Reflections on the status and future of continuous professional development: Scandinavian anesthesiologists' view
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Østergaard, D.; Strøm, C.; Kjelstrup, Kirsten Brun; Escher, C.; Thomas, O.D.; Sigurdsson, T.S.; Rikalainen-Salmi, R.; Korhonen, J.T.Sammendrag
The Scandinavian approach to CPD has been based on mutual trust and common goals of the employer and employee. A need for more formalized CPD programs and documentation of activities has so far not been recognized. In specialist training, however, there has been a paradigm shift toward goal-, and competence-oriented training, including learning and evaluation of competence in a clinical setting.8, 9 The question is whether we should promote a similar paradigm shift in CPD beyond specialist training.10
The healthcare systems in our countries are primarily public and are confronted with many common challenges such as a rising demand for services and an increasing shortage of healthcare professionals. The financial resources allocated to CPD are limited, necessitating the exploration of alternative educational approaches.
A shared approach to CPD in our countries could pave the way forward. The first step was to bring anesthesiologists from all five Scandinavian countries together to discuss the future of CPD.