Durability of Wood–Cement Composites with Modified Composition by Limestone and Stabilised Spruce Chips
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Journal articleTidsskriftartikkel
Peer reviewed
Melichar, Tomáš; Dufka, Amos; Dvořák, Karel; Bayer, Patrik; Vasas, Silvestr; Novakova, Iveta; Schwarzova, Ivana; Bydžovský, JiříSammendrag
Limestone (LS) and stabilised secondary spruce chips (SCs) utilisation in wood–cement
composites is still an unexplored area. Therefore, the main objective of the research presented here is
the assessment of the long-term behaviour of cement-bonded particleboards (CBPs) modified by LS
and SCs. Cement (CE) was replaced by 10% of LS, and spruce chips by 7% of SCs. The test specimens
were stored in a laboratory and exterior environment (Middle Europe) for up to 2 years. The density,
strength, and modulus of elasticity were evaluated after 28 days, and then in 6-month periods. The
hygroscopicity was analysed separately. The mineralogical composition and microstructure were
analysed due to possible LS participation during hydration. SC synergic behaviour in CBPs was
also studied. After 2 years, the microstructure of the CBP was more compact, and denser. Strong
carbonatation contributes to the improvement of CBP properties. The products of carbonatation were
present in both the matrix and wood chips. The hydration of the matrix was almost finished. LS has
a positive effect on the matrix microstructure development. LS acts both as an active component
participating in the formation of the cement matrix structure and as an inert microfiller, synergic with
hydration products. SCs have a positive effect on the hygroscopic behaviour of CBPs and slightly
negative effect on the tensile strength.
Melichar, Dufka, Dvořák, Bayer, Vasas, Novakova, Schwarzova, Bydžovský. Durability of Wood–Cement Composites with Modified Composition by Limestone and Stabilised Spruce Chips. Materials. 2024;17(24)Metadata
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