Kunstakademiet: Nye registreringer
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(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-11-28)This essay is about constantly refreshing hyperobjective human conditions - the after affects of posthumanist thinking in the age of constant flux. I use the term constant flux to describe the intensity of change in the technological world where one feels somewhat dysfunctional or like a misplaced object, who can’t process all of the incoming data. This is an essay about one day as a hyperobject ... -
Manifesto: Uselessness as practise against System
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-11-28)This thesis discusses Neoliberalism, Empire and production-consumptions cycles in relation to how we value the environment and art. It goes on to discuss how they are reinforced by, or impact on contemporary arts practice and participation in the arts industry, using the Fluxus Movement as an example. Two art works are discussed from the perspective of the artist and put into the context of global ... -
Constructing Sami National Heritage: Encounters Between Tradition and Modernity in Sami Art
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-08-15)<br>The article explores the construction of Sami national heritage taking works from a touring exhibition, Gierdu, as the object for exploration. The exhibition opened in 2009 displaying 27 artworks from the art collection at RiddoDuottarMuseat in Karasjok in Norway. The exploration is contextualised as an understanding of heritage, tradition and modernity as dynamic concepts dealing with how we ... -
Sami Artist Group 1978-1983: Otherness or Avant-Garde?
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2014) -
Beauty and Truth: Dialogues between Sami art and art historical research
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2014)