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Nye regler om reintallsreduksjon og internasjonal urfolksrett
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-03-10)FNs konvensjon om sivile og politiske rettigheter artikkel 27 sikrer minoriteter og urfolk retten til å utøve sin kultur. Den 19. juli 2024 kom FNs menneskerettskomité til at Norge hadde krenket reineier Jovsset Ánte Saras rettigheter under artikkel 27 ved å pålegge ham å redusere sin reinflokk fra 116 til 75 dyr, noe som stengte for hans kulturutøvelse. Pålegget var forankret i reindriftslovens ... -
Karasjok-dommen og dens betydning for rettskartleggingen i Finnmark
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2024-11-11)Den 31. mai 2024 avsa Høyesterettdomi Karasjok-saken. I likhetmed de øvrige dommene som følger av rettskartleggingen i Finnmark, kom Høyesterett til at Finnmarkseiendommen (FeFo) har sin eiendoms- og forvaltningsrett i behold. Til forskjell fra tidligere dommer er det denne gang betydelig dissens. Denne artikkelen drøfter hva storkammerdommen har å si for den videre rettskartleggingen i Finnmark. ... -
The Karasjok Case and its Significance for the Legal Survey in Finnmark
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-02-26)On the final day of spring 2024, the Supreme Court of Norway ruled in the Karasjok case, affirming the Finnmark Estate’s ownership rights. The Grand Chamber’s decision, passed by a narrow 6 to 5 margin, underscored divisions surrounding national property law, international Indigenous law, legal history, and Sámi customary law, which received less attention than usual in Norwegian case law.<p> <p>This ... -
På tide med et samerettsløft i akademia
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-03-10)Etter den enstemmige storkammerdommen i Fosen-saken (HR-2021-1975-S) for snart fire år siden, hvor Høyesterett kom til at staten hadde krenket rettighetene til to samiske reindriftssiidaer, ble det reist spørsmål om kunnskapen i same- og urfolksrett var god nok blant juristene som forvaltet konsesjonslovverket. Bestemmelsen som ble brutt var artikkel 27 i FNs konvensjon om sivile og politiske ... -
Er barnets rettigheter krenket når barnet ikke trives?
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)Kirsten Sandberg har med sin store kunnskap og klokskap om barns rettigheter vært til stor inspirasjon for oss. Vi er derfor veldig glade for å kunne bidra til dette festskriftet. <p> <p>I år er det 35 år siden barnekonvensjonens fødsel, og konvensjonen har vært norsk lov siden inkorporeringen i 2003. Til tross for dette, er det fremdeles mangler i realiseringen av barns rettigheter. Det påvises ... -
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)Environmental law scholars and scientists have highlighted the conspicuous absence of awareness or obscured understanding of rights, particularly socio-environmental rights, within contemporary society.1 Therefore, there exists an urgent call for legal researchers to develop innovative strategies that can augment the comprehension of law, particularly targeting those who are most vulnerable and ... -
CHAPTER I The Foundations: ECO_CARE
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-04-18)This chapter outlines the primary objective of the ECO_CARE project: establishing a cooperative governance framework that legally recognizes water and communities as living entities with inherent rights. The chapter underscores the crucial role of water in sustaining life and argues for an ecologically integrated approach to water sustainability and governance, critically analysing the inadequacies ... -
CHAPTER III The Stages of the Comic Book Co-creation and the Restitution to the Chiquitano Indigenous People
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-04-18)This chapter delves into the analysis of the methodological steps of the co-created process involved in producing a comic book, following the steps outlined in Chapter 2. Extensive research material, outlined at the end of the book, was utilized throughout the project in conjunction with co-creation stages and legal research. The project focuses on the Chiquitano people from Mato Grosso, Brazil, ... -
CHAPTER V: The Comic Book
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-04-18)This chapter contains the comic book, realised following the methodological steps analysed in the previous chapters. The participants in the comic format close the book. -
CHAPTER IV Toward a Spanish Version of the Escazú Agreement in Comics: Needs, Research Background, and Methodological Steps
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-04-18)This chapter delves into the project’s evolution after the successful publication of books on the Escazú Agreement in English and Portuguese. The initiative shifted focus towards disseminating the knowledge contained in these works to the Chiquitano communities in Mato Grosso and sharing project results in academic fora and international conferences. The reception of these books was enthusiastic ... -
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)The experience and results of this collaborative, multidimensional and ecologically oriented project stem from a comprehensive and inclusive approach that encompasses various methodological steps, collaborative work with the community, and the co-creation and validation of outcomes. This comprehensive approach is geared towards developing impactful visual legal material, a well-crafted multilingual ... -
Chapter II, Methodological steps toward ecological and emotional education and research fostering multipotentiality
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-05-23)This contribution presents a systematic overview of the steps followed in co-creating the learning and research resource Follow Your Heart: The School for Multipotentialites for children, educators, and researchers. This resource promotes ecological and emotional research and education for sustainability by cultivating values and behaviours consistent with how nature makes us feel connected and ... -
Chapter III, Holistic Learning, Emotional Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Action in LESPLAY (Learn, Speak and Play)
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-05-23)This chapter explores the impact of holistic learning experiences on children’s academic and professional outcomes, prioritising emotional well-being and multipotentiality. Through the LESPLAY pilot programme, aligned with the Follow Your Heart (FYH) model, the study advocates for transformative education in response to global challenges. Addressing the paradox of contemporary education systems, ... -
The Paths of Water and their relations: A dialogue between Brazil and Norway
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-05-23)The formation of ethnic groups is a result of interactions among group members and those from the outside, influencing criteria for valuation. Ethnicity, considered a part of human interaction, shapes the cultural specificities of ethnic groups through the experiential nature of ethnic relations. However, it is not only human interaction that shapes culture—the analysis of human societies should ... -
Chapter VIII, Arctic Vulnerability: Examining Biosecurity Risks Amidst Climate Change
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-05-23)Building on the objectives of a working paper, this chapter explores the intricate relationship between the Arctic Circle, climate change, and One Health. The Arctic is exceptionally susceptible to climate change, warming three times faster than the global average, leading to increased melting of snow, ice sheets, and permafrost. These changes heighten the vulnerability of flora, fauna, and Indigenous ... -
Public Sector Digitalisation in Norway: Current Trends and Challenges in the Legal Framework
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-05-13)This chapter explores Norway's public digitalization efforts, assessing the effectiveness of legislative and policy measures in advancing the public sector's digitalization and examining the adequacy of safeguards for fundamental rights. Norway stands out for its highly digitalized public sector, a result of strategic legislative and policy initiatives promoting a digital-friendly environment. We ... -
Stewardship Beyond the State: Implications for the Regulation of Marine Genetic Resources in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)The urgent need to rethink our fundamental relationship with the natural world is brought into sharp relief in respect of the legal status of marine genetic resources. The chapter explores how the concept of stewardship could aid this rethink and how it could be fruitfully applied to the regulation of marine genetic resources in areas beyond national jurisdiction. It provides a typology of stewardship ... -
Monitoring, governmental data access and the invocation of Article 8 ECHR by legal persons
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-01-22)The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) grants the rights enshrined in Article 8 to ‘everyone’. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has interpreted legal persons as falling within the scope of ‘everyone’ in various judgments, primarily concerning governmental searches and seizures. With the rise of digital technology, corporations now hold vast amounts of personal data, creating growing ... -
The Right to an Explanation Under the GDPR and the AI Act
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-01-02)The article provides a comprehensive overview of European regulations, the GDPR and the AI Act, focusing on the right to explanation for individual decisions inferred from high-risk AI systems and automated decision-making. It analyses the concept of the right to explanation in automated decision-making processes, emphasizing the legal obligations surrounding the provision of meaningful information ... -
Developing with Compliance in Mind: Addressing Data Protection Law, Cybersecurity Regulation, and AI Regulation During Software Development
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-04-23)This paper explores the concept of complying with relevant legal requirements when developing software systems. Specifically, it focuses on data protection law, cybersecurity regulation, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) regulation requirements in the software system development processes. The paper analyses the impact of three key regulatory frameworks in the European Union: the General Data Protection ...