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Nye registreringer

  • Bærekraftig cruiseturisme - Er en satsing på cruiseturisme forenelig med bærekraftig utvikling av Kirkenes som reisemål? 

    Pedersen, Ola (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-11-01)
    Denne masteroppgaven undersøker hvorvidt en satsning på cruiseturisme kan være forenelig med reisemålet Kirkenes mål om bærekraftig utvikling. Med en økende interesse for bærekraftig turisme, både lokalt, nasjonalt og internasjonalt, er det avgjørende for reisemål som Kirkenes å utvikle en dypere forståelse av hvordan cruiseturisme påvirker deres posisjon i arbeidet som bærekraftig reisemål. ...
  • Master's Thesis: Empowerment and Constraints of Slum Tourism in Ga Mashie Ghana 

    Ademang, John Keney (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-10-28)
    This Master's thesis explores the empowerment and constraints of slum tourism in Ga Mashie, Ghana. The study examines how slum tourism impacts local communities, focusing on whether it brings social, economic, and cultural empowerment or perpetuates existing challenges. Using qualitative methods, including interviews with community members, tour guides, and local authorities, the research investigates ...
  • The Rise of the Asian Female Digital Nomad 

    Linao, Patricia Aida (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-15)
    This feminist thesis contributes to our understanding of tourist experiences by exploring the constraints and empowerment of Asian women digital nomads. It investigates the complexity and the diversity of Asian women digital nomads and elucidates the issues of gender and race in the women’s quests for a nomadic lifestyle. The empirical data were drawn from mixed method techniques of semi-structured ...
  • THE YOUNG EYES ON DOG SLEDDING EVENTS – Themes that contribute to the event experiences of young dog mushers attending Finnmarksløpet 2024 

    Engmann, Lucie (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-08)
    This qualitative study aims to highlight the themes that contribute to the event experiences of young dog mushers attending dog-sled events. Finnmarksløpet, the longest dog-sledding race in Europe, serves as the focus event and underpins the theory of event experience with real-life examples. Dog mushing is a popular sport in the Arctic, especially in Norway. The associated community is very close-knit ...
  • Laughing through the unknown: Implementing humor into guiding work by international students in Alta, Norway 

    Zakharov, Maksim (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-14)
    There can be different views and opinions about what it takes to be a newcomer when travelling for educational or work purposes. Some people can find it fairly uncomfortable when faced with new social norms, languages, rules, and regulations; while others are eager to embrace all challenges and immerse themselves into the new environment. In some sense, I believe, it’s the kernel of exchange students’ ...
  • Opplevelsesprodukter. En undersøkelse av hvorvidt opplevelsesprodukter blir bruk av nærområdet 

    Næsgård, Elisabeth (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-11-15)
    I mars 2020 ble hele Norge snudd på hodet da koronapandemien slo ut og det ble satt i gang en rekke tiltak og nedstenging av landet. Dette førte til at reiselivsnæringen, nesten over natten, ble lagt øde. Alle kultur- og idrettsarrangement ble avlyst, 2 ukers karantene ved innreise til landet, barer, utesteder, og restauranter ble stengt. Titusener av reiser ble avlyst og hotellrom ble brukt til ...
  • Culinary relationships in Tromsø, Norway: An exploratory food tourism study from the supply-side perspective 

    Reyes Orantes, Maribel (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
    This master thesis research aimed to explore the relationship between local food producers and restaurants in Tromsø, Norway, and how this might impact the final food offering arriving at the tourist restaurant's table. The research is supported by a supply chain conceptual context, followed by a theoretical framework that includes relationship marketing theory and commitment and trust theory. The ...
  • THE YEAR OF RETURN, 2019: Exploring Narratives of the African-American 

    Sackey, Richmond El-Nathan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
    ABSTRACT The Year of Return narratives offered the African-Americans more than just a typical tourism experience; it became a profound journey imbued with personal significance, fulfilling desires that conventional narratives could not satiate. This study analyzed the narratives of the African-Americans during their tourism experience in the Year of Return, 2019 Campaign. The study employed the ...

    Tapio, Anita (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
    Denne masteroppgaven ser på vertskap i reiselivsnæringen og faktorer som kan fremme vertskap blant sesongansatte. Gjennom anvendelse av et teoretisk rammeverk om vertskap, identifiseres fem faktorer som antas å aktivere vertskap blant sesongansatte. Gjennom kvalitative intervjuer ble informantene introdusert for faktorene, slik at deres perspektiver kunne belyse betydningen av faktorene i praksis. De ...
  • How do tourist companies in Northern Norway utilize social media to attract tourists? 

    Datta, Amitangshu (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
    The central research question guiding this thesis is: How do tourist companies in Northern Norway utilize social media to attract tourists? This study explores the strategies employed by tourism businesses to leverage social media in engaging potential tourists and increasing visitation to the region. To address this question, I conducted semi-structured interviews with social media managers and ...
  • Digital Sámi Culture Narratives in Tourism: Balancing Commercialization, Revitalization, and Sustainability? 

    Christensen, Anja (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-11-14)
    Previous research has criticized companies and marketing organizations for portraying Sámi culture with a narrative of the pre-modern and the exotic. This qualitative study delves into representations of Sámi culture within the digital realm, examining visual and verbal content on Sámi tourism entrepreneur’s websites. This study’s focus is to investigate Sámi tourism entrepreneurs´ own representations. ...
  • More-than-human agency on the Pacific Ocean 

    Pykälä, Tiia-Mari (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-11-01)
    This master’s thesis explores more-than-human agencies on the Pacific Ocean. Currently, tourism research is insufficient to address complex sustainability and environmental challenges and needs new narratives to do its part in tackling these issues. The aim of this master’s thesis project was to gain new tourism narratives and to create tourism knowledge through an approach where humans are de-centered ...
  • Ski guiding and risk management - A qualitative study on Nortind educated ski guides 

    Wenseth, Michael (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-11-01)
    Avalanche fatalities claim lives in Norway each year. Yet, there is limited research on how ski guides ensure safety and manage risks on behalf of their clients. By studying how ski guides, educated through The Norwegian Mountain Guide Association (Nortind), manage this, I seek to fill this gap. The study is based on seven semi-structured interviews, supplemented by my autoethnographic reflections ...
  • Norske familier i Arguineguin: Norske livsstilsmigranter i Arguineguin i en familiekontekst 

    Lorentzen, Åse Heidi (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
    Livsstilsmigrasjon i et familieperspektiv til Arguineguin er en trend som startet rundt 1960- tallet, men har hatt økende popularitet og stedet har norske institusjoner og infrastruktur mot nordmenn Jeg utførte en kvalitativ undersøkelse for å utforske årsaker som push- og pull -til at norske familier reiste fra Norge og til Arguineguin, hvordan de opplevde livene sine i Arguineguin og grunner til ...
  • Event planning: Crafting the perfect Chale Wote Street Art Festival atmosphere; How event planners are making a memorable event 

    Dassah, Sharon Sophia (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
    The thesis centers around the planning of an art festival known in Ghana known as Chale Wote Street Art Festival hosted every year in August in the Jamestown community, The objective of this study was to understand and explore how event planners of the Chale Wote Street Art Festival can create and host it continuously even with the economic challenges that affect the everyday lives of organisations, ...
  • Guidekompetanse i naturbasert reiseliv på Svalbard – kompetansekrav sett i lys av den enkelte turs egenskaper 

    Brunvoll, Ronny (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-06)
    Oppgaven søker å belyse hvilke relevante kompetansekrav som kan eller bør stilles til de som skal guide gjester i norsk natur, og med Svalbard som empirisk utgangspunkt. Det vil særskilt bli vurdert hvorvidt det kan eller bør stilles differensierte krav, ut fra nærmere angitte karakteristika ved turene, som lengde/omfang, terreng, vanskelighetsgrad og risikobilde. I litteraturen benyttet i oppgaven ...
  • Harnessing the Power of the Arctic: Connecting tourists to nature through dog sledging activities. 

    Cowell, Emma (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
    This qualitative study explores the complex pockets of co-created interaction and throwntogetherness that produce meanings and value through an ethnographic sensory investigation of dog sledging tourism in Finnmark. I draw on a multirelational and multisensorial perspective on dog sledging, which means a holistic and socially constructed way of understanding Human-Animal Bonding (HAB) (DeMello, ...
  • Miljøsertifisering av reiselivsbedriften - hvilken verdi har det for organisasjonen? 

    Sundstrøm, Helene (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-11-13)
    Miljømerking av reiselivsbedrifter er blitt mer og mer vanlig og anses som en viktig bidragsyter i det å gjøre reiselivsnæringa mer bærekraftig. Det er i Norge i dag flere ulike merkeordninger og på verdensbasis snakker man om at det finnes over hundre ulike miljømerker. Samtidig som praksisen med å jobbe fram miljøsertifiseringer i reiselivsbedrifter brer om seg, øker også diskusjonene rundt en ...
  • Hvilke muligheter og utfordringer finnes i samarbeidet mellom Visit Ål og medlemsbedriftene sine? 

    Østgaard, Mari Clementine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-11-15)
    Visit Ål sin medlemsmasse består av mange små, privateide reiselivsbedrifter. Bedriftene har begrensede ressurser, operere gjerne i ulike marked med ulike kundegrupper og ulike forventinger til hva Visit Ål skal levere av tjenester og oppgaver. Et samlet reiseliv vil ikke bare bidra med økt tyngde opp mot lokale myndigheter, men også bidra til en bedre kundeopplevelse i destinasjonen. Et samlet ...
  • Human dimensions of whale-watching - What it means to people to see whales in the wild? 

    Kalaja, Anna-Emilia (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-15)
    Globally, and, in Northern Norway, whale-watching is growing rapidly. In Norway, the growth can be partially explained by the increased number of whales near the coast. Furthermore, the popularity of nature and nature-based experiences has been reflected in increasing demand for such experiences by tourists coupled with an increasing emphasis being placed on the value of animals in the wild as opposed ...

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