Mastergradsoppgaver i samfunnsøkonomi
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Residential Segregation, inequality, and mobility. A study case from Tromsø
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-31)Income inequality and residential segregation are growing concerns in European capitals, including Norway, with potential negative societal implications. Income inequalities are increasing in Tromsø, while residential segregation regarding income groups seems to decrease. This study aims to investigate the likelihood of individuals relocating to neighborhoods with similar income levels, drawing upon ... -
Analysis of how trust and policy stringency determine behavioral response to COVID-19
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-31)Restrictions and regulations became the reality for most Europeans during the COVID-19 pandemic. Governments handled the pandemic differently and would need their population to follow the instructions sent out to handle the pandemic. This paper supposes that trust is a key to get the population to follow regulations even if the regulations are strict or to just live as before the pandemic. By running ... -
Øker generisk markedsføring etterspørselen av norsk laks i global handel?
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-06-01)Norske oppdrettere er pålagt en eksportavgift for laksen de eksporterer. Avgiften skal blant annet gå til Norsk sjømatråd (NSR) som skal drive med felles markedsføring av norsk sjømat. I denne studien er det benyttet en etterspørselsanalyse til å undersøkelse om markedsføringen fører til økt etterspørsel i norsk laks på verdensmarkedet. En nytte-kostnadsanalyse er gjennomført for å finne ut om ... -
Behavioral sunk cost. Subsequent choices with prior investment
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-09-01)In this paper we address the sunk cost effect with behavioural investment. From an incentivized task in a survey with a built-in game of two parts. Part one is a game with a 2X2 design: High sunk cost condition, High and Low treatment group. And Relevant sunk cost condition, Relevant and Irrelevant treatment group. The game is where subjects put in time and effort, for which the attributes of the ... -
Kan karaktersnitt i matematiske fag brukes til å predikere antall søkere til IT-studier?
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-06-22)Digitalisering blir en større del av hverdagen. Som følge av dette blir etterspørselen etter arbeidskraft innenfor informasjonsteknologi også større. For å tilby arbeidskraft er utdanning viktig. Oppgaven skal vise hvilken funksjon utdanning har i tilbud av arbeidskraft, ved å se på karaktersnitt og hvordan dette påvirker søkertall. Mer spesifikt skal oppgaven se på hvordan karaktersnitt i matematikk ... -
The gender wage gap and Covid-19
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-31)The Covid-19 lockdown affected both the global and local economies and led to wage loss and wage inequality. This study explains traditional wage differences between women and men and examines the impact of the Covid-19 on women’s and men’s wages and working hours during the initial stages of the pandemic. The study uses differences-in-differences estimation. Yearly and monthly panel data from ... -
What ticks the tickets?
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-06-22)Knowing how to sell the right product, to the right customer to the right price can be the difference between profit or loss for music festivals. Festivals main source of income comes from ticket sales and being able to efficiently conduct booking management is crucial to sustain a stable income throughout the financial year. Little empirical research has been done on pricing strategies and demand ... -
The Efficiency of Coercion
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-06-14)Oppgaven tester hvorvidt det eksisterer effektive og ineffektive intervaller av tvangsbruk innad autoritære regimer. Ved bruk av offentlig tilgjengelig data som blir brukt som mål på tvangsbruk, tester vi for om fordelingen av tvangsbruk er multimodal (flertoppet), og forsøker å identifisere effektive og ineffektive intervaller derav -
Ressursrike lavt- til middels-lavt inntekt utviklingslands makroøkonomiske respons på negativt bytteforholdsjokk
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-31)Naturresursforbannelsen er et paradoks der ressursrike økonomier ikke klarer å skape langsiktig økonomisk- og velferdsvekst. Økonomier påvirket av ressursforbannelsen rapporterer økt grad av hollandsksyke, svekkelse av vekslingskurser, korrupsjon, svake institusjoner og frihetsgrader. Økte investeringer, høy ressursavhengighet og volatile råvarepriser gjør eksportørene sårbare for negative ... -
Rett cruise til rett person til rett tid. En studie av differensial prisstrategi for Hurtigrutens rute mellom Bergen og Kirkenes
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-12-08)Cruisebransjen har vist den høyeste veksten og utnyttelsen av kapasiteten blant samtlige turistindustrier de siste årene. Utvidet valg på om bord aktiviteter, fokuset på nye destinasjoner og naturopplevelser har bidratt til økt popularitet på cruise reiser. Til tross for økt interesse for bransjen, gjenstår flere av områder lite forsket. Det har vært mye diskusjon omkring implementering av Revenue ... -
Geographical Variation of the Impact by the Covid-19 Pandemic in Norway. How much has the covid-19 pandemic affected excess mortality and excess decline in employment in Norway on a geographical level in 2020?
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-31)This thesis investigates the geographical variation of excess mortality and excess decline in employment, during the covid-19 pandemic in Norway. The data were collected from Statistics Norway and The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration. The method tells you how much the present value are greater or lesser, compared to previous years. Excess mortality and decline in employment were ... -
Seeking causal effects from a rule change. How did changing the “roughing the passer rule” in 2018 affect salaries for quarterbacks in the NFL?
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-31)Following concerns for players safety, the National Football League (NFL) chose to protect the quarterbacks (QB) further by changing the “roughing the passer rule” in 2018. This paper studies the effect this rule change had on QB salaries. This is done by applying a Difference-in-Differences approach on salary data stretching from 2013 to 2021. Our estimate show how the salary increase following the ... -
The impact of Electricity insecurity on the performance of small and medium size enterprises-The case of Cameroon
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-28)Electricity is an important resource for an economy and its demand for the last decade have witness a significant increase. This work has as aim to study the impact of electricity insecurity on the performance of small and medium scale businesses in Cameroon within the period of 1980 to 2018. The study made use of time series data within the period of the study and uses two methodological approaches; ... -
Power of love?
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-06-02)The detraditionalization in Norway is more marketed than in many other European countries. Women have more freedom to choose how much they want to work, what they want to study, and generally more freedom to decide how they want to live their lives. With detraditionalization, women gained more bargaining power also within the household, giving them more freedom to negotiate the equal distribution ... -
Lockdown Policies, Social Distancing Behaviour, and Literacy: An Empirical Analysis of the Role of Literacy on the Spread of Covid-19
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-30)The major concern of the world in the wake of COVID 19 is how to mitigate the severity of the infection with effective policies and making sure of the overall welfare of the society. Social distancing should be mandatory through strict government policies because unaware people do not internalize all its benefits. Individual’s awareness about social distancing behaviour is vital to reduce the spread ... -
Forest Illegalities and Corruption in Cameroons Forest Sector. A Theoretical and Literature Review of Corruption with Regards to Forest Illegalities
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-08-30)In the past decades illegal logging and related forest, activities have increasingly been a global concern, especially in forest products producer countries. This phenomenon has high rates in the Cameroon forest sector caused by poverty, poor Law enforcement, lack of transparency, conflicts, state ownership of majority of forested land, and in addition to these, its high rates of corruption. ... -
The Sunk Cost Fallacy and Risk-Taking Behaviour. Evidence from a computer game experiment
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-31)We examine whether behavioural sunk costs are related to an increased willingness to make risky decisions. Rational agents’ decisions should not be contingent on sunk costs; however, foregoing research suggests that individuals in fact do react to such costs. Few studies have examined behavioural sunk costs and risk-taking with “real stakes”, which is an important topic of research as many ... -
Hometown Investment Trust funds
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-29)There are different challenges a small- to medium-sized enterprise when they are gathering capital, especially if they carry a lot of risk. The banks have become more stringent because of the Basel Capital Adequacy Requirements, the investors prefer to invest in safer enterprises. Japan has tried to solve this problem by implementing Hometown Investment Trust funds. Hometown Investment Trust funds ... -
Cointegration in the Norwegian Model for Wage Formation. Against the Backdrop of the 2004 EU Expansion and the 2001 Change to Inflation Targeting, Have Wage Levels in the Construction and Wholesale Undersectors Continued to Exhibit a Long-Run Relationship with Wage Levels in the Industry, Public and Private Sectors?
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-29)In this thesis, hourly wage rate data spanning 1978-2018 has been collected to investigate if the wage levels in the construction and wholesale sectors follow the wage levels in the industry, public, and private sectors. Against the backdrop of the EU expansion in 2004 and the 2001 implementation of inflation targeting monetary policy, there has been an interest in studying the stability of the ... -
A chip off the old block or not? An analysis of parents' influence on their children's choice of educational field
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-29)The intergenerational mobility in education length is well-documented. However, the number of people having a master’s degree in Norway has increased in the past years. An innovative study is instead to investigate the mobility for the educational fields between generations. This thesis is investigating the parents’ influence on their children’s choice of educational fields for higher education. The ...