects of the social rural university campus
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-25)There has been demand in many countries for the establishment of small campuses in more rural locations to spread the benefits of higher education both through the provision of university courses and through the positive economic spill-overs for these communities. Evaluations of the impacts of these universities according to current models show limited effects due to their small scale and specialization. ... -
Understanding "flow": A multimodal reading of political economy and capitalist erotics in hip hop
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-10)One of the essential elements of a rapper’s art is “flow”: the delivery of text against beat. Hip hop, with its linguistic dominance and street origins, is traditionally male-orientated, with women often depicted in terms of (sexual) subordination. However, when considered through a female gaze, the discourses conjured by “flow” take on different meanings. From the flow of desire to monthly visits ... -
43 Skalaer med trinnformel og akkord
(Book; Bok, 2022) -
Hel-halvtone & hel-halvtoneskala over dim/b7b9
(Book; Bok, 2022) -
Desim som basis for harmonisering av to, tre og firklanger
(Book; Bok, 2022) -
Grunnøvelser over Kvintsirkelskjema og Bebop miksolydisk skala
(Book; Bok, 2022) -
Grunnøvelser i Fingerpickingstil
(Book; Bok, 2022) -
Grunnøvelser III 1-3-5-7 med diatoniske og kromatiske ledetoner
(Book; Bok, 2022) -
Diatoniske grunnøvelser del II 1 -9 -3 -5- 7 i opp- og nedadgående bevegelse
(Book; Bok, 2022) -
Diatoniske grunnøvelser 1-3-5-7 i opp- og nedadgående bevegelse
(Book; Bok, 2022)