The aim of the thesis was to explore the experiences of groups affected by the change in the Mental Health Care Act of 2017 when Norway introduced lack of consent capacity as an independent criterion for the use of coercion in mental health.
Individual interviews were conducted to explore experiences with the change in the law from three perspectives in the northernmost health region of Norway. A hermeneutic approach and thematic analysis of the data was used. Sub-study I involved interviews with patients whose community treatment order (CTO) had been revoked after they had been assessed as having capacity to consent based on the new legislation. In sub-study II the patients` health care personnel were interviewed, and in sub-study III their family caregivers were interviewed.
Patients experience greater autonomy and respect, and more dialogue about the content of their treatment and care. Most patients had managed to accept health care voluntarily for more than two years. The health care personnel experienced increased awareness of patients’ right to autonomy and of their own responsibility to promote dialogue and increased self-determination for patients. They felt there was a need for improved competence and a better framework in order to have close dialogues and collaboration with patients and adjust their care and treatment to fluctuations in their condition and in addition to making competent assessments of capacity to consent. The study indicates a considerable potential for better cooperation with patients’ relatives, who are mostly not included in collaboration with health carers.
The overall study indicates that the amended legislation is of great importance for patients with severe mental illness in enhancing their self-determination and involvement in their treatment and care.
Formålet med avhandlingen er å utforske berørte gruppers erfaringer med endringen av psykisk helsevernloven av 2017 da Norge innførte manglende samtykke som selvstendig vilkår for bruk av tvang i psykisk helsevern. En hermeneutisk tilnærming med individuelle intervju og tematiske analyser av dataen er brukt for å utforske erfaringene med lovendringen fra tre perspektiv i den nordligste helseregionen i Norge. I delstudie I er pasienter som fikk opphevet vedtak om tvunget vern uten døgnopphold (CTO) som følga av å bli vurdert som samtykkekompetent ved lovendringen, intervjuet. I delstudie II er pasientens helsepersonell intervjuet, og I delstudie III er deres pårørende intervjuet.
Pasientene erfarer økt selvbestemmelse og respekt, og mer dialog om innholdet i deres behandling og oppfølging. De fleste pasientene hadde tatt imot helsehjelp frivillig i over to år på intervjutidspunktet. Helsepersonellet opplevde økt bevissthet om pasienters rett til autonomi og ansvar som helsepersonell for å bidra til dialog og å styrke pasienters selvbestemmelse. Helsepersonell opplevde behov for økt kompetanse og fleksibilitet for å få til tett dialog og samarbeid med pasienter, og mulighet til å justere behandling og oppfølging etter variasjon i tilstand, samt for vurdering av samtykkekompetanse. Studien viser et stort potensial for bedre samarbeid med pårørende, som er lite inkludert i samarbeid med helsepersonell.
Studien viser at lovendringen har stor betydning for pasienter med en alvorlig psykisk lidelse sin mulighet til selvbestemmelse og deltagelse i egen behandling og oppfølging
Har del(er)
Paper 1: Wergeland, N.C., Fause, Å., Weber, A.K., Fause, A.B.O. & Riley, H. (2022). Increased autonomy with capacity-based mental health legislation in Norway: a qualitative study of patient experiences of having come off a community treatment order. BMC Health Services Research 22, 454. Also available in Munin at
Paper 2: Wergeland, N.C., Fause, Å., Weber, A.K., Fause, A.B.O. & Riley, H. (2022). Health professionals’ experience of treatment of patients whose community treatment order was revoked under new capacity-based mental health legislation in Norway: qualitative study. BJPsych Open, 8(6), e183. Also available in Munin at
Paper 3: Wergeland, N.C., Fause, Å., Weber, A.K., Fause, A.B.O. & Riley, H. (2023). Capacity-based legislation in Norway has so far scarcely influenced the daily life and responsibilities of patients’ carers: a qualitative study. BMC Psychiatry, 23, 111. Also available in Munin at