Nye registreringer

  • Playing in and with Ecological Crises: Ecocritical videogames between attitudes and performance effects 

    Pötzsch, Holger (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    In this paper, I problematize the relation between videogames and the ecological crisis. Connecting ecocritical advances in game studies with the emerging wider paradigm of digital environmental media studies (DEMS), I interrogate if and how videogames, play, and game development can contribute to solving humankinds most existential challenges – climate change, species extinction, biosphere depletion, ...
  • ’The Devil Goes by Many Names’: A Critical Examination of Propaganda, PR, and Fake News as Forms of Information Disorder 

    Pötzsch, Holger; Lentz, Eva Christina Makaria (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-30)
    This article offers an outline of the terms propaganda and public relations before addressing the contemporary phenomenon of fake news. We identify commonalities and differences between these three manipulative practices and show that, rather than being exceptions, they constitute regular techniques of governance in both liberal democracies and more authoritarian systems of rule. Developing a set ...
  • Philip Tagg (22 February 1944–9 May 2024) 

    Cloonan, Martin; Eisentraut, Jochen; Fabbri, Franco; Frith, Simon; Horn, David; Johnson, Bruce; Steinholt, Yngvar B.; Tamlyn, Garry; Tupinambá De Ulhôa, Martha; Wicke, Peter (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-03-19)
    The editorial board of Popular Music was very saddened to hear of the death of our esteemed friend and pioneer of Popular Music Studies, Philip Tagg. Here colleagues and friends pay tribute to his life and legacy. RIP Philip.
  • Academia y circunstancia en la poesía de Juan del Valle y Caviedes 

    Cabanillas Cardenas, Carlos Fernando (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2025)
  • Meahcci: The Place We Live 

    Fredriksen, Lill Tove (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
    How can we investigate relational connections to the land? How can we do so within relational contexts from a Sámi perspective? In this chapter I focus on relational contexts that refer to the interaction between humans and the land itself, as a mutual interaction. Meahcci, the place that forms part of my title, has many meanings. In this chapter, I present a short investigation of stories connected ...
  • Art Write Cope and Sámi Birgengoansttat 

    Fredriksen, Lill Tove (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
    “You should not be a person of only one occupation.” The Sámi scholar in pedagogy, Aimo Aikio, explains this phrase in his book Olmmoš han gal birge (2010, 20-30). The phrase says a lot about the Sámi traditional way of thinking and living, and about Sámi birgengoansta, coping skills. In the Northern Sámi language we have the terms birget, and ceavzit: birget means coping and managing practically ...
  • Sensing Polar Ice Bodies 

    Spreter, Stephanie von (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-02-23)
    This chapter investigates how the long-term project we are opposite like that (2017–2022) by contemporary artist Himali Singh Soin engages with posthuman feminist concepts within an Arctic discourse, here in particular in relation to the climatic changes that lead to the melting of the Polar caps, and what the gradual disappearance and transformation of what has dominated its landscape and mythologies ...
  • Learning and unlearning Verb Second word order 

    Bohnacker, Ute; Westergaard, Marit Kristine Richardsen (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
    The topic of this chapter is Verb Second (V2) word order, which is primarily found in main clauses in most of the Germanic languages. The chapter first describes the standard theoretical analyses of this syntactic phenomenon and then goes on to provide an overview of what we know about the acquisition of V2 by monolingual children as well as simultaneously and successively bilingual children. This ...
  • Phrasal Vowel Harmony 

    Downing, Laura J.; Krämer, Martin (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
    Vowel harmony is usually claimed to be word bound, and the ‘word’ is usually taken to refer to the phonological word, not the grammatical word, since compounds are often disharmonic. Indeed, vowel harmony is said to rarely cross lexical word boundaries, either within compounds or within phrases. (See, e.g., Archangeli & Pulleyblank 2007; Hyman 2002; Kaisse 2019; Kiparsky, this volume; Krämer 2003; ...
  • Non-alternating, non-participating, and idiosyncratic vowels 

    Krämer, Martin (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
    Vowel harmony usually results in a domain, such as the prosodic word, containing only vowels 8 of the same type, e.g., only front or only back vowels, to the exclusion of back or front vowels, 9 respectively. Such sequences of like vowels are often disrupted or do not span over the whole 10 domain because of vowels in the string that do not participate (van der Hulst & van de Weijer 11 1995; Baković ...
  • Introduction 

    Moi, Ruben Rune (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
    Literature is an institution per se, as is justice, and these two institutions enact each other in complex ways. Justice appears in many forms from divine right and religious ordainment to metaphysical imperative and natural law, to national jurisdiction, social order, human rights, and civil disobedience. What is just and right has varied in time and place, in war and peace. A sense of justice ...
  • The Legacy of Semaus Heaney's North 

    Moi, Ruben Rune (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
    “What is history? What is love? What is justice? Sanity? Reason? Do the gods really exist, and does it matter?” Professor of law Yxta Maya Murray (2015, 137) certainly asks the grand questions in “Punishment and the Costs of Knowledge,” many of which will be recognized in Shakespeare’s drama, in French philosophy, and by people who appreciate the “good literature” that “summons powerful emotions” ...
  • Kvensk revitalisering, normering og leksikografi 

    Räisänen, Anna-Kaisa; Eriksen, Aili Maria; Kjærstad, Thomas Brevik; Trosterud, Trond (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-05)
    An online dictionary and language technology for Kven language have been developed in a collaborative project between the Kven Institute and Giellatekno at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. Sources for the material are older texts and learning material that are available for the public. Several hundred hours of spoken material in old recordings, however, have still not been used. Utilising this ...
  • Russland: ord om krig og krig om ord 

    Janda, Laura Alexis; Nesset, Tore (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2025-03-05)
    Ord speiler virkeligheten, også krigens virkelighet i dagens Russland. Samtidig pågår det en «krig» om ordenes betydning. Er det regimet i Kreml eller folk flest som bestemmer hva ordene skal bety?
  • Student Co-Creation of Teaching Resources, Methods, and Social Integration 

    Janda, Laura Alexis; Endresen, Anna; Sokolova, Svetlana (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-28)
    Undergraduate research is a high-impact practice that increases student learning and is driven by engaging in mentoring relationships with faculty while building a culture of innovation and scholarship. This volume of the Russian Language Journal presents a special collection of articles entitled “Collaboration Beyond the Classroom: Undergraduate Research in Russian Language Studies.” Undergraduate ...
  • What goes around, comes around: Cases that keep me going 

    Janda, Laura Alexis (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    I am fascinated by the treasure trove of meanings tucked away in the grammatical morphemes that many people think of as mere functional fillers. As a student, the Slavic case endings baffled me, then later delighted me with their complex stories about trajectories, time, benefit and harm, labels, and so much more. Some twenty years ago I was satisfied that I had cracked that code, and after writing ...
  • Spielend bilden? Kritische Betrachtungen zu Videospielen vor deren Einsatz im Unterricht 

    Pötzsch, Holger (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-04-23)
    Dieser Beitrag operationalisiert das spielontologische Cybermedia-Modell von Espen Aarseth und Gordon Calleja und stellt eine Matrize für eine systematische Evaluierung von Videospielen vor deren Gebrauch im Unterricht vor. Ausgehend von den Feldern Zeichen und Repräsentation, Spielregeln und- mechaniken, Materialität und politische Ökonomie sowie institutionelle Rahmen, ermöglicht die Matrize das ...
  • Singular NPs and the expression of genericity in Norwegian 

    Velnić, Marta; Slabakova, Roumyana; Dahl, Anne; Listhaug, Kjersti Faldet (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-02-13)
    This paper explores the capacity of singular noun phrases (NPs) to express genericity in Norwegian, examining how definite, indefinite, and bare singular forms map onto generic meanings. A timed acceptability judgment task was used to investigate how each form correlates with generic expressions, delving into the subtleties of their usage in native language. Thirty-three Norwegian native speakers ...
  • Didaktisch begründete Nutzung von digitaler Technologie in der DaF-Lehrerausbildung. Digitalität als Katalysator von fachdidaktischen Reflexionen und professioneller Zusammenarbeit 

    Lindemann, Beate Hildegard (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
    Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit den Vorteilen des digitalen Arbeitens in einem digitalen DaF- Studium in Norwegen. Ausgehend von einer Fortbildungseinheit für bereits tätige Lehrkräfte wird eine Fallstudie vorgestellt, die mit Fokus auf literaturdidaktische Fragestellungen die Vorzüge digitaler Arbeitsweisen auswertet. Die Digitalität ermöglicht den Studierenden die Ausbildung, eröffnet die ...
  • „Denken in einer schlechten Welt“: Von der Notwendigkeit einer kritischen Videospielforschung 

    Pötzsch, Holger; Spies, Thomas; Kurt, Seyda (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
    Das diesem Text vorgestellte Zitat von Judith Butler erinnert uns an etwas, das man im heutigen (Universitäts-) Alltag schnell vergessen kann: Kritik erfordert Sorgfalt – Sorgfalt im Lesen, Sorgfalt im Denken, Sorgfalt im Schreiben undSorgfalt im Handeln. Damit sind wir bereits mittendrin in einer kritischen Verortung forschender Praxis zu Videospielen, wie wir sie in diesem Band an-streben. Denn: ...

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