Viser treff 641-660 av 4949

    • A clinically motivated self-supervised approach for content-based image retrieval of CT liver images 

      Wickstrøm, Kristoffer; Østmo, Eirik Agnalt; Radiya, Keyur; Mikalsen, Karl Øyvind; Kampffmeyer, Michael; Jenssen, Robert (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-09)
      Deep learning-based approaches for content-based image retrieval (CBIR) of computed tomography (CT) liver images is an active field of research, but suffer from some critical limitations. First, they are heavily reliant on labeled data, which can be challenging and costly to acquire. Second, they lack transparency and explainability, which limits the trustworthiness of deep CBIR systems. We address ...
    • Lignocellulose Conversion via Catalytic Transformations Yields Methoxyterephthalic Acid Directly from Sawdust 

      Pedersen, Simon S.; Batista, Gabriel M. F.; Henriksen, Martin L.; Hammershøj, Hans Christian D.; Hopmann, Kathrin Helen; Skrydstrup, Troels (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-10)
      Poly(ethylene terephthalate) polyester represents the most common class of thermoplastic polymers widely used in the textile, bottling, and packaging industries. Terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol, both of petrochemical origin, are polymerized to yield the polyester. However, an earlier report suggests that polymerization of methoxyterephthalic acid with ethylene glycol provides a methoxy-polyester ...
    • Investigation of tetrasubstituted heterocycles reveals hydantoins as a promising scaffold for development of novel antimicrobials with membranolytic properties 

      Langer, Manuel K; Rahman, Ataur; Dey, Hymonti; Anderssen, Trude; Blencke, Hans-Matti; Haug, Tor; Stensvåg, Klara; Strøm, Morten B.; Bayer, Annette (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-24)
      Mimics of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) have been proposed as a promising class of antimicrobial agents. We report the analysis of five tetrasubstituted, cationic, amphipathic heterocycles as potential AMP mimics. The analysis showed that the heterocyclic scaffold had a strong influence on the haemolytic activity of the compounds, and the hydantoin scaffold was identified as a promising template for ...
    • Highly sensitive quantitative phase microscopy and deep learning aided with whole genome sequencing for rapid detection of infection and antimicrobial resistance 

      Ahmad, Azeem; Hettiarachchi, Ramith; Khezri, Abdolrahman; Ahluwalia, Balpreet Singh; Wadduwage, Dushan; Ahmad, Rafi (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-12)
      Current state-of-the-art infection and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) diagnostics are based on culture-based methods with a detection time of 48–96 h. Therefore, it is essential to develop novel methods that can do real-time diagnoses. Here, we demonstrate that the complimentary use of label-free optical assay with whole-genome sequencing (WGS) can enable rapid diagnosis of infection and AMR. Our ...
    • The Departure from Mixed-Layer Similarity During the Afternoon Decay of Turbulence in the Free-Convective Boundary Layer: Results from Large-Eddy Simulations 

      Elguernaoui, Omar; Reuder, Joachim; Li, Dan; Maronga, Bjørn; Bakhoday Paskyabi, Mostafa; Wolf, Tobias; Esau, Igor (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-21)
      This study analyses the departure of the velocity-variances profiles from their quasi-steady state described by the mixed-layer similarity, using large-eddy simulations with different prescribed shapes and time scales of the surface kinematic heat flux decay. Within the descriptive frames where the time is tracked solely by the forcing time scale (either constant or time-dependent) describing the ...
    • Contrasting the phospholipid profiles of two neoplastic cell lines reveal a high PC:PE ratio for SH-SY5Y cells relative to A431 cells 

      Bariås, Espen; Jakubec, Martin; Førsund, Elise; Hjørnevik, Linda Veka; Lewis, Aurelia Eva; Halskau, Øyvind (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-14)
      Lipids have been implicated in Parkinson's Disease (PD). We therefore studied the lipid profile of the neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cell line, which is used extensively in PD research and compared it to that of the A431 epithelial cancer cell line. We have isolated whole cell extracts (WC) and plasma membrane (PM) fractions of both cell lines. The isolates were analyzed with 31P NMR. We observed a significant ...
    • Extreme Horizontal Wind Perturbations in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Over South America Associated With the 2022 Hunga Eruption 

      Poblet, Facundo L.; Chau, Jorge L.; Conte, J. Federico; Vierinen, Juha; Suclupe, Jose; Liu, Alan; Rodriguez, Rodolfo R. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-13)
      On 15 January 2022, the Hunga volcano produced a massive explosion that generated perturbations in the entire atmosphere. Nonetheless, signatures in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) have been challenging to identify. We report MLT horizontal wind perturbations using three multistatic specular meteor radars on the west side of South America (spanning more than 3,000 km). The most ...
    • MRNG: Accessing Cosmic Radiation as an Entropy Source for a Non-Deterministic Random Number Generator 

      Kutschera, Stefan; Slany, Wolfgang; Ratschiller, Patrick; Gursch, Sarina; Dagenborg, Håvard (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-26)
      Privacy and security require not only strong algorithms but also reliable and readily available sources of randomness. To tackle this problem, one of the causes of single-event upsets is the utilization of a non-deterministic entropy source, specifically ultra-high energy cosmic rays. An adapted prototype based on existing muon detection technology was used as the methodology during the experiment ...
    • Biochemical and structural characterisation of a family GH5 cellulase from endosymbiont of shipworm P. megotara 

      Junghare, Madan; Manavalan, Tamilvendan; Fredriksen, Lasse; Leiros, Ingar; Altermark, Bjørn; Eijsink, Vincent; Vaaje-Kolstad, Gustav (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-04)
      Background Cellulases play a key role in the enzymatic conversion of plant cell-wall polysaccharides into simple and economically relevant sugars. Thus, the discovery of novel cellulases from exotic biological niches is of great interest as they may present properties that are valuable in the biorefning of lignocellulosic biomass. Results We have characterized a glycoside hydrolase 5 (GH5) domain ...
    • Sea Ice Remote Sensing—Recent Developments in Methods and Climate Data Sets 

      Sandven, Stein; Spreen, Gunnar; Heygster, Georg; Girard-Ardhuin, Fanny; Farrell, Sinéad L.; Dierking, Wolfgang Fritz Otto; Allard, Richard A. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-03)
      Sea ice monitoring by polar orbiting satellites has been developed over more than four decades and is today one of the most well-established applications of space observations. This article gives an overview of data product development from the first sensors to the state-of-the-art regarding retrieval methods, new products and operational data sets serving climate monitoring as well as daily operational ...
    • Fit-Twin: A Digital Twin of a User with Wearables and Context as Input for Health Promotion 

      Sulaiman, Muhammad; Håkansson, Anne; Karlsen, Randi (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Digital health contributes to health promotion by empowering the user with the holistic view of their health. Health promotion is to enable the user to take control over their health. The availability of wearables has contributed to the shift in healthcare, that is more connected, predictive, and proactive. Proactive in healthcare is to predict and prevent a situation, beforehand. This shift in ...
    • Dielectric nanoantennas and metasurfaces for optical trapping 

      Hasan, Md Rabiul (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2023-09-14)
      Analysis of biological nanoparticles in medical sciences is very promising, as it can reveal groundbreaking information about disease mechanisms, potentially leading to innovative and more effective treatment strategies. The existing methods used for analyzing biological nanoparticles come with several limitations, involving extensive sample preparation, and giving limited information about the ...
    • Petrogenesis and Geodynamic Significance of Xenolithic Eclogites 

      Aulbach, Sonja; Smart, Katie (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-15)
      Kimberlite-borne xenolithic eclogites, typically occurring in or near cratons, have long been recognized as remnants of Precambrian subducted oceanic crust that have undergone partial melting to yield granitoids similar to the Archaean continental crust. While some eclogitized oceanic crust was emplaced into cratonic lithospheres, the majority was deeply subducted to form lithologic and geochemical ...
    • Life cycle emission and cost assessment for LNG-retrofitted vessels: the risk and sensitivity analyses under fuel property and load variations 

      Taghavifar, Hadi; Perera, Lokukaluge Prasad Channa (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-13)
      There are various energy efficiency and emission reduction regulations enforced by the national and international maritime authorities for the shipping industry to adopt greener technologies. In this light, LNG-fueled vessels can be a promising alternative for ocean going diesel operated ships. It will be more beneficial if the price of LNG is lower than diesel to make that an economically viable ...
    • Recolonization and recovery of an Arctic benthic community subject to mine-tailings deposits 

      Trannum, Hilde C; Pedersen, Kristine B.; Renaud, Paul E; Christensen, Guttorm N.; Evenset, Anita (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-12-22)
      Deposition of large volumes of mine tailings takes place in several Norwegian fjords, but the impacts on marine ecosystems have received relatively little scientific attention. At a 40 + − year old tailing deposition area for a copper mine in the Arctic fjord Repparfjorden, we investigated both short-term colonization of mine tailingscontaminated sediments through a field experiment, and the present ...
    • Single-Molecule Sizing through Nanocavity Confinement 

      Jacquat, Raphaël P. B.; Krainer, Georg; Peter, Quentin A. E.; Babar, Ali Nawaz; Vanderpoorten, Oliver; Xu, Catherine K.; Welsh, Timothy J.; Kaminski, Clemens F.; Keyser, Ulrich F.; Baumberg, Jeremy J.; Knowles, Tuomas P. J. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-24)
      : An approach relying on nanocavity confinement is developed in this paper for the sizing of nanoscale particles and single biomolecules in solution. The approach, termed nanocavity diffusional sizing (NDS), measures particle residence times within nanofluidic cavities to determine their hydrodynamic radii. Using theoretical modeling and simulations, we show that the residence time of particles ...
    • Absence of photophysiological response to iron addition in autumn phytoplankton in the Antarctic sea-ice zone 

      Singh, Asmita; Fietz, Susanne; Thomalla, Sandy J.; Sanchez, Nicolas; Ardelan, Murat V.; Moreau, Sebastian; Kauko, Hanna Maria; Fransson, Agneta; Chierici, Melissa; Samanta, Saumik; Mtshali, Thato N.; Roychoudhury, Alakendra N.; Ryan-Keogh, Thomas J. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-31)
      he high nutrient–low chlorophyll condition of the Southern Ocean is generally thought to be caused by the low bioavailability of micronutrients, particularly iron, which plays an integral role in phytoplankton photosynthesis. Nevertheless, the Southern Ocean experiences seasonal blooms that generally initiate in austral spring, peak in summer, and extend into autumn. This seasonal increase in primary ...
    • “Here, I will stay until I die”—exploring the relationship between place attachment, risk perception, and coping behavior in two small Norwegian communities 

      Lie, Leikny Bakke; de Korte, Laurien; Pursiainen, Christer Henrik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-25)
      This empirical study explores the interplay between place attachment, risk perception, and coping behavior, within two small Norwegian communities exposed to flash flooding. Through a mixed-methods narrative approach, we found that most of our respondents exhibited positive attachment to their communities, aligning with previous studies in rural settings. Using a conceptual model of place attachment ...
    • Solved and unsolved riddles about low-latitude daytime valley region plasma waves and 150-km echoes 

      Chau, Jorge Luis; Longley, William; Reyes, Pablo; Pedatella, Nick; Otsuka, Yuichi; Stolle, Claudia; Liu, Huixin; Vierinen, Juha; Milla, Marco; Hysell, David L.; Oppenheim, Meers; Patra, A.; Lehmacher, G; Kudeki, Erhan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-27)
      The Earth’s atmosphere near both the geographic and magnetic equators and at altitudes between 120 and 200 km is called the low-latitude valley region (LLVR) and is among the least understood regions of the ionosphere/thermosphere due to its complex interplay of neutral dynamics, electrodynamics, and photochemistry. Radar studies of the region have revealed puzzling daytime echoes scattered from ...
    • Temporal evolution of under-ice meltwater layers and false bottoms and their impact on summer Arctic sea ice mass balance 

      Salganik, Evgenii; Katlein, Christian; Lange, Benjamin; Matero, Ilkka; Lei, Ruibo; Fong, Allison A.; Fons, Steven; Divine, Dmitry; Oggier, Marc; Castellani, Giulia; Bozzato, Deborah; Chamberlain, Emelia; Hoppe, Clara J. M.; Müller, Oliver; Gardner, Jessie; Rinke, Annette; Simoes Pereira, Patric; Ulfsbo, Adam; Marsay, Christopher; Webster, Melinda; Maus, Sønke; Høyland, Knut Vilhelm; Granskog, Mats (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-31)
      Low-salinity meltwater from Arctic sea ice and its snow cover accumulates and creates under-ice meltwater layers below sea ice.These meltwater layers can result in the formation of new ice layers, or false bottoms, at the interface of this low-salinity meltwater and colder seawater. As part of the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of the Arctic Climate (MOSAiC), we used a ...