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dc.contributor.advisorBolstad, Napat
dc.contributor.authorTeterina, Anna
dc.description.abstractOsteoporosis is a chronic disease affecting bone tissue that may lead to fractures from minor accidents. Roughly 20% of females and 6 % of males have osteoporosis after age 50, but the disease might be present at a younger age. Early diagnosis is challenging because the disease has no symptoms. Dental radiography is a frequent examination that might be useful for early osteoporosis screening at dental clinics. This thesis explores the utility of radiomorphometric indices manually measured on panoramic radiographs and the feasibility of fully automated radiomorphometric indices for osteoporosis screening in Norwegian males and females. The data from the seventh survey of the Tromsø study (Tromsø7) were used. Participants aged 40 and older were examined with dental panoramic radiographs and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry at the femoral neck. Other demographic, health, and lifestyle data were collected in questionnaires. Mandibular cortical width and shape were assessed. Thin ( ≤ 3 mm) and severely eroded cortex could differentiate osteoporotic from non-osteoporotic females. Combining mandibular cortical width and shape with Fracture Risk Assessment (FRAX) score improved their diagnostic efficacy. T-score was the strongest predictor of mandibular cortical morphology among other factors in females. In males, the T-score was weakly associated with cortical shape, while the efficacy estimates for radiomorphometric indices were inconclusive. The reproducibility of the manually measured indices was suboptimal. Nevertheless, developing a fully automated algorithm for measuring MCW was feasible. Its first step, localization of mental foramen, was best performed by EfficientDet neural network with an accuracy of 79%. To conclude, radiomorphometric indices might be as useful as existing risk-factor-based tools for osteoporosis screening in females, and their combination with the FRAX score has superior diagnostic efficacy. Future extensive studies should further explore the performance of fully automated radiomorphometric indices.en_US
dc.description.abstractOsteoporose er en kronisk sykdom som påvirker beinvev og kan føre til brudd fra mindre ulykker. Omtrent 20% av kvinner og 6% av menn har osteoporose etter fylte 50 år, men sykdommen kan også forekomme i en yngre alder. Tidlig diagnose er utfordrende fordi sykdommen ikke har noen symptomer. Tannrøntgenundersøkelse er en vanlig prosedyre på tannklinikk og kan være nyttig for tidlig osteoporosescreening. Denne avhandlingen utforsker nytten av radiomorfometriske indekser som måles manuelt på panoramarøntgen og gjennomførbarheten av fullt automatiserte radiomorfometriske indekser for osteoporosescreening hos norske menn og kvinner. Data fra den sjuende Tromsøundersøkelsen (Tromsø7) ble brukt. Deltakere i alderen 40 år og eldre ble undersøkt med panorarøntgen og dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry ved lårhalsen. Andre demografiske, helse- og livsstils data ble innsamlet gjennom et spørreskjema. Mandibulær kortikal bredde og erosjon ble vurdert. Tynn (≤ 3 mm) og alvorlig erodert korteks kan skille osteoporotiske kvinner fra ikke-osteoporotiske kvinner. Ved å kombinere mandibulær kortikal bredde og erosjon med Fracture Risk Assessment (FRAX) score forbedret deres diagnostiske egenskaper. T-score var den sterkeste prediktoren for mandibulær kortikal morfologi blant andre faktorer hos kvinner. Hos menn var T-score svakt assosiert med kortikal erosjon, mens diagnostiske egenskaper for radiomorfometriske indekser var uklare. Reproduserbarheten til de manuelt målte indeksene var suboptimal. Likevel var det mulig å utvikle en fullt automatisert algoritme for måling av mandibulær kortikal bredde. Det første trinnet, lokalisering av foramen mentale, ble best utført av EfficientDet nevrale nettverk med en nøyaktighet på 79%. For å konkludere kan radiomorfometriske indekser være like nyttige som eksisterende risikofaktorbaserte verktøy for osteoporosescreening hos kvinner, og deres kombinasjon med FRAX-scoren viser bedre diagnostiske egenskaper enn radiomorfometriske indeksene alene. Fremtidige omfattende studier bør ytterligere utforske ytelsen til fullt automatiserte radiomorfometriske indekser.en_US
dc.description.popularabstractOsteoporosis is a medical condition characterized by the weakening and thinning of bones, making them more susceptible to fractures. In this multidisciplinary project, we explored whether dentists can identify people at risk of osteoporosis at an early stage by analyzing dental radiographs taken during routine dental check-ups. We used data from a populational-based study in Tromsø (Tromsø7) and discovered that dental radiographs show osteoporosis in women to the same extent as the osteoporosis risk assessment questionnaires currently employed by medical practitioners. Moreover, we developed an automated method for assessing dental radiographs to help dental practitioners save time when screening patients for osteoporosis.en_US
dc.publisherUiT The Arctic University of Norwayen_US
dc.publisherUiT Norges arktiske universiteten_US
dc.relation.haspart<p>Paper 1: Teterina, A., Niratisairak, S., Morseth, B. & Bolstad, N. (2023). Diagnostic efficacy of radiomorphometric indices for predicting osteoporosis in a Norwegian population in the Tromsø Study: Tromsø7. <i>Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, and Oral Radiology, 135</i>(3), 444-455. Also available at <a href=></a>. <p>Paper 2: Teterina, A., Niratisairak, S., Morseth, B. & Bolstad, N. (2023). General and local predictors of mandibular cortical bone morphology in adult females and males: The seventh survey of the Tromsø Study. <i>Clinical Oral Investigations, 27</i>, 6577-6587. Also available in Munin at <a href=></a>. <p>Paper 3: Paasche Edvardsen, I., Teterina, A., Johansen, T., Myhre, J.N., Godtliebsen, F. & Bolstad, N.L. (2022). Automatic detection of the mental foramen for estimating mandibular cortical width in dental panoramic radiographs: the seventh survey of the Tromsø Study (Tromsø7) in 2015–2016. <i>Journal of International Medical Research, 50</i>(11). Also available in Munin at <a href=></a>.en_US
dc.relation.isbasedonThe data from the Tromsø Study is not publicly accessible due to licensing restrictions. Researchers affiliated with the institutions with research expertise can access the data upon application to the Data and Publication Committee for the Tromsø Study (
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2024 The Author(s)
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)en_US
dc.subjectDental panoramic radiographyen_US
dc.titlePanoramic radiograph analyses for early detection of osteoporosis in the population of Northern Norwayen_US
dc.typeDoctoral thesisen_US

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