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dc.contributor.authorDondero, Lorenzo
dc.contributor.authorDe Negri Atanasio, Giulia
dc.contributor.authorTardanico, Francesca
dc.contributor.authorLertora, Erica
dc.contributor.authorBoggia, Rafaella
dc.contributor.authorCapra, Vittorio
dc.contributor.authorCometto, Agnese
dc.contributor.authorCostamagna, Mattia
dc.contributor.authorL. S. E, Fi.
dc.contributor.authorFeletti, Mirvana
dc.contributor.authorGaribaldi, Fulvio
dc.contributor.authorGrasso, Federica
dc.contributor.authorJenssen, Marte
dc.contributor.authorLanteri, Luca
dc.contributor.authorLian, Kjersti
dc.contributor.authorMonti, Marco
dc.contributor.authorPerucca, Massimo
dc.contributor.authorPinto, Cecilia
dc.contributor.authorPoncini, Ilaria
dc.contributor.authorRobino, Federica
dc.contributor.authorRombi, Junio Valerio
dc.contributor.authorSaad Ahsan, Syed
dc.contributor.authorShirmohammadi, Nikta
dc.contributor.authorTiso, Micaela
dc.contributor.authorTurrini, Federica
dc.contributor.authorZaccone, Marta
dc.contributor.authorZanotti‑Russo, Matteo
dc.contributor.authorDemori, Ilaria
dc.contributor.authorFerrari, Pier Francesco
dc.contributor.authorGrasselli, Elena
dc.description.abstractThis review provides a general overview of collagen structure, biosynthesis, and biological properties, with a particular focus on marine collagen sources, especially fisheries discards and by-catches. Additionally, well-documented applications of collagen are presented, with special emphasis not only on its final use but also on the processes enabling sustainable and safe recovery from materials that would otherwise go to waste. Particular attention is given to the extraction process, highlighting key aspects essential for the industrialization of fish sidestreams, such as hygiene standards, adherence to good manufacturing practices, and ensuring minimal environmental impact. In this context, the EcoeFISHent projects have provided valuable insights, aiming to create replicable, systemic, and sustainable territorial clusters based on a multi-circular economy and industrial symbiosis. The main goal of this project is to increase the monetary income of certain categories, such as fishery and aquaculture activities, through the valorization of underutilized biomass.en_US
dc.identifier.citationDondero, De Negri Atanasio, Tardanico, Lertora, Boggia, Capra, Cometto, Costamagna, L. S. E, Feletti, Garibaldi, Grasso, Jenssen, Lanteri, Lian, Monti, Perucca, Pinto, Poncini, Robino, Rombi, Saad Ahsan, Shirmohammadi, Tiso, Turrini, Zaccone, Zanotti‑Russo, Demori, Ferrari, Grasselli. Unlocking the Potential of Marine Sidestreams in the Blue Economy: Lessons Learned from the EcoeFISHent Project on Fish Collagen. Marine Biotechnology. 2025;27:1-29en_US
dc.identifier.cristinIDFRIDAID 2367577
dc.publisherSpringer Natureen_US
dc.relation.journalMarine Biotechnology
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2025 The Author(s)en_US
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)en_US
dc.titleUnlocking the Potential of Marine Sidestreams in the Blue Economy: Lessons Learned from the EcoeFISHent Project on Fish Collagenen_US
dc.typeJournal articleen_US
dc.typePeer revieweden_US

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