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  • Structures of DMSO clusters and quantum cluster equilibrium (QCE) 

    Malloum, Alhadji; Conradie, Jeanet (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-28)
    Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) clusters are crucial for understanding processes in liquid DMSO. Despite its importance, DMSO clusters have received negligible attention due to the complexity of their potential energy surfaces (PESs). In this work, we explored the PESs of the DMSO clusters from dimer to decamer, starting with classical molecular dynamics, followed by full optimizations at the PW6B95-D3/def2-TZVP ...
  • Exploratory data science on supercomputers for quantum mechanical calculations 

    Dawson, WIlliam; Beal, Louis; Ratcliff, Laura Elizabeth; Stella, Martina; Nakajima, Takahito; Genovese, Luigi (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-11)
    Literate programming—the bringing together of program code and natural language narratives—has become a ubiquitous approach in the realm of data science. This methodology is appealing as well for the domain of Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations, particularly for interactively developing new methodologies and workflows. However, effective use of literate programming is hampered by old ...
  • Hormonal Contraceptive Use and Self-Reported Menstrual Cycle-Related Symptom Frequency and Severity in Norwegian Team Handball Players of Different Competition Levels 

    Osborne, John Owen; Andersson, Erik P.; Pedersen, Sigurd; Welde, Boye; Emaus, Aina; Solli, Guro Strøm; Gunnarshaug, Tora Vilje D.; Engseth, Tina Pettersen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-02-14)
    Purpose: To compare the frequency and severity of self-perceived negative symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle or hormonal-contraceptive (HC) cycle between (1) HC users and non–HC users and (2) different competition levels. An additional aim was to describe the rate and type of HC use and prevalence of potential menstrual-cycle disturbances in female team handball players. <p> <p>Methods: ...
  • Iodine speciation in snow during the MOSAiC expedition and its implications for Arctic iodine emissions 

    Brown, Lucy V.; Pound, Ryan J.; Jones, Matthew R.; Rowlinson, Matthew J.; Chance, Rosie; Jacobi, Hans-Werner; Frey, Markus M.; Archer, Stephen D.; Arndt, Stefanie; Barten, Johannes G. M.; Blomquist, Byron W.; Dadic, Ruzica; Ganzeveld, Laurens N.; Hannula, Henna-Reetta; Helmig, Detlev; Jaggi, Matthias; Krampe, Daniela; Macfarlane, Amy R.; Miller, Shaun; Schneebeli, Martin; Carpenter, Lucy J. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-06)
    Photochemical release of iodine from snow has been suggested as a source of reactive iodine to the Arctic atmosphere, however understanding of the underlying mechanism and potential source strength is hindered by a lack of measurements of iodine concentration and speciation in snow. Moreover, the origin of snow iodine is also unknown. Here, we report iodine speciation measurements in Arctic snow on ...
  • X-bundet hypofosfatemi 

    Wang, Qidi; Akdeniz, Cennet; Heck, Ansgar; Bjørk, Mai Britt; Theisen, Ole Rasmus; Eggesbø, Heidi Beate; Krüger, Tormod Bjartveit; Reseland, Janne Elin; Pihlstrøm, Hege Kampen; Åsvold, Bjørn Olav; Grimnes, Guri; Grytaas, Marianne Aardal; Rafaelsen, Silje Hjorth; Thorsby, Per Medbøe; Wekre, Lena Lande; Finnes, Trine Elisabeth (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-02-26)
    X-bundet hypofosfatemi er en sjelden genetisk sykdom som medfører fosfattap i nyrene, redusert mineralisering av tenner og skjelett, deformerte knokler og begrenset mobilitet. Dette har betydelige konsekvenser for helse og livskvalitet. Denne kliniske oversikten gjennomgår anbefalinger for diagnostisering, behandling og oppfølging av voksne med tilstanden.
  • Effect of tocilizumab on endothelial and platelet-derived CXC-chemokines and their association with inflammation and myocardial injury in STEMI patients undergoing primary PCI 

    Woxholt, Sindre; Ueland, Thor; Aukrust, Pål; Anstensrud, Anne Kristine; Broch, Kaspar; Tøllefsen, Ingvild Maria; Seljeflot, Ingebjørg; Halvorsen, Bente; Dahl, Tuva Børresdatter; Huse, Camilla; Andersen, Geir Øystein; Gullestad, Lars; Wiseth, Rune; Damås, Jan Kristian; Kleveland, Ola (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-05)
    Background: Tocilizumab improves myocardial salvage in ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients when administered before percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). The mechanisms underlying ischemiareperfusion injury remain unclear. In this sub-study, we investigated whether endothelial and platelet-derived CXC chemokines are involved, as they represent inflammatory mediators from two ...
  • Data-driven avalanche forecasting using weather and satellite data 

    Grahn, Jakob; Bianchi, Filippo Maria; Müller, Karsten; Malnes, Eirik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-09-23)
    Avalanche forecasting is essential for safety in mountainous regions where avalanches threaten human life and infrastructure. Traditional methods for assessing avalanche risk, such as snow pit analysis, are challenging to apply over extensive areas due to their intensive labor and resource requirements. In this study, we explore the potential of satellite-based data for avalanche forecasting by ...
  • High-arctic cultural heritage environments are deteriorated by cruise tourism: a case study from Svalbard 

    Tømmervik, Hans; Thuestad, Alma Elizabeth; Stien, Jenny; Arneberg, Marit Klemetsen; Bjerke, Jarle W. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-03-18)
    The Arctic’s environmental and heritage management authorities face increasing challenges regarding degradation and destruction of natural and cultural heritage, especially due to increasing impacts from tourism and climate change. Tourism is now an important industry in the Arctic, and a major cause of negative impacts on the environment and biodiversity. We assess the different impacts and stressors ...
  • MaxCutPool: differentiable feature-aware Maxcut for pooling in graph neural networks 

    Abate, Carlo; Bianchi, Filippo Maria (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2025)
    We propose a novel approach to compute the MAXCUT in attributed graphs, i.e., graphs with features associated with nodes and edges. Our approach works well on any kind of graph topology and can find solutions that jointly optimize the MAXCUT along with other objectives. Based on the obtained MAXCUT partition, we implement a hierarchical graph pooling layer for Graph Neural Networks, which is sparse, ...
  • Unlocking the Potential of Marine Sidestreams in the Blue Economy: Lessons Learned from the EcoeFISHent Project on Fish Collagen 

    Dondero, Lorenzo; De Negri Atanasio, Giulia; Tardanico, Francesca; Lertora, Erica; Boggia, Rafaella; Capra, Vittorio; Cometto, Agnese; Costamagna, Mattia; L. S. E, Fi.; Feletti, Mirvana; Garibaldi, Fulvio; Grasso, Federica; Jenssen, Marte; Lanteri, Luca; Lian, Kjersti; Monti, Marco; Perucca, Massimo; Pinto, Cecilia; Poncini, Ilaria; Robino, Federica; Rombi, Junio Valerio; Saad Ahsan, Syed; Shirmohammadi, Nikta; Tiso, Micaela; Turrini, Federica; Zaccone, Marta; Zanotti‑Russo, Matteo; Demori, Ilaria; Ferrari, Pier Francesco; Grasselli, Elena (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-03-13)
    This review provides a general overview of collagen structure, biosynthesis, and biological properties, with a particular focus on marine collagen sources, especially fisheries discards and by-catches. Additionally, well-documented applications of collagen are presented, with special emphasis not only on its final use but also on the processes enabling sustainable and safe recovery from materials ...
  • Den digitale vendingen: en casestudie om studenter og underviseres opplevelse av digital undervisning og kompetanse, sett i lys av UH-pedagogers profesjonelle ansvar 

    Fossland, Trine (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-11-21)
    This chapter examines the “digital turn” in higher education, with a particular focus on the post-pandemic experiences of students and teachers. It evaluates whether institutions provide the necessary digital competencies and support systems for high-quality learning and preparation for a digitalized society, or if they are still transitioning toward this ideal. Utilizing a situated learning model ...
  • Risk factors, prevention and treatment of weight gain associated with the use of antidepressants and antipsychotics: a state-of-the-art clinical review 

    Solmi, Marco; Miola, Alessandro; Capone, Federico; Pallottino, Simone; Højlund, Mikkel; Firth, Joseph; Siskind, Dan; Holt, Richard IG; Corbeil, Olivier; Cortese, Samuele; Dragioti, Elena; Rietz, Ebba Du; Nielsen, Rene Ernst; Nordentoft, Merete; Fusar-Poli, Paolo; Hartman, Catharina A; Høye, Anne; Koyanagi, Ai; Larsson, Henrik; Lehto, Kelli; Lindgren, Peter; Manchia, Mirko; Skonieczna-Żydecka, Karolina; Stubbs, Brendon; Vancampfort, Davy; Vieta, Eduard; Taipale, Heidi; Correll, Cristoph U. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-09-23)
    Introduction - People with severe mental illness have poor cardiometabolic health. Commonly used antidepressants and antipsychotics frequently lead to weight gain, which may further contribute to adverse cardiovascular outcomes.<p> <p>Areas covered - We searched MEDLINE up to April 2023 for umbrella reviews, (network-)meta-analyses, trials and cohort studies on risk factors, prevention and treatment ...
  • Strategies in Digital Child Protection 

    Andersen, Synnøve Thomassen (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-07-21)
    Digital child protection faces numerous challenges in ensuring the safety and well-being of children in the digital age. This chapter highlights key strategies for handling these challenges and discusses Norway's digital strategy, which focuses on leveraging digitalization for societal development and public services, including child protection. The strategy encompasses initiatives related to digital ...
  • Hva kan forklare populariteten til tjenestedesign som metode for forbedring av organisatoriske praksiser? 

    Danielsen, Ådne Martin; Brattvoll, Morten (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
    I løpet av de siste årene har tjenestedesign vokst frem som en populær og ofte foretrukket oppskrift for endring og forbedring av organisatoriske praksiser (Pettersen m.fl., 2021; Risvand Mo, 2021; Moldenæs, Pettersen & Røvik, 2024). Et søk i mediearkivet Atekst på søkeordet «tjenestedesign» viser blant annet en jevn økning i redaksjonelle omtaler av konseptet. Søket viste ett treff i 2001, ni treff ...
  • IoT expectations and challenges in monitoring the bio-reactors 

    Bamal, Roopam; Bamal, Daniel; Kasana, Singara Singh (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-06-03)
    The biological carbon capture and utilisation (bio-CCU) project aims to incorporate responsible and sustainable innovation by utilising CO2 capture and promoting the use of algae-based products. To achieve this, the project employs several large reactors for algae production and smaller reactors for conducting experiments on different algae types and control parameters. In line with environmental ...
  • A three-year mixed methods study of undergraduates’ information literacy development: Knowing, doing, and feeling 

    Nierenberg, Ellen; Solberg, Mariann; Låg, Torstein; Dahl, Tove Irene (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    This article reports results of a mixed-methods study following the development of undergraduates’ information literacy over three years. Information literacy knowledge and skills in this sample (n = 116) increased with time, as did information literacy attitudes when measured by interest and information literacy’s perceived usefulness and importance. Correlations among students’ information literacy ...
  • Telerehabilitation Compared to Center-based Pulmonary Rehabilitation for People with Chronic Respiratory Disease: Economic Analysis of a Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial 

    Burge, Angela T; Cox, Narelle S.; Holland, Anne E.; McDonald, Christine F.; Alison, Jennifer A.; Wootton, Richard; Hill, Catherine J.; Zanaboni, Paolo; O’Halloran, Paul; Bondarenko, Janet; Macdonald, Heather; Barker, Kathryn; Crute, Hayley; Mellerick, Christie; Wageck, Bruna; Boursinos, Helen; Lahham, Aroub; Nichols, Amanda; Corbett, Monique; Handley, Emma; Mahal, Ajay (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-05-29)
    Rationale: New pulmonary rehabilitation models can improve access to this effective but underused treatment for people with chronic respiratory disease; however, cost-effectiveness has not been determined.<p> <p>Objectives: To compare the cost-effectiveness of telerehabilitation, including videoconferencing and synchronous supervision, with standard center-based pulmonary rehabilitation.<p> ...
  • Leveraging synergies between UAV and Landsat 8 sensors to evaluate the impact of pale lichen biomass on land surface temperature in heath tundra ecosystems 

    Villoslada, Miguel; Bergamo, Thaísa; Kolari, Tiina; Erlandsson, Rasmus; Korpelainen, Pasi; Räsänen, Aleksi; Tahvanainen, Teemu; Tømmervik, Hans; Virtanen, Tarmo; Winquist, Emelie; Kumpula, Timo (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-03-01)
    Pale terricolous lichens are a vital component of Arctic ecosystems, significantly contributing to carbon balance, energy regulation, and serving as a primary food source for reindeer. Their characteristically high albedo also impacts land surface temperature (LST) dynamics across various spatial scales. However, remote sensing of lichens is challenging due to their complex spectral signatures and ...
  • Test–retest reliability of strength, power, agility, and sprint performance in female team handball players 

    Osborne, John Owen; Kildalsen, Ingrid; Pedersen, Sigurd; Pettersen, Svein Arne; Welde, Boye; Minahan, Clare L.; Andersson, Bror Erik Petrus (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-11-26)
    Objectives - This study assessed the test–retest reliability of athletic performance tests in a cohort of trained Norwegian female handball players, as well as a sub-analysis of the test–retest reliability for naturally menstruating players.<p> <p>Design - Eighteen handball players (naturally menstruating: n = 8) completed performance test batteries on three separate occasions.<p> <p>Methods ...
  • The Evolvement of Session Design From Junior Age to Senior Peak Performance in World-Class Cross-Country Skiers 

    Walther, Jacob; Haugen, Thomas André; Solli, Guro Strøm; Tønnessen, Espen; Sandbakk, Øyvind Bucher (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-08-21)
    Purpose: To compare designs of training sessions applied by world-class cross-country skiers during their most successful junior and senior season. <p> <p>Methods: Retrospective analysis of self-reported training characteristics (ie, training form, intensity, and exercise mode) among 8 male and 7 female world-class cross-country skiers was conducted. <p> <p>Results: Total number of sessions ...

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