Viser treff 81-100 av 552

    • T cell receptor repertoire sequencing reveals chemotherapy-driven clonal expansion in colorectal liver metastases 

      Høye, Eirik; Dagenborg, Vegar Johansen; Kristensen, Annette Torgunrud; Lund-Andersen, Christin; Fretland, Åsmund Avdem; Lorenz, Susanne; Edwin, Bjørn von Gohren; Hovig, Eivind; Fromm, Bastian; Inderberg, Else Marit; Greiff, Victor; Ree, Anne Hansen; Flatmark, Kjersti (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-10)
      Background - Colorectal liver metastasis (CLM) is a leading cause of colorectal cancer mortality, and the response to immune checkpoint inhibition (ICI) in microsatellite-stable CRC has been disappointing. Administration of cytotoxic chemotherapy may cause increased density of tumor-infiltrating T cells, which has been associated with improved response to ICI. This study aimed to quantify and ...
    • The drivers of plant community composition have shifted from external to internal processes over the past 20,000 years 

      Doncaster, C. Patrick; Edwards, Mary E.; Clarke, Charlotte L.; Alsos, Inger Greve (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-19)
      Internal and external factors regulating the past composition of plant communities are difficult to identify in palaeo-vegetation records. Here, we develop an index of relative entropy of community assembly, which applies to changes in the composition of a community over time, measuring disorder in its assembly relative to disassembly. Historical periods of relatively ordered assembly (negative ...
    • On the identity and distribution of the rare Rymosia tolleti Burghele-Balacesco, 1965 (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) encountered in European caves 

      Kurina, Olavi; Kjærandsen, Jostein; Kirik, Heli; Hadbavná, Dominika; Dénes, Anna; Oboňa, Jozef; Manko, Peter (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-02)
      The identity and distribution of a neglected fungus gnat species, Rymosia tolleti Burghele-Balacesco, 1965, in Europe is reviewed based on examination of newly collected specimens as well as available museum materials. Rymosia tolleti is widespread but rather rare in Central Europe, with confirmed records from Romania, Slovakia, Germany, and France. All the specimens with known collection details ...
    • The effect of climate change on avian offspring production: A global meta-analysis 

      Halupka, Lucyna; Arlt, Debora; Tolvanen, Jere; Millon, Alexandre; Bize, Pierre; Adamík, Peter; Albert, Pascal; Arendt, Wayne J.; Artemyev, Alexander V.; Baglione, Vittorio; Bańbura, Jerzy; Bańbura, Mirosława; Barba, Emilio; Barrett, Robert; Becker, Peter H.; Belskii, Eugen; Bolton, Mark; Bowers, E Keith; Bried, Joël; Brouwer, Lyanne; Bukacińska, Monika; Bukaciński, Dariusz; Bulluck, Lesley; Carstens, Kate F.; Catry, Inês; Charter, Motti; Chernomorets, Anna; Covas, Rita; Czuchra, Monika; Dearborn, Donald C.; de Lope, Florentino; Di Giacomo, Adrián S; Dombrovski, Valery C.; Drummond, Hugh; Dunn, Michael J.; Eeva, Tapio; Emmerson, Louise M.; Espmark, Yngve; Fargallo, Juan A.; Gashkov, Sergey I.; Golubova, Elena Yu; Griesser, Michael; Harris, Michael P.; Hoover, Jeffrey P.; Jagiełło, Zuzanna; Karell, Patrik; Kloskowski, Janusz; Koenig, Walter D.; Kolunen, Heikki; Korczak-Abshire, Małgorzata; Korpimäki, Erkki; Krams, Indrikis; Krist, Miloš; Krüger, Sonja C.; Kuranov, Boris D.; Lambin, Xavier; Lombardo, Michael P.; Lyakhov, Andrey; Marzal, Alfonso; Møller, Anders P.; Neves, Verónica C; Nielsen, Jan Tøttrup; Numerov, Alexander; Orłowska, Beata; Oro, Daniel; Öst, Markus; Phillips, Richard A.; Pietiäinen, Hannu; Polo, Vicente; Porkert, Jiří; Potti, Jaime; Pöysä, Hannu; Printemps, Thierry; Prop, Jouke; Quillfeldt, Petra; Ramos, Jaime A.; Ravussin, Pierre-Alain; Rosenfield, Robert N.; Roulin, Alexandre; Rubenstein, Dustin R.; Samusenko, Irina E.; Saunders, Denis A.; Schaub, Michael; Senar, Juan C.; Sergio, Fabrizio; Solonen, Tapio; Solovyeva, Diana V.; Stępniewski, Janusz; Thompson, Paul M.; Tobolka, Marcin; Török, János; van de Pol, Martijn; Vernooij, Louis; Visser, Marcel E.; Westneat, David F.; Wheelwright, Nathaniel T.; Wiącek, Jarosław; Wiebe, Karen; Wood, Andrew G.; Wuczyński, Andrzej; Wysocki, Dariusz; Zárybnická, Markéta; Margalida, Antoni; Halupka, Konrad (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Climate change affects timing of reproduction in many bird species, but few studies have investigated its influence on annual reproductive output. Here, we assess changes in the annual production of young by female breeders in 201 populations of 104 bird species (N = 745,962 clutches) covering all continents between 1970 and 2019. Overall, average offspring production has declined in recent decades, ...
    • A new species of Dasyhelea (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), mining the leaves of the floating fern Salvinia minima Baker. 

      Dominiak, Patrycja; Borkent, Art (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-12)
      A newly described species, Dasyhelea mesophylla Dominiak and Borkent, from Costa Rica is the first species in this large and diverse family known to be a leaf-miner. The species is described as third and fourth instar larvae, pupa, and male and female adults. The biology of larvae mining the floating leaves of Salvinia minima Baker is also described. The pupa has a distinctive, sharply pointed ...
    • Perception and appreciation of plant biodiversity among experts and laypeople 

      Breitschopf, Eva; Bråthen, Kari Anne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-06)
      <p>1. Plant biodiversity, which is fundamental for the delivery of ecosystem services, is in decline. Yet, knowledge about how plant biodiversity is perceived and appreciated is scarce. <p>2. We studied biologists' and laypeople's perception and appreciation for plant communities that differ in plant biodiversity,using ranges of plant biodiversity known to affect ecosystem services. We investigate ...
    • 17 Fusionlinjer for gitar 

      Andreassen, Tore Morten (Book; Bok, 2023)
    • Country på 1-2-3 

      Andreassen, Tore Morten (Book; Bok, 2023)
    • Desimbaserte Durakkordøvelser 

      Andreassen, Tore Morten (Book; Bok, 2023)
    • Øvelser i halvtoneskifte mellom akkorder i C og C# 

      Andreassen, Tore Morten (Book; Bok, 2023)
    • Pentatone skalaøvelser spilt på to strenger med og uten kromatikk 

      Andreassen, Tore Morten (Book; Bok, 2023)
    • Roald Amundsen - den husmoderlige polarhelten 

      Aarekol, Lena (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2018)
      14. desember 1911 ble Sydpolen erobret! Da Roald Amundsen og hans mannskap på fire nådde klodens sydligste punkt som de aller første, var det en verdensbegivenhet. <p> <p>Nordmenns beundring for vågemot, styrke og overlevelsesevne gjorde denne ekspedisjonen til en nasjonal stolthet, og den ble viktig for norsk identitetsbygging (Fulsås 2004, 222). Etter at Fridtjof Nansen hadde krysset Grønland ...
    • Margrete Kreutz' historie: utstilling som synliggjøring av individualitet, etnisitet og handlekraft 

      Baglo, Cathrine (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2018)
      «Margrete Kreutz’ historie» (Margrete Kreutzen jieleden bïjre) er ei vandreutstilling som jeg produserte i samarbeid med billedkunstner Elin Andreassen og Tromsø Museum – Universitetsmuseet sommeren 2012. Utgangspunktet for utstillinga var den da nylig avleverte doktorgradsavhandlinga mi om levende utstillinger av samer på verdensutstillinger, i dyrehager, fornøyelsesparker og andre steder i Europa ...
    • "Traces of our ancient religion". Meaning-making and Shamanism at Sami Offering Places at the Isogaisa Festival, Northern Norway 

      Äikäs, Tiina; Fonneland, Trude A.; Thomas, Suzie; Perttola, Wesa; Kraft, Siv Ellen (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2018)
      In 2010, the first shaman festival to be held in the Nordic countries opened its doors to the public in the county of Lavangen, Northern Norway (Fig. 1). The festival is named Isogaisa and presented as an indigenous festival highlighting the spiritual traditions of indigenous people. At this annual festival, shamans from all over the world gather to perform ceremonies and exchange knowledge.
    • Fremstillinger av kjønn i utstillingen "Flytende russisk" 

      Stien, Hanne Hammer (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2018)
      Fotografier er den typen gjenstander som de kulturhistoriske museene samler mest av (Johansen 2012). I tillegg til innsamling a fotografier inngår mange ulike fotografiske praksiser i museenes primære virksomhet, så som fotodokumentasjon og bruk av fotografi i utstillings- og formidlingssammenheng (Stien 2017, 16). Selv om den fotografiske virksomheten til museene er sammensatt og griper inn i andre ...
    • Cut above the Rest: a Multi-disciplinary Study of Two Slate Knives from Forager Contexts in Coastal Norway. 

      Lentfer, Carol; Skandfer, Marianne; Presslee, Samantha; Hagan, Richard; Robson, Harry K.; Damm, Charlotte Brysting (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-04-05)
      Slate was a prominent tool material in the Scandinavian Stone Age.However, details of tool function have relied on morphology and have added littleto our understanding of their role in hunting and processing. Here, wedemonstrate that it is possible to identify both the use-wear traces and residuesfrom slate knives from northern Norway. By applying a multi-disciplinaryapproach incorporating ...
    • The Medieval (Music) Book: A Multimodal Cognitive Artefact 

      Maxwell, Kate (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019)
      The conception and layout of the medieval book has been shown to be a reflection of the human memory and mind, and that the art of making a 'text' (whether in language, image, or sound) is itself a reflection of the medieval cognitive process. However, the medieval manuscript does not just reflect the minds that produced it, for it is also the word made of/on flesh: the parchment itself is made from ...
    • The Sámi Museum in Karasjok: A Story of Resistance 

      Hansen, Hanna Horsberg (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022-08-15)
      In Karasjok, on the Norwegian side of Sápmi, there is a cultural-historical museum, Sámiid Vuorká-Dávvirat (SVD) (The Sámi Museum), and an art collection comprising 1,400 works of art. The museum building was completed in 1972. Different ideas for an art museum in connection to the SVD building have existed since the 1980s, but for various reasons no plans for an art museum have so far come to ...
    • Twin Falls Soil Analysis and Drone Imagery Updates 

      Juhl, Fink Raymond; Bakke, Steffen Tjøtta; Arntzen, Johan Eilertsen; Williamson, James; Venovcevs, Anatolijs (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      In 2021, Anatolijs Venovcevs and James Williamson conducted a one-week survey at the mothballed hydroelectric plant and associated community at Twin Falls, Labrador (Venovcevs and Williamson 2022) (Figure 1). The fieldwork provided detailed documentation on the industrial and settlement areas of the site through a UAV survey and surface documentation of visible remains while producing promising ...
    • Excellence 

      Maxwell, Kate (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      ‘Excellence’ is a word that is used in academic and political discourses both as an unquestionable (and unquestioned) goal, as well as an undefinable standard against which academics and their work are assessed. This chapter seeks to ask some of the questions – and tease apart some of the underlying assumptions – that are encased in the ubiquitous use of the term. Ultimately, it shows that ‘excellence’ ...