Institutt for språk og kultur
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Spielend bilden? Kritische Betrachtungen zu Videospielen vor deren Einsatz im Unterricht
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-04-23)Dieser Beitrag operationalisiert das spielontologische Cybermedia-Modell von Espen Aarseth und Gordon Calleja und stellt eine Matrize für eine systematische Evaluierung von Videospielen vor deren Gebrauch im Unterricht vor. Ausgehend von den Feldern Zeichen und Repräsentation, Spielregeln und- mechaniken, Materialität und politische Ökonomie sowie institutionelle Rahmen, ermöglicht die Matrize das ... -
Singular NPs and the expression of genericity in Norwegian
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-02-13)This paper explores the capacity of singular noun phrases (NPs) to express genericity in Norwegian, examining how definite, indefinite, and bare singular forms map onto generic meanings. A timed acceptability judgment task was used to investigate how each form correlates with generic expressions, delving into the subtleties of their usage in native language. Thirty-three Norwegian native speakers ... -
Didaktisch begründete Nutzung von digitaler Technologie in der DaF-Lehrerausbildung. Digitalität als Katalysator von fachdidaktischen Reflexionen und professioneller Zusammenarbeit
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit den Vorteilen des digitalen Arbeitens in einem digitalen DaF- Studium in Norwegen. Ausgehend von einer Fortbildungseinheit für bereits tätige Lehrkräfte wird eine Fallstudie vorgestellt, die mit Fokus auf literaturdidaktische Fragestellungen die Vorzüge digitaler Arbeitsweisen auswertet. Die Digitalität ermöglicht den Studierenden die Ausbildung, eröffnet die ... -
„Denken in einer schlechten Welt“: Von der Notwendigkeit einer kritischen Videospielforschung
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)Das diesem Text vorgestellte Zitat von Judith Butler erinnert uns an etwas, das man im heutigen (Universitäts-) Alltag schnell vergessen kann: Kritik erfordert Sorgfalt – Sorgfalt im Lesen, Sorgfalt im Denken, Sorgfalt im Schreiben undSorgfalt im Handeln. Damit sind wir bereits mittendrin in einer kritischen Verortung forschender Praxis zu Videospielen, wie wir sie in diesem Band an-streben. Denn: ... -
Kyläpeli og iscenesettelse av kvensk kultur i landsbyspill og på museum
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-11-04)Hvordan iscenesettes kulturarv i et kvensk «kyläpeli»? Med utgangspunkt i den kvenske innvandringen til Raisi rettes fremstillingen mot fortid og kvensk kulturarv. Men dette knyttes til relasjoner mellom ulike etniske og sosiale grupper, mellom naturlige omgivelser og det overnaturlige og mellom steder og mennesker. Iscenesettelsen av kulturarv, fortelling og etnisk identitet åpner for dynamiske ... -
Future constructions in English and Norwegian: A contrastive corpus study.
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-11)The choice between the future constructions will/shall and BE going to is among the most well-investigated topics in English linguistics. A host of semantic, pragmatic, and syntactic factors has been suggested to drive the alternation between these constructions. Recent research has taken a contrastive perspective and investigated whether similar factors also apply to Norwegian, which shows a very ... -
Concrete Constructions or Messy Mangroves? How modelling contextual effects on constructional alternations reflect theoretical assumptions of language structure.
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-05)Depending on the theory of language employed, the paradigmatic and lexical variation associated with a given composite form-meaning pair is treated in different ways. First, variation can be treated as independent of the constructional semantics, an approach typical of modular theories. Second, paradigmatic variation can be considered indicative of constructional semantics; its variation constituting ... -
"Looking for Patterns in a Random Dataset: An Annotated Russo-Ukrainian Playlist (24 February 2022 – 24 February 2024)"
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024)A playlist of over 300 songs to do with Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 is examined in an attempt to establish in what way, if any, it correlates with the opinion polls about the pro- and anti-invasion support levels in Russia and elsewhere. The list’s compilation, formatting and categorization principles are explained. Within each of the constituent song groups (antiinvasion ... -
Effects of event participant preview and patient animacy in sentence production: a cross-linguistic comparison between English and Russian
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-16)Theories of sentence planning (Linear vs. Hierarchical Incrementality) differ in their assumptions about how much conceptual information speakers require to initiate linguistic encoding. This picture description study tested whether speakers’ selection of starting points for their sentences is influenced by the availability of information about a referent (perceptual accessibility) and by ... -
Nordic word order
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-01-17)This article gives an overview of the word order patterns found in the Nordic Word Order Database (NWD), providing maps that illustrate variation in argument placement and verb placement across the North Germanic languages. All investigated phenomena show variable word order in at least one of the languages, and categorical word order in other languages, considering at least one of the investigated ... -
Documents in the Age of Non-Human Agency
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024)As documents are inherently tied to humans and their expressions (Lund 2024), facilitating communication across time and space, we might have historically reflected on the implications of inserting a computer or information system between humans. If we envision the human as a handyman engaged in technical engineering, we can comprehend the development of AI, Artificial Intelligence, as part of a ... -
AMERICAN STUDIES IN NORWAY Historic Ideals and Contemporary Challenges
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-12)Because of its particular history of institutionalization, American studies in Norway has come to fill a unique role in higher education, one that requires broader recognition to secure the field a stable future. In this article, Falke connects the past of American studies in Norway to its present by focusing on three founding moments. These three are: the establishment of the Fulbright Program, ... -
Photography, plants and care in a changing Arctic
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025)This paper develops a theoretical analogy between photography and plants and engages with contemporary ideas on photography and care in a posthuman and more than-human-world. The analysis is based on a selection of vernacular archival images from the Svalbard region, recorded by temporary settlers in the Norwegian, Swedish, and Soviet mining towns between the 1920s and 1980s, which are now kept in ... -
Generativity, comparative grammar, and the syntax vs. the lexicon debates
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-31)Within linguistic theory, the division of labour between syntax and the lexicon has been a central issue for debate among different architectures of grammar, roughly corresponding to the distinction between memorization and rule governed aspects of language competence. In this article, I give some historical context for these debates, concluding that differences in architectural assumptions are ... -
The Workspace as a source of hierarchy in extended projections
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-31)Extended projections (EPs) in natural languages have several properties which have not yet been explained. (i) EPs conform to a Hierarchy of Projections (HoP), a crosslinguistically similar hierarchical arrangement of semantically grounded categories. (ii) Each token of an EP is linear, in the sense that it has a single dimension (with specifiers and adjuncts stripped out, it is a string). (iii) ... -
Can lexical and morphosyntactic dialect features be acquired by L3 speakers? The case of Poles in Tromsø
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-31)Aims and Objectives/Purpose/Research Questions: There is scant literature on second dialect acquisition for both L1 and L2 speakers (Drummond, 2013; Gnevsheva et al., 2022), with no literature on L3 speakers. In this article, we focus on dialect acquisition in multilinguals, in participants’ third or additional language acquired in adulthood. We explore this in the context of Norway, a country with ... -
Individual language experience determinants of morphosyntactic variation in heritage and attriting speakers of Bosnian and Serbian
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-11-18)Using a causal inference approach, we explored the relationships among the language experience determinants of morphosyntactic sensitivity, to identify the factors that indirectly and directly cause its acquisition or maintenance in immigration contexts. We probed the sensitivity to Serbian/ Bosnian clitic placement violations with a self-paced listening task, in a diverse group of bilinguals ... -
Religion in Modernism Epiphany and Heresy in Henry Roth’s Call It Sleep, James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Ulysses.
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-11-15)In the early part of the last century, there were signs of new attitudes toward institutional religion in the Western world. These attitudes placed value on the subjective, individual experience over orthodoxy in the Judeo-Christian tradition. This historical shift concerning the truth gives rise to a question: How does the individual access their spiritual knowingness without the former religious ... -
El papel de la actitud en la elección del modo verbal en español: estudio de una herramienta didáctica
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-10-31)En español, la elección del modo está ligada a la actitud del hablante y a cómo percibe o evalúa la situación, lo que representa un desafío para estudiantes de español como lengua extranjera, dado que muchas lenguas no cuentan con un sistema gramatical equivalente. Esto a menudo lleva a un acercamiento teórico al modo, basado en la memorización de reglas y estructuras gramaticales, sin una comprensión ... -
The Norwegian Public Library of the Future – What are the Challenges to Meet?
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-13)This article examines the future challenges facing Norwegian public libraries in light of legislative changes and evolving societal needs. Since the Public Library Act of 1986, with updates in 2014, libraries are mandated to be accessible cultural and educational centers. The 2019 national library strategy further emphasizes their role in public enlightenment and community engagement, particularly ...