Viser treff 1-20 av 591

    • Mynter fra tidsrommet 750-1355. Nye metallsøkerfunn, nye perspektiver 

      Krokmyrdal, Tor-Ketil; Henriksen, Jørn Erik (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      I artikkelen tar vi for oss myntfunn innenfor Norges arktiske universitetsmuseums ansvarsområde, det vil si Nord-Norge fra og med kommunene Lurøy og Træna ved kysten og Saltdal kommune i innlandet, og hele fastlandet nordover innen landegrensene. Hensikten er først og fremst å samle en mest mulig oppdatert oversikt over myntfunnene etter ca. ti år med stor tilvekst i myntsamlingen grunnet metallsøking, ...
    • Jernalderens jaktpiler fra nordnorske fjell. Mistet eller skutt bort? 

      Sommerseth, Ingrid Kristine (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      I gjenstandsmagasinet på Norges arktiske universitetsmuseum har vi mange jernpiler og noen få tregjenstander som er oppdaget hver for seg, høyt på fjellet i Nordland, Troms og på Finnmarksvidda, for det meste i øde områder hvor det ikke bor folk i dag. De er ikke funnet i en grav, i et hus, på en boplass eller i andre sikre arkeologiske kontekster sammen med andre gjenstander.Typologisk hører ...
    • Bjørnen sover ikke. Spor etter samiske bjørnegraver i museets magasiner 

      Sommerseth, Ingrid Kristine (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      Hva vet vi om alle bjørnebeinene som befinner seg i magasinene til Norges arktiske universitetsmuseum? Noen bjørnebein kommer fra arkeologiske undersøkelser, mens andre bein er sendt inn som gaver med ukjent opphav, det siste gjelder særlig bjørnebein som ble innsendt rundt 1900. Etter at Tromsø Museum ble opprettet i 1871, har museets kjernevirksomheter vært innsamling av og forskning på materiale ...
    • SedaDNA shows that transhumance of domestic herbivores has enhanced plant diversity over the Holocene in the Eastern European Alps 

      Zetter, Scarlett Poppy Saunders Hovey; Garces Pastor, Sandra; Lammers, Youri; Brown, Antony Gavin; Walsh, Kevin; Goslar, Tomasz; Lavergne, Sébastien; Coissac, Eric; Tribsch, Andreas; Heintzman, Peter; Alsos, Inger Greve (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-30)
      The Eastern European Alps boasts highly biodiverse ecosystems and a rich archaeological history. However, there is limited research on the enduring impacts of historical climate change and human activities on plant biodiversity in this region. Using sedimentary ancient DNA, we reconstructed plant and animal dynamics from 8500years before present (ka BP) around Großer Winterleitensee (Zirbitzkogel, ...
    • Drawing Sovereignty: The Museum Work of Sámi Artist Ánddir Ivvár Ivvár/Iver Jåks 

      Stien, Hanne Hammer (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-02-20)
      From the first part of the 1950s until the mid-1980s, the Sámi artist Ánddir Ivvár Ivvár/Iver Jåks (1932–2007) played an influential role in the making of exhibitions displaying Sámi culture and art, both in a Norwegian and Sámi museum context. This article examines Jåks museum work with a specific focus on his drawings of Sámi objects from museum collections, duodji in Northern Sámi. The author ...
    • A 2,000‐Year Record of Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) Colonization Shows Substantial Gains in Blue Carbon Storage and Nutrient Retention 

      Dahl, Martin; Gullström, Martin; Bernabeu, Irene; Serrano, Oscar; Leiva-Dueñas, Carmen; Linderholm, Hans W.; Asplund, Maria E.; Björk, Mats; Ou, Tinghai; Svensson, Robin; Andrén, Elinor; Andrén, Thomas; Bergman, Sanne; Braun, Sara; Eklöf, Anneli; Ežerinskis, Zilvinas; Garbaras, Andrius; Hällberg, Petter; Löfgren, Elin; Kylander, Malin E.; Masqué, Pere; Šapolaitė, Justina; Smittenberg, Rienk; Mateo, Miguel A. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-11)
      Assessing historical environmental conditions linked to habitat colonization is important for understanding long‐term resilience and improving conservation and restoration efforts. Such information is lacking for the seagrass Zostera marina, an important foundation species across cold‐temperate coastal areas of the Northern Hemisphere. Here, we reconstructed environmental conditions during the ...
    • The microRNAome of Strongylus vulgaris larvae and their excretory/secretory products with identification of parasite-derived microRNAs in horse arterial tissue 

      Toft, Katrine; Honoré, Marie Louise; Ripley, Nichol E.; Nielsen, Martin K.; Fromm, Bastian; Mardahl, Maibritt; Nielsen, Lise N.; Nejsum, Peter; Thamsborg, Stig Milan; Cirera, Susanna; Pihl, Tina Holberg (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-11-06)
      The equine bloodworm, Strongylus vulgaris, is a highly pathogenic parasite causing potentially fatal vascular and intestinal damage. Parasites express and release microRNAs (miRNAs) for internal regulation and to modulate host immunity. The complete set of miRNAs expressed by S. vulgaris (the S. vulgaris miRNAome) remains unannotated and the aim of this study was to annotate the miRNAome of L4 and ...
    • Dur pentaton skala over firklanger på 2, 3 og 4 streng 

      Andreassen, Tore Morten (Book; Bok, 2025)
    • Stringswinglinjer over V7 - I 

      Andreassen, Tore Morten (Book; Bok, 2025)
    • Scales over one diminished chord 

      Andreassen, Tore Morten (Book; Bok, 2025)
    • Folkesongen frå private rom til scena: Endringar i norske folkesongpraksisar frå 1950-talet og fram til i dag 

      Osa, Tom Eide; Opheim, Berit (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2025-01-16)
      Utviklinga av folkesongen i Noreg dei siste seksti til sytti åra har vore formidabel. Mellom anna i Noreg og i Sverige er det påvist ei vokal bølge innan folkesong i tiåra før siste hundreårsskiftet (Gjertsen, 1996, s. 2; Åkesson, 2007). Ein kan omtale denne utviklinga i folkesongen som ei endring frå kvardagssong og allemannseige til nærast ein elitekultur (Espeland, 2002). Der visebølga på 1960- ...
    • The promise of community-drivenpreprints in ecology and evolution 

      Noble, Daniel W. A.; Xirocostas, Zoe A.; Wu, Nicholas C.; Martinig, April Robin; Almeida, Rafaela A.; Bairos-Novak, Kevin R.; Balti, Heikel; Bertram, Michael G.; Bliard, Louis; Brand, Jack A.; Byrne, Ilha; Chan, Ying-Chieh; Clink, Dena Jane; Corbel, Quentin; Correia, Ricardo A.; Crawford-Ash, Jordann; Culina, Antica; D'Bastiani, Elvira; Deme, Gideon G.; deSouza Leite, Melina; Dhellemmes, Félicie; Dimri, Shreya; Drobniak, Szymek M.; Elsy, Alexander D.; Everingham, Susan F.; Gascoigne, Samuel J. L.; Grainger, Matthew; Hossack, Gavin C.; Hovstad, Knut Anders; Ivimey-Cook, Edward R.; Jones, Matt Lloyd; Kačergytė, Ineta; Küstner, Georg; Leibold, DaltonC.; Mair, Magdalena M.; Martin, Jake; Mizuno, Ayumi; Moodie, Iain R.; Moreau, David; O'Dea, Rose E.; Orr, James A.; Paquet, Matthieu; Parajuli, Rabindra; Pick, Joel L.; Pottier, Patrice; Purgar, Marija; Recio, Pablo; Roche, Dominique G.; Royauté, Raphaël; Sabet, Saeed Shafiei; Segovia, JulioM. G.; Silva, Inês; Sanchez-Tojar, Alfredo; Soares, Bruno E.; Szabo, Birgit; Takola, Elina; Thoré, Eli S. J.; Timilsina, Bishnu; van Dis, Natalie E.; Verberk, Wilco C. E. P.; Vriend, Stefan J. G.; Wild, Kristoffer H.; Williams, Coralie; Yang, Yefeng; Nakagawa, Shinichi; Lagisz, Malgorzata (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2024-06-13)
      Publishing preprints is quickly becoming commonplace in ecology and evolutionary biology. Preprints can facilitate the rapid sharing of scientific knowledge establishing precedence and enabling feedback from the research community before peer review. Yet, significant barriers to preprint use exist, including language barriers, a lack of understanding about the benefits of preprints and a lack of ...
    • Cave-dwelling gastropods of Brazil: a reply to Ferreira et al. (2023) 

      Salvador, Rodrigo Brincalepe; Silva, Fernanda S.; Cavallari, Daniel C.; Cunha, Carlo M.; Bichuette, Maria E. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-07)
      In 2022, we published an article in this journal entitled “Cave-dwelling gastropods (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of Brazil: state of the art and conservation”. In that study, we compiled all the available information about cave-dwelling gastropods in the country, including terrestrial and freshwater species. We focused on the troglobites but also included information regarding some troglophilic species ...
    • Practicing what we preach: Elise Hall and a more diverse saxophone performance tradition 

      Maxwell, Sheila Kate; Eskeland, Jonas Benedict Danielsen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-30)
      While the basic facts of Elise Hall’s life and career are known to many saxophonists, they are less well known to a broader public (for example, she is not mentioned in Oxford Music Online, and at the time of writing her Wikipedia entry in English consists of three lines and the names of five men). Additionally, she is primarily considered in reference to the (male) composers of the early twentieth ...
    • Past and future effects of climate on the metapopulation dynamics of a Northeast Atlantic seabird across two centuries 

      Jeglinski, Jana W. E.; Niven, Holly I.; Wanless, Sarah; Barrett, Robert; Harris, Mike P.; Dierschke, Jochen; Matthiopoulos, Jason (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-31)
      Forecasting population responses to rapidly changing marine ecosystems requires mechanistic models integrating complex demographic processes, fitted to long time series, across large spatial scales. We used a Bayesian metapopulation model fit to colony census data and climatic covariates spanning 1900–2100 for all Northeast Atlantic colonies of an exemplar seabird, the Northern gannet (Morus bassanus) ...
    • Norske navn på alle karplantefamilier og -ordener 

      Bjorå, Charlotte Sletten; Alm, Torbjørn; Bødker, Kine Hals; Nygård, Malene Østreng; Scheen, Anne-Cathrine; Smedmark, Jenny Else Elisabeth; Westergaard, Kristine Bakke (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Over time, Norwegian vernacular names have been coined for all vascular plant species, genera, families and orders represented in Norway. Imported, economically important species (used as food, medicine etc.) have also frequently acquired Norwegian names. This still leaves numerous exotic plant families and plant orders without a Norwegian name, albeit sometimes requested e.g. by translators. ...
    • En fremmedartet steinalderøks 

      Skandfer, Marianne (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      Hvorfor er en av de veldig få enkle skafthulløksene i Nord-Norge funnet i Rødbergshamna på Lenvikhalvøya? En øksetype som forbindes med jordbruk og rydding av innmark ved slutten av steinalderen i Sør-Norge, men som her må ha befunnet seg i et jakt-, fangst - og fiskelandskap. Tromsø Museum, Universitetsmuseet ved UiT - Norges arktiske universitet, er ett av fem museer i Norge med ansvar for at funn ...
    • 75. Lake Tenndammen, Colesdalen, Nordenskiöld Land, western Svalbard (Spitsbergen) archipelago 

      Poliakova, Anastasia; Brown, Antony Gavin; Goslar, Tomasz; Alsos, Inger Greve (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-16)
      The study site, small (0.15 ha), shallow (mean depth of 1.5 m; for details see Poliakova et al. 2024) lake Tenndammen(N78°06.118′; E15°02.024′, altitude 5 m above sea level [a.s.l.]) is located about 1 km away from the Greenland Sea shore in the Colesdalen (Coles valley), Svalbard (Spitsbergen, Шпицберген). The research area is known as one of Svalbard’s biodiversity hotspots, with the highest number ...
    • Refining Holocene sea-level variations for the Lofoten and Vesterålen archipelagos, northern Norway: implications for prehistoric human–environment interactions 

      Balascio, Nicholas L; D'Andrea, William J.; Creel, Roger C.; Marshall, Leah; Dia, Moussa; Wickler, Stephen Kent; Anderson, R. Scott; Austermann, Jacqueline; Vasskog, Kristian; Nielsen, Pål Ringkjøb; Dahl, Svein Olaf (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-04)
      The Lofoten and Vesterålen archipelagos are located off the outer coast of northern Norway far from the center of the former Fennoscandian Ice Sheet and near the continental shelf edge. Existing relative sea‐level (RSL) data indicate a pronounced mid‐Holocene transgression and interesting connections with the region's prehistoric human settlement history. Here we present seven new sea‐level index ...
    • Digestive contents and food webs record the advent of dinosaur supremacy 

      Qvarnström, Martin; Vikberg Wernström, Per Joel Olof; Wawrzyniak, Zuzanna; Barbacka, Maria; Pacyna, Grzegorz; Górecki, Artur; Ziaja, Jadwiga; Jarzynka, Agata; Owocki, Krzysztof; Sulej, Tomasz; Marynowski, Leszek; Pieńkowski, Grzegorz; Ahlberg, Per E.; Niedźwiedzki, Grzegorz (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-11-27)
      The early radiation of dinosaurs remains a complex and poorly understood evolutionary event<sup>1–4</sup> . Here we use hundreds of fossils with direct evidence of feeding to compare trophic dynamics across five vertebrate assemblages that record this event in the Triassic–Jurassic succession of the Polish Basin (central Europe). Bromalites, fossil digestive products, increase in size and diversity ...