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dc.contributor.advisorChristoffersen, Tore
dc.contributor.authorLinkas, Jonas
dc.description.abstract<p><i>Background:</i> Onset of depression and psychological distress increase dramatically during adolescence. In adults, research has indicated that low-grade inflammation and short sleep duration are risk factors for depression. Less research has been conducted on these risk factors in healthy adolescents. <p><i>Methods:</i> This thesis explores associations between two respective exposures 1) five inflammatory markers and 2) sleep duration and psychological distress in upper-secondary school students from the Fit Futures, a prospective study with data from two time-points. Cross-sectional and prospective regression analyses were conducted to explore associations between the exposures and psychological distress. Additionally, we explored the moderating effects from body-fat percentage, physical activity, and sleep duration on the associations between inflammatory markers and psychological distress. We used change scores to explore whether changes in sleep duration were associated with changes in psychological distress. <p><i>Results:</i> The overall results showed no cross-sectional associations between inflammatory markers and psychological distress in neither girls nor boys. In prospective analyses, there were found predictive value from CRP and TGF-α on psychological distress in boys. Further in boys, there was found interaction effects indicating that body fat percentage and physical activity moderated the effects from CRP on psychological distress, and that sleep duration moderated the effect from TWEAK on psychological distress. Regarding sleep duration as exposure, we found that increases in sleep duration predicted decreases in psychological distress in both girls and boys. <p><i>Conclusion:</i> CRP and TGF-α had predictive value on psychological distress two years later in boys. We found significant effect-modifications in boys indicating that interventions to promote mental health during adolescence should focus on decreasing body fat percentage and increasing physical activity. Further, our results suggest that decreased sleep duration is a risk factor for increased psychological distress. Future studies should examine causality between the risk factors and psychological distress.en_US
dc.description.abstract<p><i>Bakgrunn:</i> Depresjon og psykiske plager (symptomer på angst og depresjon) øker drastisk i ungdomsalderen. Blant voksne er kronisk inflammasjon og kort søvnvarighet risikofaktorer for depresjon. Mindre forskning har blitt gjort på disse risikofaktorene blant frisk ungdom, hvor funnene har variert og det i liten grad vært justert for konfundering. Det er viktig å studere disse risikofaktorene for å få kunnskap relevant for forebygging av psykiske plager og depresjon. <p><i>Metoder:</i> Denne doktorgraden utforsker sammenhenger mellom to eksponeringer 1) fem inflammasjonsmarkører og 2) søvnvarighet og utfallet psykiske plager hos elever på videregående skole fra Fit Futures studien, en prospektiv studie med data fra to måletidspunkter. Regresjonsanalyser gjort på tverrsnittsdata og prospektive data ble gjort for å utforske sammenhengene mellom eksponeringene og psykiske plager. I tillegg undersøkte vi om sammenhengen mellom inflammasjonsmarkører og psykiske plager ble moderert av fettprosent, fysisk aktivitet og søvnvarighet. Vi brukte endringsskårer for å utforske om endringer i søvnvarighet hang sammen med endringer i psykiske plager. <p><i>Resultater:</i> Resultatene viste ingen tverrsnitt-sammenhenger mellom inflammasjonsmarkører og psykiske plager hos verken jenter eller gutter. I de prospektive analysene fant vi at CRP og TGF-α predikerte psykiske plager hos gutter. Vi fant også interaksjonseffekter som tyder på at fettprosent og fysisk aktivitet modererte effektene fra CRP på psykiske plager, og at søvn modererte effekten fra TWEAK på psykiske plager. Når det gjelder søvnvarighet, så fant vi at endringer i søvnvarighet predikerte endringer i psykiske plager hos både gutter og jenter. Økning i søvnvarighet predikerte reduksjon i psykiske plager for både jenter og gutter. <p><i>Konklusjon:</i> Denne doktorgraden utforsket to risikofaktorer hos frisk ungdom, og inkluderte viktige konfundere. CRP og TGF-α predikerte psykiske plager to år senere hos gutter. Vi fant signifikante moderasjonseffekter hos gutter, som tyder på at intervensjoner for å promotere psykisk helse blant ungdom bør ta sikte på å redusere fettprosent og øke fysisk aktivitet. Videre tyder resultatene på at redusert søvnvarighet er en risikofaktor for psykiske plager. Derfor bør intervensjoner for å promotere psykisk helse blant ungdom vurdere å sette søkelys på økt søvnvarighet. Resultatene kan indikere at kronisk inflammasjon og kort søvnvarighet er risikofaktorer for psykiske plager hos ungdom, på samme måte som tidligere studier har vist blant voksne. Fremtidige studier bør utforske kausaliteten mellom risikofaktorene og psykiske plager.en_US
dc.description.popularabstractApproximately 20% of Norwegian adolescents suffer from psychological distress, in form of symptoms of anxiety and depression. Psychological distress may develop into mental disorders. Therefore, it is important to prevent psychological distress in adolescents. This thesis explored two risk factors for psychological distress, 1) Activity in the immune system (inflammation) and 2) short sleep duration. Data from Fit Futures, a study on Norwegian adolescents was used. Inflammation predicted higher levels of psychological distress two years later in boys. Boys that were physically active and/or had a low body fat percentage were seemingly protected against negative effects from inflammation on psychological distress. Increased sleep duration was associated with decreased levels of psychological distress in girls and boys. The results correspond to findings in adults and indicate that inflammation and short sleep duration may be risk factors for psychological distress during adolescence.en_US
dc.publisherUiT The Arctic University of Norwayen_US
dc.publisherUiT Norges arktiske universiteten_US
dc.relation.haspart<p>Paper I: Linkas, J., Ahmed, L.A., Csifcsak, G., Emaus, N., Furberg, A.-S., Grimnes, G., Pettersen, G., Rognmo, K. & Christoffersen, T. (2022). Are pro-inflammatory markers associated with psychological distress in a cross-sectional study of healthy adolescents 15–17 years of age? The Fit Futures study. <i>BMC Psychology, 10</i>, 65. Also available in Munin at <a href=></a>. <p>Paper II: Linkas, J., Ahmed, L., Csifcsak, G., Emaus, N., Furberg, A.-S., Grimnes, G., Pettersen, G., Rognmo, K. & Christoffersen, T. (2022). C-Reactive Protein and TGF-α Predict Psychological Distress at Two Years of Follow-Up in Healthy Adolescent Boys: The Fit Futures Study. <i>Frontiers in Psychology, 13</i>, 823420. Also available in Munin at <a href=></a>. <p>Paper III: Linkas, J., Ahmed, L.A., Csifcsak, G., Emaus, N., Furberg, A.-S., Pettersen, G., Rognmo, K. & Christoffersen, T. Two-year changes in sleep duration are associated with changes in psychological distress in adolescent girls and boys. The Fit Futures study. (Manuscript). Now published in <i>Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 2022, 10</i>(1), 1159-1175, available in Munin at <a href=></a>.en_US
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2023 The Author(s)
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)en_US
dc.subjectVDP::Social science: 200::Psychology: 260::Biological psychology: 261en_US
dc.subjectVDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Psykologi: 260::Biologisk psykologi: 261en_US
dc.subjectFit Futuresen_US
dc.titleInflammation and Sleep as Risk Factors for Psychological Distress During Adolescence. The influence of low-grade inflammation and sleep duration on psychological distress in girls and boys aged 15-18 years. The Fit Futures studyen_US
dc.typeDoctoral thesisen_US

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