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dc.contributor.authorFredriksen, Lill Tove
dc.description.abstractHow can we investigate relational connections to the land? How can we do so within relational contexts from a Sámi perspective? In this chapter I focus on relational contexts that refer to the interaction between humans and the land itself, as a mutual interaction. Meahcci, the place that forms part of my title, has many meanings. In this chapter, I present a short investigation of stories connected to the use of meahcci, to the ancient Sámi yoik tradition, and introduce Sámi written literature. Relational contexts mean that we human beings need to see the land as an actor, and that we need to act according to the terms of the land. What does this require of us, of our human interactions? Can árbemáhttu, which can be translated as “inherited knowledge based on trust”, teach us about how to act and establish a place for thought when new times are coming? Árbemáhttu contains a deeper meaning of knowledge transfer between generations. This study provides some impressions of what árbemáhttu means in contemporary life, and how it can contribute to living relations in the future.en_US
dc.identifier.citationFredriksen LT: Meahcci: The Place We Live. In: Mjussi. Indigenous Storytelling and Connections to the Land: More-Than-Human Worlds, 2024. Palgrave Macmillan p. 101-117en_US
dc.identifier.cristinIDFRIDAID 2312326
dc.publisherPalgrave Maxmillanen_US
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2024 The Author(s)en_US
dc.titleMeahcci: The Place We Liveen_US

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